
Whey Protein Jokes

80 whey protein jokes and hilarious whey protein puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about whey protein that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Whey Protein Short Jokes

Short whey protein jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The whey protein humour may include short whey jokes also.

  1. I feel really bad for the Mexican Olympian disqualified from weightlifting for excessive use of protein. They told him, "No whey, José."
  2. Forgot to bring my protein powder to the gym today Guess I should've prepared whey in advance
  3. My personal trainer told me to drink a protein shake everyday at 3 in the morning. But that's whey past my bedtime.
  4. Bodybuilder 1 says to bodybuilder 2 "hey man, I think we're out of protein powder" bodybuilder 2 responds "No whey!!"
  5. What did the bodybuilder say when he saw the store had sold out of protein powder? No whey!
  6. My really jacked friend shockingly ran out of protein powder today. He told me and I was like, No Whey
  7. Why would you get bigger if you ate a whole tub of protein every day? Because you ate whey too much
  8. My brother and I ran out of protein powder. I turned to him and said, "no whey....."
    (true story)
  9. The lesser-known fourth Wise Man brought baby Jesus the gift of protein powder. It was a whey in a manger.
  10. Why was the protein powder maker never satisfied with his work? He always kept looking for new wheys to improve

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Whey Protein One Liners

Which whey protein one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with whey protein? I can suggest the ones about protein powder and protein shake.

  1. What do you call a mexican bodybuilder who runs out of protein? No Whey José.
  2. Gym bro #1: "Bro, we're out of protein powder." Gym bro #2: "No whey..."
  3. What did the body builder say when he ran out of protein powder? "No whey"
  4. My uncle recently overdosed on protein powder What a whey to go
  5. Why was the protein self-conscious? Because of how much it wheys
  6. My nutrition store ran out of protein powder today I was like no whey !
  7. What did the bodybuilder shout when he found out he was out of protein? No whey!
  8. I can't buy any protein powder Because it's whey out of my budget!
  9. What do bodybuilders say when they run out of protein? No whey!
  10. I found a spider in my protein powder today I politely asked him to get out of my whey.
  11. What did the body builder say when he was told protein shakes don't work? No whey!
  12. Protein shakes are really expensive.... Whey expensive.
  13. Why do bodybuilders get huge when they consume protein? Because they eat whey too much
  14. What do call a Hispanic fella that ran out of protein powder? No-whey Jose.
  15. I can't believe plant-based protein powder exists There's no whey

Whey Protein Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about whey protein you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean protein jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make whey protein pranks.

What's a Mexicans favorite protein?


What did the athletic trainer say to the body builder who was allergic to protein powder?

"No whey."

Is this whey too many jokes?

Joke 1: So two fitness junkies are chatting when one says to the other, "hey, what kind of supplements do you use?" The other respond by saying "I don't use any, bro!" Fitness j**... number one asks, "not even protein powder?" Fitness j**... number two then says "nope, none!" Fitness j**... number one, noticing the rather large muscles of fitness j**... number, responds in awe, "no whey..."
Joke 2: Nick Carter is walking through a GNC, looking to buy some whey powder. He sees two options, chocolate and strawberry, of which he prefers chocolate. As he makes his way to the jar of chocolate whey powder, somebody else comes out of nowhere and grabs the last one! Nick, defeated, grabs the strawberry powder, looks at his enemy, and says quietly: "I wanted... that whey"

How do you know you're drinking too many protein shakes?

You've had whey too much!

The supplement store said they were out of protein powder...

'No Whey!' I said

I saw someone spill a protein shake in the gym today


Two buddies just got home from working out at the gym...

Guy 1: "Dude, were out of protein powder!"
Guy 2: "No Whey!"


No whey mate

Why are protein shakes such loners?

They're whey isolate.

Friend told me he buffed up without any protein shakes.

No whey.

China's number 1 brand of Protein?


What did the one protein drink say to the other protein drink?

I'd best be on my whey.

Two Mexican body builders

have devoted their lives to power-lifting and they just found out that certain protein supplements have become i**.... Just as one was about to sip on his protein shake, the other smacks it out of his hand and yells: "No whey, Jose!"

My brother told me we ran out of protein powder

I didn't believe him, so I said
No Whey

My roommate seemed like he was in denial when I told him I spilled all his protein powder...

...he just kept saying "no whey, no whey"

A bodybuilder told me he hates protein.

No whey!

What did the homeless Mexican bodybuilder say when he ran out of protein?

No whey, homes.

What do you say to your Mexican friend when you don't have any of the protein powder he asked for?

"No whey Jose"

How did the bodybuilder die from protein overdose?

He took whey too much

What did the bodybuilder cry when he ran out of protein?


My lifting buddy was shocked when I told him that we were out of protein powder.

He said "No whey!"
I'll be here all night.

A Hispanic man forgot to buy protein powder on his last trip to the grocery store.

Now he's no whey Jose.

Would you believe my protein powder is dairy free?

No whey!

Does anyone believe the bodybuilder who claims he never used protein suppliments?

No whey.

What do you call it when you steal your roommates protein powder while s**...?

High Whey Robbery

I want an after workout snack but forgot to get more protein powder.

Oy whey

I'll never run out of protein powder

There'd be no whey!

This morning I told my wife we were out of protein powder. She replied.....

No Whey

You're not gonna believe this bro, but we are all out of protein.

No whey!?

What happened to the body builder who lost their protein powder?

They lost their whey

what do you call it when you use milk to make protein drinks?


I asked my son if he wanted plant protein blends.

He said no whey dad

I couldn't believe that the health store had no protein left

There was just no whey

What did the weight lifter say after he bought the wrong protein powder?

No whey.

after reading W.H.O meat report a patient passed away

doctors said he had whey too much protein in his body.

My friend told me he can't drink milk. I asked him if he is lactose intolerant. He said he is actually allergic to the milk protein.

I said No whey!

Two bodybuilders are having a conversation in h**....

Man 1: Hey dude, do you think there is anywhere down here where I could get a protein shake?
Man 2: Dude, there's no whey in h**....

A Bodybuilder Enters h**...

After a full day of hard labor, he asks Satan , "Hey man, is there somewhere I can get a protein shake around here?".
Satan replies, " There's no whey in h**...!!! ".

I had a falling out with my friend over a protein powder

We decided to go our separate wheys

The Mandalorian fell on hard times and had to take a job in a body building and health food shop. Turns out he was unexpectedly great at it and smashed the commission targets. He'd just direct people to the protein powder section, and say...

..."This is the whey"
