
Word Games Jokes

52 word games jokes and hilarious word games puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about word games that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Word Games Short Jokes

Short word games jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The word games humour may include short jokes also.

  1. A Scrabble game got dumped all over the interstate highway. That's the word on the street at least.
  2. How do you entertain a blind kid? Give them a sheet of sandpaper and tell them it's a find a word game
  3. Had an idea for a Scrabble like game where you can only use racial slurs as words. The object is to see who can out trump who.
  4. Did you know that Brutus killed Caeser over a game of Battleship? Caeser's final words were: "E-2, Brute?"
  5. Cincinnati Bengals allowing 2,500 fans into the stadium for the first game. Word is, now they're looking for 2,000 volunteers to attend the game.
  6. Somebody left their Scrabble game in the middle of the road. At least that's the word on the street.
  7. If a picture is worth a thousand words, than why do so many video games have such terrible storylines?
  8. Donald Trump really loves word games. If you listen to his speech patterns, it's clear that he's playing Mad Libs.
  9. BREAKING: Messi has just been substituted by a noob player, these are the words of the coach post-game! "Ah woops, wrong sub"
  10. A therapist and his client play a word association game and the therapist asks, "What's the first word that comes to mind after the word 'pork'?" ...he responds, "U pine."

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Word Games One Liners

Which word games one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with word games? I can suggest the ones about and .

  1. A truck carrying Scrabble games crashed yesterday That's the word on the street, anyway
  2. What's two words and forgotten by many? The game
  3. Q: What do you give a pig who wins a medal at the Olympic games?
    A: A pork medallion.
  4. What's Sean Hannity's favorite word game? Mad Libs.
  5. When Chuck Norris plays hangman, he decides what the word is.
  6. Mexican Word of the Day... Ebola "Today he went bowling and ebola perfect game!"

Word Games Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about word games you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make word games pranks.

A lawyer and a regular average Joe are on a plane together.

The pilot comes on the speaker and announces that the flight will take up to 16 hours. The lawyer turns to Joe and says, "Okay, I have a game we can play while we pass the time. You ask me any question, and if I can't answer it, I'll give you $50. Then, I get to ask you a question, any question, and if you can't answer it, you give me $5." The average Joe says, "Okay, what has four legs going up a hill, and three legs at the bottom?" The lawyer thinks for a moment, then hands Joe $50 and says, "Wow, that was tough. I don't know, what does have four legs going up a hill and three legs at the bottom?" Joe then hands the lawyer $5 and says to him, "There's your $5."

A man goes inside a pet shop and starts to move around the cages to scout the pets.

He sees a monkey with a price of 5000$ and goes to the merchant to ask for details.
Hey mister, the monkey…what does it know to worth that much money?
Well, it knows Windows 95, 98, 2000, and also knows Word, C++, Visual Basic and last but not least, it knows how to play computer games.
- Good monkey, it's worth the money.
He goes and finds another monkey with a price of 10000$ and again he will ask the merchant.
"What does this monkey know?"
"It knows Linux, Unix, Corel and Autocad."
"Nice, even I don't know those things."
On a last scout run he finds another monkey just sitting there with a price 20000$.
The story repeats, and he goes with a lack of confidence to ask the merchant for details.
"And what does this monkey do for that ridiculous amount of money?"
"I never saw her doing anything, but the other two call her Project Manager!"

A priest and a shepherd from Australia participate in a TV game.

After answering all the questions, there is a tie.
So both are given one final assignment.
It is to write a poem in three minutes, using the word "Timbuktu".
It is city in Africa.
The priest returns with the fruit of his inspiration:
"I was a father all my life,
I had no children, had no wife,
I read the bible through and through
on my way to Timbuktu ... "
The poem makes a great impression, and the priest smells a sweet victory.
But then comes the shepherd, with his winning masterpiece:
"When Tim and I to Brisbane went
We met three women cheap to rent.
They were three and we were two,
So I booked one and Tim Booked Two ... "

A lawyer and a blonde woman are sitting next to each other on a long flight.

The lawyer asks if she would like to play a fun game. The blonde is tired and just wants to take a nap, so she politely declines and tries to catch a few winks.
The lawyer persists, that the game is a lot of fun. "I ask you a question, and if you don't know the answer, you pay me only $5; you ask me one, and if I don't know the answer, I will pay you $500."
This catches the blonde's attention, and- to keep him quiet- she agrees to play the game.
The lawyer asks the first question. "What's the distance from the Earth to the Moon?"
The blonde doesn't say a word, reaches in to her purse, pulls out a five-dollar bill, and hands it to the lawyer.
Now, it's the blonde's turn. She asks the lawyer, "What goes up a hill with three legs, and comes down with four?" The lawyer uses his laptop, searches all references. He uses the Airphone; he searches the Net and even the Library of Congress. He sends e-mails to all the smart friends he knows, all to no avail.
After one hour of searching he finally gives up. He wakes up the blonde and hands her $500. The blonde takes the $500 and goes back to sleep.
The lawyer is going nuts not knowing the answer. He wakes her up and asks, "Well, so what goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four?"
The blonde reaches into her purse, hands the lawyer $5 and goes back to sleep.

A guy is sitting in a bar when a great looking woman comes over to him.

He's really excited, but it immediately comes clear that she is a h**.... She says, "Hey, handsome. Want to play a game? Here is how it works. I'll do absolutely anything you want for three hundred dollars, as long as you can say it in three words."
The guy thinks for a minute. Then he pulls his wallet out of his pocket, lays three hundred dollar bills on the bar, and says, "Paint my house."

Gambling with Blondes

There was a blonde who was sitting next to a lawyer on an airplane. The lawyer was naturally bored, so he kept bugging the blonde to play a game of intelligence with him.
The blonde was reluctant, so the lawyer offered her 10 to 1 odds. He told
her that every time she could not answer his question, she owed him $5, but every time he could not answer hers, he'd give her $50. The lawyer figured the blonde was so dumb, he could not lose, and the blonde thought for a few minutes and reluctantly accepted to play the game.
The lawyer fires his first question "What is the distance between the Earth and the nearest star?"
Without saying a word the blonde handed him $5. The blonde then asked the lawyer "What goes up a hill with 3 legs and comes back down the hill with 4 legs?"
The lawyer's face looked extremely puzzled. He spent several minutes looking up everything he could on his laptop and then even placed numerous air-to-ground phone calls trying to figure out the answer. Finally, the angry and frustrated lawyer handed the blonde $50.00.
The blonde put the $50 into her purse quickly without saying a word. The lawyer was outraged at this point and asked, "Well, what is answer?"
The blonde glanced at him with a smile on her face and handed him a $5 bill.

A blonde and a lawyer are sitting next to each other on a train.

The lawyer, assuming he could make some easy money, wanted to play a game with the blonde; he would ask her a question, and if she could not answer, she would pay him $5. Then she would ask him a question, and if he could not answer, he would pay her $5.
The blonde had no interest in playing with the the lawyer, so he offered her 10 to 1 odds, and said every time the blonde could not answer one of his questions, she owed him $5. But every time he could not answer hers, he'd give her $50.00. The lawyer figured he could not lose, and the blonde reluctantly accepted.
The lawyer first asked, "What is the distance between the Earth and the nearest star?"
The blonde thought about it for about a minute, and decided she did not know the answer. So she gave him his $5.
She then asked, "What goes up a hill with 3 legs and comes back down the hill with 4 legs?"
Well, the lawyer looked puzzled. He took several hours, looking up everything he could on his laptop and even placing numerous phone calls, trying to find the answer. Finally, angry and frustrated, he gave up and paid the blonde $50.00
The blonde put the $50 into her purse without comment, but the lawyer insisted, "What is the answer to your question?"
Without saying a word, the blonde handed him $5.

A blonde and a lawyer

are sitting next to each other on a plane. To pass the time, the lawyer suggests playing a game that tests general knowledge. The blonde is reluctant, but finally agrees when the lawyer offers to give her 10 to 1 odds. "Every time you don't know the answer to one of my questions, you have to give me 5 dollars," he says "every time I don't know the answer to one of your questions, I have to give you 50."
The lawyer starts, "how far is the earth from the sun?" The blonde doesn't know. She gives him 5 dollars and the lawyer replies, "the earth is 92,960,000 miles from the sun."
The blonde asks the lawyer, "what goes up a hill with 3 legs, and comes back down with 4?" The lawyer thinks for a moment, but is unable to come up with an answer. He hands her a 50 dollar bill. The blonde takes it, puts it in her purse, and looks back at the lawyer.
"Well?" The lawyer asks, "what was the answer to your question?" Without saying a word, the blonde hands him 5 dollars.

What rhymes with Timbuktu?

A priest and a shepherd from Australia participate in a TV game. After answering all the questions, there is a tie. So both are given one final assignment. It is to write a poem in three minutes, using the word "Timbuktu". It is city in Africa.
The priest returns with the fruit of his inspiration:
"I was a father all my life,
I had no children, had no wife,
I read the bible through and through
on my way to Timbuktu ... "
The poem makes a great impression, and the priest smells a sweet victory. But then comes the shepherd, with his winning masterpiece:
"When Tim and I to Brisbane went
We met three women cheap to rent.
They were three and we were two,
So I booked one and Tim Booked Two ... "

On long plane trip, a woman is sitting next to a lawyer. She wants to sleep, but the lawyer does not stop talking...

*"Let's play a game"* - he suggests.
The woman ignores him.
*"To make it interesting"* - he continues - *"if I answer incorrectly to your question, I'll pay you $50. If you answer incorrectly to my question, you pay me $5."*
The woman agrees, and the lawyer asks the first question.
*"What is the distance between Earth and the Moon?"*
The woman hands him $5. Now it's her turn.
*"What goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four?"*
The lawyer is astonished. He frantically surfs the Internet, searches his pocket encyclopedia and asks his scientist friends. He finds nothing. Hours later, when finally giving up looking for the answer, he wakes the woman, hands her $50 and asks:
*"So, what is the answer?"*
Without saying a word, she hands him $5 and goes back to sleep.

Blonde vs. Lawyer

A blonde sits next to a lawyer on an airplane. The lawyer kept bugging the blonde to play a game of intelligence with him. After several minutes of arguing with her, he says you give me $5 for every question you cant answer and i'll give you $50 for every question i cant answer. The lawyer figured he couldnt lose and the blonde accepted.
The lawyer proceeded to ask his first question, "What's the distance between the earth and the nearest star?"
Without saying a word, the blonde handed him $5.
The blonde then asked her question, "What goes up a hill with four legs and comes down with three?"
The lawyer was searching his laptop for hours and calling everyone he knows to find the answer. Finally he gave up and handed the blonde $50.
After the plane landed, he decided to ask her the answer to her question.
Without saying a word, the blonde handed him $5

Told by one timer to another over a game of chess at the local coffee shop.

A guys finds himself in the woods, comes up to a river and looks around sees just before the bend a priest baptizing people. He goes up to the preacher and without saying a word, the preacher grabs him and dunks him into the water. He shouts, "Have you found Jesus yet?!" The guy, catching his breath, shakes his head a says, "No." The preacher sticks him down again, this time even longer. After bringing him back up he yells again, "Have you found Jesus yet?!?!" Again the guy, hardly being able to breathe, says, "No!" The preacher thrusts him back into the water harder and almost to the point where he drowns. He brings the man back up in the last seconds and exclaims louder than previous times, "Have you found Jesus yet?!?!?!" and the man retorts, "No, are you sure he's down here?!"

I think the police are setting up a Sting on me

Every breath I take, Every move I make, Every bond I break, Every step I take, They are watching me.
Every single day, Every word I say, Every game I play, Every night I stay, They are watching me.
Every move I make, Every vow I break, Every smile I fake, Every claim I stake, They are watching me.
Every move I make, Every vow I break, Every smile I fake, Every claim I stake, They are watching me.

I was playing a quiet game of Scrabble with a friend

and he's a very sore loser. He was losing so badly, that he got extremely angry, picked up the bag and started throwing words beginning with 'th' at me.
I managed to dodge this, there and then. But I did not see that coming.

A guy meets a s**... worker in a bar.

She says, 'This is your lucky night. I've got a special game for you. I'll do absolutely anything you want for £300 as long as you can say it in three words.' The guy replies, 'Hey, why not?' He pulls his wallet out of his pocket and lays £300 on the bar, and says slowly. 'Paint…my….house.'

Just three words . . .

A middle-aged man meets a h**... in a bar. She says, "This is your lucky night. I've got a special game for you. I'll do absolutely anything you want for $100 as long as you can say it in just three words."
The guy replies, "Hey, why not?"
He pulls his wallet out of his pocket and lays $100 on the bar, and says slowly, "Paint . . . my . . . house."

An American man hooks up with a Japanese woman... [n**...]

An American man hooks up with a Japanese woman the night before a game of golf with a big Japanese client.
The woman is screaming with passion a specific word in Japanese that the man could tell was a great thing. He decides to try it out at golf.
Each time the big client sinks the ball, the man shouts his newly learned Japanese word. Finally, after the 9th hole, the big client asks the man:
"Why do you keep shouting wrong hole?'"

Trip to Japan

An American businessman is on a business trip in Japan, and he hires a h**.... The whole night the h**... keeps screaming, "Hosthimota! Hosthimota!"
The man doesn't know what the word means, but he's positive he's pleased the h**... to the best of his abilities, and thus assumes it's positive.
The next day he goes to play a game of golf with his Japanese business partners when he makes a hole in one! Everyone is congratulating him, and he can't think of anything to say but, "Hosthimota!"
The applause stop, and one of the business partners turns to him and says, "No, sir. That *was* the right hole.

An American businessman is on a business trip in Japan.

One day he decides to hire a h**....
The whole night this Japanese h**... keeps screaming: "Hoshimota! Hoshimota!"
He can't quite remember what the word means, but he is positive that he pleased the h**... to the best of his ability.
The next morning he goes to play a game of golf with his Japanese business partner, when he suddenly makes a hole in one.
Everyone is congratulating him in Japanese, and he can't think of anything to say but "Hoshimota!"
Concerned, his partner turns to him and says: "What do you mean 'The wrong hole'?"

A smart scientist amd a blonde girl sit down on a plane.

A very smart man boards a plane and sits down.
A blond girl sits next to him.
He is bored so he says to her
"Let's play a game, I give you a riddle if you cannot find the answer you pay me 5 dollars. If you answer it though you give me a riddle and I don't answer it I'll give you 300$"
She says "OK, I'll go first."
"What goes up a hill on 1 leg and goes down on 2?"
He thinks about it for a while but after about 10 minutes can't find a answer so he Google's it.
He calls scientists and several well educated people. They have no clue.
He, a man of his word gives the 300 dollars to her.
He asks for the answer she shrugs and hands him 5$

I have this yearly fundraising going on...

So, I have this yearly fundraising going on. Every year in november I take 70€ and donate them to a poor game developer. As a little thank you, they give me a shooter game, every year. But throughout the last years, these games became worse and worse. Many of my friends could not understand, why I wasted 70€ every year, but it was a tradition to me.
So this year again, I continued this tradition and to my uttermost suprise, the shooter I got this year, was pretty nice.
Or in other words: The new CoD isn't all that bad


The word of the day is "just."
"Just" is a fun word, because it can mean both "absolutely" and "barely."
That's just fantastic.
That's just enough.
"Just" may also be used to regard something as fair or deserved.
The judgement was just.
His reward was just.
It may also reference a recent event.
The game just started.
Which is fun, because "just now" (barely now) can mean "just."
So, "The just, just, just, just penalty just came in," is a grammatically correct sentence if regarding "the barely fair, entirely deserved penalty recently came in."
And that, my friends, was the word of the day.

A high school English teacher is doing a lesson on how words modify to make new meanings.

The teacher explained: The word slap can be used as an action, a game, and a joke. You see, slap to the face is an action, slap jack is a card game, and a knee s**... is a joke.
But as you see, words need adjacent words to take on a new meaning. There is no word that can be an action, game and a joke just as it is.
A kid in the back of the room interrupted and asked, what about the word Trump?

A nights work...

A guy meets a s**... worker in a bar.
She says, "Hey, tonight is your lucky night. I've got a very special game for us to play. Tonight I'll do absolutely anything you want for £300 as long as you can say it in three words."
The guy replies, "Hey, why not?, you're on" So he proceeds to put £300 on the bar from his wallet, and says to the s**... worker slowly. "Paint…my….house."

The Fringe

A man goes to a doctor and says:
Man: Dr, my wife keeps telling me I'm saying the word "fringe" wrong.
Dr: Sounds ok, can you say it again?
Man: Fringe... Fringe, fringe, fringe.
Dr: You're saying it perfectly, I don't see a problem. She's probably messing with you.
So, the man goes home, feeling a lot more confident in his pronunciation of the word fringe.
When he gets home, he takes off his shoes and sits on the couch to watch the game. After a few minutes he asks his wife:
"Hey honey? Can you open the fringe and get me a beer?"

Anything you want!

 A guy meets a s**... worker in a bar. She says, 'This is your lucky night. I've got a special game for you. I'll do absolutely anything you want for $300 as long as you can say it in three words.' The guy replies, 'Hey, why not?' He pulls his wallet out of his pocket and lays $300 on the bar, and says slowly. 'Paint…my….house.'

All in a night's work

A guy meets a s**... worker in a bar. She says, 'This is your lucky night. I've got a special game for you. I'll do absolutely anything you want for £300 as long as you can say it in three words.' The guy replies, 'Hey, why not?' He pulls his wallet out of his pocket and lays £300 on the bar, and says slowly. 'Paint…my….house.'

My grandpa was very competitive...

My grandpa was so competitive with me and would always try to win any game we played. Baseball. Soccer. Even who could eat the most corn dogs.
But I'll never forget his last words to me as he was about to pass away, he look at me wide eyes and with his last breath he said…
… staring contest, go!

Got my wife during the game last night

Hit my wife with this yesterday during the game, paraphrasing:
Wife: so it's the Los Angeles Chargers now?
Me: yeah they moved the team a few years ago
Wife: but aren't the raiders Los Angeles?
Me: no it's Las Vegas
Wife: oh I got the Los and Las mixed up
Me: hmm I guess you're at a Los for words
She didn't like it as much as I did :D

The guessing game

Tired of constant blonde jokes, a blonde dyes her hair brown.
She then goes for a drive in the country and sees a shepherd herding his sheep across the road.
\- "Hey, shepherd, if I guess how many sheep are here, can I keep one?"
The shepherd is puzzled but agrees. She blurts out "352!"
He is stunned but keeps his word and allows her to pick a sheep.
\- "I'll take this one," she says proudly. "It's the cutest!"
\- "Hey lady," says the shepherd, "if I guess your real hair color, can I have my dog back?"