
Wow All Races Jokes

12 wow all races jokes and hilarious wow all races puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about wow all races that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Wow All Races Short Jokes

Short wow all races jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The wow all races humour may include short oops all jokes also.

  1. A man told his friend he won an iPhone in a race. The friend says "Oh, wow! How many people were in the race?"
    and the man says "Just the policeman, the phone's owner and I."
  2. . What did the hot dog say when his friend passed him in the race A. Wow, I relish the fact that you've mustard the strength to ketchup to me.
  3. Dude 1: hey, nice phone! Dude 2: thanks! I won it in a race. Dude 1: really? Wow! Who'd you race against? Dude 2: the owner and the cops.

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Wow All Races One Liners

Which wow all races one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with wow all races? I can suggest the ones about races and mixed race.

  1. My boss said he races boats So I said, Wow, you must be a fast swimmer!

Wow All Races Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about wow all races you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean drag race jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make wow all races pranks.

A guy walks into a bar

A guy walks into a bar and orders a glass of red wine. The bartender's therapy dog leaps to his feet, races across the room, runs down the stairs to the wine cellar and within moments returns with a lovely bottle of cabernet savignon in his jaws which he drops gently at the bartender's feet. "Wow, that dog is amazing," the guy says. "What kind is it?" "Oh, he's nothing special," the bartender replies. "Just a bordeaux collie."

I once met a homeless man

... And we had a small conversation. He said: "Every time there's a public marathon, I participate."
I replied: "Wow. You seem like a very active and sportive man despite being homeless."
He instantly said: "Nah, I just walk the whole race to get free water bottles."

So a snail goes to a car dealership

and requests the fastest sports car the dealer has to offer. The car dealer points him to a brand new red race car, fastest in the market. The snail is ecstatic and buys it, telling the car dealer he'll be back tomorrow to pick it up.
"But before I do pick it up," says the snail, "I'd like a big 'S' painted on each side!"
The car dealer obliges, paints a big 'S' on each side of the car, and waits until the next day for the snail to return. Well, the snail returns, hops into his car, and speeds off through the wall into the oncoming traffic, driving off. The car dealer's boss runs up to the car dealer and exclaims,
"Wow! Look at that S car go!"

THE BLACK c**...

A man walks into a w**... looking for a little action and he goes up to the house owner and asks, Hey, can I get a piece from one of your fine ladies you've got here? Sorry sir, the owner responds, but, we're all full. Aw, please I really need some p**... tang! And the owner answers, Well, there is one girl left but when you go meet her you have to wear this black c**.... Whatever, the man answers quickly and races upstairs.
A few hours later the man comes down and says ''Wow, that was great. She didn't even make any noise. But why did I have to wear the black c**...? And the owner answers, Respect for the dead.

Wanna Race?

A Man Pulls Into a Gas Station in his Porsche, and a kid on a tricycle starts riding around him.
"Wanna race?" asks the kid.
"No thanks," laughs the guy and drives off.
When he gets on the highway, the kid suddenly zooms past him. "Wow!" the guy says and floors it. He catches up and the kid disappears behind him. A minute later the kid flies past again. Astonished, the guy pulls over, only to see the kid come zooming backward, then forward again, until finally he comes to a stop next to the car.
The man opens the door to find the kid on his tricycle, wheels smoking. The kid pants, "Thanks for stopping mister. My suspenders got caught in your door."

The 2016 Presidential Election ended in a tie

So then president Obama decided the tie breaker would a race around the White House, with the fastest time being awarded the presidency. Bernie Sanders being the honest man he is went first, but is older and well past his physical prime, completed the race on 17 minutes 46 seconds. Trump being the next man up is in a bit better physical shape in 15 minutes even. Hilary Clinton wanting to assure the country is safe from Donald Trump cuts a few corners to improve her time. At the finish line Obama informs her she ran a time of 10 minutes 17 seconds. "Wow!" Hilary responds "10:17 must be a record!" jumping for joy. "Not exactly" States Obama. "Bush did 9:11"

A man boards a plane home after a business trip...

... and he sits next to a gorgeous blonde woman. He notices that she's reading a book called "100 Facts About s**... You Never Knew" and asks her if it's any good. She says, "Yea it's really interesting. Did you know that statistically, Native American men have the thickest p**... of any race?"
"Oh wow that's fascinating I never knew that" he says. She continues with, "Yea and did you know that statistically Polish men have the **longest** p**... of any race?"
"No I didn't know that. What's your name?" He asks.
"I'm Sandy. What's yours?" She responds.
"My name's Tanto Kowalski"