Yo Mama So Dumb Jokes
48 yo mama so dumb jokes and hilarious yo mama so dumb puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about yo mama so dumb that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Yo Mama So Dumb Short Jokes
Short yo mama so dumb jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The yo mama so dumb humour may include short your mama so dumb jokes also.
- Yo mama so dumb that she spent 5 hours staring at a glass of orange juice because it said 'concentrate' on the package.
- Yo mama so dumb, She went to the movies and it said 17+ so she bought 16 of her friends along.
- Yo mama so dumb She thought her indigestion was lactose intolerance living in the milky way.
- Yo mama's so dumb that when she saw the "Under 17 not admitted" sign at a movie theatre, she went home and got 16 friends.
- Yo mama so dumb she used old spice body wash to cook.
- Yo mama is so fat and dumb she signed up for an email account because she heard it contained spam.
- Yo momma is so dumb she put the air conditioning in backwards saying she was going to chill outside.
- Yo momma is so dumb she tripped over a cordless phone.
- Yo mama's so dumb She had to sneak past the medicine cabinet so that she didn't wake up the sleeping pills.
- Yo mamma so dumb she bought a sliding glass door with a peephole.
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Yo Mama So Dumb One Liners
Which yo mama so dumb one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with yo mama so dumb? I can suggest the ones about your momma so dumb and mama so dumb.
- Yo mama so dumb, she tripped over the wireless network.
- Yo momma so dumb when I said, "Drinks on the house," she got a ladder.
- Yo mama so dumb she tried to ring Taco Bell.
- Yo mama so dumb, She got fired from the M&M's production line for throwing away the W's
- Yo Mama is so dumb she thinks there has been...... eleven World Wars
- Yo mama so dumb She thought an IP address was RKelly's house
- Yo momma so dumb she threw a ball at the ground and missed.
- Yo mama so dumb, She thought the Gettysburg Address was where Lincoln lived.
- Yo mamas so dumb She tripped over a cordless phone
- Yo mama so dumb, she thought a big mac was another type of computer made by apple.
- Yo mama so dumb... She tells "yo mama" jokes to YOU.
- Yo'mama is so dumb... She thinks Tupac Shakur is a Jewish holiday.
- Yo mama so dumb... ... she sit on the television and watches the couch.
- Yo Momma's so dumb that when I told her it was chilly outside, she went and got a bowl.
- Yo mama so dumb, she thought seaweed was something that fish smoked.

Comedy Yo Mama So Dumb Jokes to Make Your Friends Giggle
What funny jokes about yo mama so dumb you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean your mom is so dumb jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make yo mama so dumb pranks.
Yo mama is so dumb she bought tickets to Xbox LIVE.
Yo momma's so dumb, when y'all were driving to Disneyland, she saw a sign that said "Disneyland left," so she went home.
Yo mama so dumb
Even her children get click baited
Yo mama so dumb..
On a hot summer day she saw some dry fruits, felt bad, then tried to rehydrate them.
Yo mama so dumb,
she brought a gift to the meteor shower.
Yo mama so dumb that when she looked in a mirror she yelled stop copying me.
Your mama so dumb she thought the shoes Vans are actually vans.
Yo mama's so dumb, she thinks socialism means partying!