
Women Period Jokes

103 women period jokes and hilarious women period puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about women period that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Women Period Short Jokes

Short women period jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The women period humour may include short girl period jokes also.

  1. My girlfriend said to me the other day, "Why did God give women periods with cramp pains, and men nothing?" I laughed and replied, "Don't be silly, he gave us women."
  2. Why do women's prisons give out tampons on release day? Because all sentences should end with a period.
  3. Most serial killers are men. That's because women prefer to kill just one man, over a period of many, many years.
  4. What if, instead of periods, women had apostrophes? They would be more possessive and have more frequent contractions!
  5. They are making a TV series about the struggles of menstruating women over the years. It is a period drama.
  6. Why do Canadian women use hockey pucks instead of tampons? Because they last for 3 periods.
  7. And God Said: Let there be men
    Let there be women.
    but he only gave women the period
  8. I was at a hockey game yesterday and I came up with this horrible joke. Why are women bad luck at hockey games? Because they never have good periods.
  9. Women shouldn't have to be in prison for more than a month. Because their period should be the end of their sentence.
  10. Why don't women stay long in prison? As soon as they have their period they are let out.
    Everyone knows a period comes at the end of a sentence.

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Women Period One Liners

Which women period one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with women period? I can suggest the ones about menstrual period and menstruation period.

  1. International women's day should not be used as an excuse for sexist jokes Period.
  2. Imagine if instead of periods, women had apostrophes They'd be even more possessive.
  3. International womens day is not an excuse for low effort sexist jokes. Period.
  4. Women's hockey is the most dangerous sport... Twelve women, three periods each.
  5. Tampax has been protecting women for 80 years. That's quite a long period.
  6. Why won't women ever play in the NHL? Because the periods would take too long.
  7. When do women in prison get their period? At the end of their sentence.
  8. What do you call the guy who gets all the women pregnant? Mister Period
  9. Hockey seems like a women's sport.... It has periods and the players wear pads.
  10. How often do women become completely unreasonable? Periodically.
  11. I like my women like my sentences With no periods
  12. Jokes about women aren't funny. Period.
  13. Women make terrible hockey goalies... Their pads only last one period.
  14. Why are hockey games better than women? Their periods only last 20 minutes.
  15. Why do women have periods? Because they can't be questioned

Silly Women Period Jokes for a Good Time with Friends

What funny jokes about women period you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean monthly period jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make women period pranks.

Johnny comes home from school and asks his mom what is a "period".
His mom says that "A period is when a woman needs to realease her dead egg cells".
Johnny asks what color is it.
She says it's red.
Johnny said "I have one of those but mine is white and it makes babies."

In my village, it is not usual, ordinary, even normal that somebody would go to work.
Even though there is one person in our village who goes to work on a regular basis.
In the morning when he goes to work the whole village accompanies him, men, women, children, grannies and grandpas and in the evening when he goes back from work the whole village welcomes him back.
We all are smiling at him and we are waving at him with the bunches of purple lilac flowers for example during this period of time, April, May.

Q: Why can women play hockey?
A: Because they have to change their pads after every period.

Salary is like a period – you wait for it a whole month and it ends in a week.

What do women addicted to h**... got in common with ice-hockey players? They both change clothes after three periods.

Me: Yay! No more periods! Menopause: Wait, here's a beard.

What would you call a movie about women on their cycles in the 1800's?

A period piece

There's no need for women to behave the way they do on their period

It's an o**... action

I don't understand why women get so angry and stressed on their period.

It's such an o**... action

I like my women like I like my Paragraphs.

Short, difficult to read, and with regular periods.

Why are women so bad at being hockey goalies?

Because there are 3 periods and only 2 pads.

Copy-editing is a very stressful line of work for women.

Every time they miss a period, they get really nervous.

how are high schoolers similar to women?

they're always asking "when will this period be over?"

What do women and grammar n**... have in common?

One missed period is enough to freak them out.

Grammar n**... are just like women...

One missed period and they lose their minds.

Why are trigonometric functions always women?

Because they have periods!

What's it called if women in heaven still m**...?

A grace period.

What is the main difference between real numbers and women?

Real numbers having period are rational.

Research shows that, on average, men tend to write longer sentences than women.

They don't get periods.

What happens when women have their period?

They get easily irritated and they o**... act

Women on their period always o**... act.

*insert pun here*


A mother, accompanied by her small daughter, was in the big city. The mother was trying to hail a cab, when her daughter noticed several s**... dressed women loitering on a nearby street corner. The mother finally hailed her cab and they both climbed in, at which point the daughter asks her mother, "Mommy, what are all those ladies waiting for by that corner?" The mother replies, "Those ladies are waiting for their husbands to come home from work." The cabbie, upon hearing this exchange, turns to the mother and says, "Ah, c'mon lady. Tell your daughter the truth, for crying out loud. They're h**...!" A brief period of silence follows, and the daughter then asks, "Mommy, do the ladies have any children?" The mother replies, "Of course dear. Where do you think cabbies come from?"

Why do women have periods?

They drink men's blood all month and it's overflowing when they are full.

Why do women talk non-stop?

Because they don't like periods.

What is the greatest part about women's hockey?

Their pads last for three periods

Why do women spend less time in prison than men?

Because a period ends a sentence.

A boy asks his dad,

"Why do women have periods?"
Dad: ...because they deserve them.

why send male soldiers into war

women on there period is good enough

What do you call a native american women that has 2 periods a month?

a 2 cycle engine

How are hockey goalies and some women alike?

They only change their pads once after every three periods

Grammatically Correct but Women Hate It


My girlfriend made me watch a movie with her about how women struggled during their menstrual cycles in the 18th century.

It was a period piece

Most women say...

Most women say their period...hertz, but I say that's just an...o**...-action!
Came up with this on my own today, hope it's not a repeat.

Why don't incarcerated women m**... in prison?

Because a period comes at the end of the sentence.

In honour of International Women's Day,

I'd like to point out to everyone that p**... jokes are not funny. PERIOD!!!!

Why when theyre arrested do women only spend a month in jail?

Because a period marks the end of a sentence

How to irritate an archaeologist?

Show him a used women's pad and ask him which period it belongs to.

What kind of art does a women make during the time of the month?

A period piece.

How many women on their period does it take to change a light bulb?


Ten reasons why hockey is better than women

1: In hockey, everyone likes rough.
2: You only get 5 minutes for fighting.
3: Puck is not a dirty word.
4: You don't have to play in the neutral zone.
5: It is possible to score a few times a night.
6: When you "pull the goalie," nobody gets pregnant.
7: Missing teeth doesn't stop you from scoring.
8: You can always get new wood if your stick breaks.
9: The Zamboni cleans up your mess.
10: Periods last twenty minutes!

My wife said I'm lucky because I don't have to deal with women issues; periods, birth control, menopause...

Yeah, but you get to live longer.

A philosopher says to a linguist...

A philosopher says to a linguist What if, instead of periods, women had apostrophes? The linguist replied, They'd be more possessive and have more frequent contractions.

Tony was in court filing for divorce just few months after marriage

Tony married one of a pair of identical twins.
A few months later, he was in court filing for a divorce.
"Would you tell the court your reason for wanting a divorce," the judge said.
"Well, Your Honor," Tony began, "periodically my sister-in-law would come over
for a visit and because she and my wife are identical,
occasionally I'd end up making love to her by mistake."
"I understand they're identical twins, but surely there must be some difference
between the two women," said the judge.
"Precisely, Your Honor," replied Tony "That's why I want a divorce."

Soon Hollywood will only be made up of women filmmakers...

...and the only movies to watch will be period dramas.

What type of music do women on their period listen to?


Women always get their way during their periods...

If women ruled the world there would be no wars

Just periods of very tense negotiations once a month

When a guy thinks that older women are more into him than they actually are...

Is it an example of the Dunning-Cougar effect?

I'm writing a book about how Elizabethan era women dealt with their menstrual cycles.

It's a period piece.

How many periods are there in women's basketball?

I'll see myself out.

Why do women always have run-on sentences?

Because they hate periods

Women Love Exclamation Points!!!

... but they hate periods.

Women's Period

Instead of getting their period, the ladies should just get to sleep for five days straight every month.
Everybody wins.

Why do women always get periods when they're let out of jail?

It's the end of a sentence

Globally, the lack of awareness for women's reproductive health is a major problem. We need to grow up and understand that m**... is not a joke.


Women are nervous once a month.


Why do they hire women in the army?

Because when they're in their periods, they're unstoppable....

The new range of women's tampons don't have strings....

They have tinsel for the Christmas period

Why are some women afraid to use proper interpunctuation?

They don't want to have their periods.

Polish women are like goalies.

They both change their pads every 3 periods.

Can we please stop doing women specific jokes, especially about m**...?

They aren't funny, period.

Pearl Jam just came out with a product that regulates women's periods

They're calling it Even Flow

I don't know why people have s**... with women whilst they are on their period.

It's b**... nuts, if you ask me

jokes about women period