Whales Dolphins Jokes
22 whales dolphins jokes and hilarious whales dolphins puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about whales dolphins that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Whales Dolphins Short Jokes
Short whales dolphins jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The whales dolphins humour may include short dolphins whales jokes also.
- "Dad, can you help me with my homework?" "Sure son"
"What are 5 animals that live in the ocean?"
"3 whales and two dolphins"
"Thanks dad"
"Anytime" - What did the whale say to the dolphin? When the person says "what?" do you best impression of a whale.
My co workers found it funny but my family did not. - What did the gang of dolphins say to the orca? "Whale, whale, whale... Look what the tide brought in..."
- What did the dolphin say when three orcas swam by? Whale, whale, whale, who do we have here?
Please, this is a cry for help. - What did the dolphin say to the whale when he bumped into him? Sorry I didn't do it on porpoise
- What's the difference between a killer whale and a killer dolphin? One doesn't have to hide the bodies.
- What did the stoic dolphin say to the whiny whale? Cut out all that blubber and you can be more like me.
- How do dolphins and whales pass down and share knowledge through the generations? Via podcasts, naturally.
- A lion and a tiger make a liger, a whale and dolphin a wolphin, a squid and octopus a scquoctopus. What would a five-year old and a horse be? Definitely i**....
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Whales Dolphins One Liners
Which whales dolphins one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with whales dolphins? I can suggest the ones about whale dolphin and whale.
- What do you use to clean dolphins and whales? All porpoise cleaner
- What is a dolphin's favorite TV show ? Whale of fortune !
- What did the dolphin say to the blue whale? The dolphin said, Cheer up!
- Whale you be my Valentine? Dolphinately
- What did the baby dolphin do when he didn't get his way?
He whale-d. - Sigh.. My wife has a tattoo of a whale on her b**.... It used to be a dolphin.
Cheeky Whales Dolphins Jokes to Experience Good Cheer & Frivolity
What funny jokes about whales dolphins you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean two whales jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make whales dolphins pranks.
A whale and a dolphin are eating at a restaurant
A whale and a dolphin are eating at a restaurant. When the check comes to the table the dolphin insists on paying. The whale is quite grateful and wants to leave the tip at least but the dolphin respectfully declines.
The whale then says
thanks if there's anything you ever need let me know
The dolphin replies
you're welcome
Then the Whale says g**.......why would you want that?
A scientist is looking to conduct an experiment using dolphins
He goes to the pet store and asks the clerk if they have any dolphins
The clerk responds We don't have any dolphins, but would a whale work?
The scientist responds No thank you, that defeats the porpoise