Witch Broom Jokes
51 witch broom jokes and hilarious witch broom puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about witch broom that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Witch Broom Short Jokes
Short witch broom jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The witch broom humour may include short witches broom jokes also.
- A witch was flying on her broom when she noticed that all the witches she passed were flying on vacuum cleaners. She thought to herself, "Am I the only one who still drives a stick?"
- Why do witches go commando when riding around on their brooms? Better grip.
Happy Halloween :) - What did the Witch say when the Broom Salesman showed her a Vacuum? I don't want an automatic
- What did the witch say after her broom was stolen? "Well, good thing I can drive a stick."
- halloween When I told my wife to use a vacuum instead
of a broom the witch flew of the handle. - Q: Why didn't the witch fly on her broom when she was angry?
A: She was afraid she would fly off the handle. - Why do witches fly on brooms? It's in their female instinct to clean
- What noise does a witch make when she's flyin around? BROOM BROOM BROOOOOOOM
- Why dont witches wear p**...? So they can grip the broom.
- Why do witches not wear p**...? You get better grip on the brooms.
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Witch Broom One Liners
Which witch broom one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with witch broom? I can suggest the ones about broom and hair brush.
- What happens when a witch breaks the sound barrier? You hear a sonic broom.
- Why don't witches wear underwear? To get a better grip on the broom.
- Why don't witches ever wear underwear? Gives 'em a better grip on their brooms...
- What does a witch say to fly faster? Broom, broom!
- A witch was going to take a friend's broom for a ride But she couldn't drive a stick
- what noise does a witch in a car make? Broom broom
- What sound does a witches vehicle make? BROOM BROOM
- What sound does a car make when a witch starts it? Broom Broom
- Why don't witches wear underwear? Better grip on the broom!
- What sound does a witch's motorcycle make? BROOM, BROOOOOM!
- Why didn't the witch fall off her broom? She wasn't wearing underwear
- Why do witches wear a skirt? So they can grip the broom.
- What sound does a witch's car make ? Broom Broom !
- Why do witches fly on brooms? Because vacuums are too heavy.
- What did the witch say before leaving on her broom? "Broom broom!"
Witch Broom Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about witch broom you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean be like bro jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make witch broom pranks.
Why does the witch not wear p**... when flying?
Because she wants to get a better grip on the broom.
If a witch murders someone with her broom...
is it considered vehicular h**...?
Why didn't the witch wear p**.......
So she could grip the broom better.
Why don't witches wear p**...?
Because they need to grip the broom.
Why do witches laugh when they ride their brooms?
because they're not wearing any p**....
Old joke for Halloween. Why do witches not wear p**...?
For better grip on the broom
Why don't witches wear p**...?
Because their broom sticks better.
Why don't witch wear p**...
She gotta grip the broom
Why don't witches wear p**...?
They need to grip the broom
Why do witches not wear p**...
For better grip on the broom
It's all about grip
Why don't witches wear p**...?
Better grip on the broom!
One day, a witch was flying on her broom when she noticed that all the witches she passed were flying on vacuum cleaners.
She thought to herself, "Am I the only one in this day and age who still drives a stick?"