Welfare Jokes
41 welfare jokes and hilarious welfare puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about welfare that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Discover hilarious jokes about welfare, care, immigration and other important topics related to children's welfare and happiness. Explore the lighter side of a difficult and often divisive subject.
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Funniest Welfare Short Jokes
Short welfare jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The welfare humour may include short food stamps jokes also.
- Did you hear about the new Black Barbie? It comes with 12 kids, AIDS and a welfare check.
- What is a welfare queen? You live in government housing, five kids by three baby mamas, and the IRS after you
- A Banker, a Fox News fan and a welfare recipient are at a table sharing 12 cookies... The banker takes 11 cookies and says to the Fox News fan: "Watch out for the welfare guy, he wants your cookie!".
- I was reading about these Hasidic folks from Lakewood, NJ getting arrested for welfare fraud and I thought to myself, "They really give Jews bad names" I mean, really. Zalmen? Shimy? Yocheved?
- People don't like the idea of me being given money even though I'm unemployed. I think it's welfare.
- If you're on Wall-street, where is your nearest welfare office located? Inside of the U.S. tax code.
- Ever hear the one about the welfare moocher who used his government payoffs to live on lobster and steak? It was Donald Trump.
- Someone told me that the amount of welfare you get depends on how pregnant you are. So does that mean your welfare is adjusted for inflation?
- Getting friends with benefits is easy If you hang around the welfare centre long enough you're sure to meet a few nice people.
- What do you get if you breed a shark with a dog? Investigated by several animal welfare agencies.
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Welfare One Liners
Which welfare one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with welfare? I can suggest the ones about charity and social security.
- How do you starve a BLM member? Hide their welfare check under a job application.
- What do you call your mate on welfare? A friend with benifits
- I seek to promote the welfare of a certain baked dish. I'm a flanthropist.
- We should give everyone welfare. Then no one has to work.
- What is a black's favorite letter? The one with the welfare check in it.
- What's long and black? The welfare office line.
- Welfare is like diabetes If Momma had it, her babies probably will too
- White people won't get this.. Welfare
- What body regulates the welfare of Santa's workers? The Elf and Saftey Executive.
- Why do goats always vote for democrats? So they can get welfare for all their kids.
- What do you call someone from Olomouc who's living on the dole? A welfare Czech.
- My sense of humor is so dark it collects a welfare check
- How do you starve a Native American? You put their welfare check under their workboots.
- What do you call white people on welfare? Cultural appropriation
- How do you hide a welfare check from a black man
Gather Around for Heartwarming Welfare Jokes and Uplifting Humor
What funny jokes about welfare you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean socialism jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make welfare pranks.
I called animal Welfare today and said, "I've just found a suitcase in the woods containing four kittens."
That's terrible," she replied, "We're they moving?
I'm not sure, to be honest," I said, "but if they were that would explain the suitcase.
A stash of cannabis plants has been dumped in a local Estuary and local seabirds have been seen feeding nearby.
Bird welfare groups are investigating and they say no tern has been left un-s**...!!..
Capitalism, Communism, and Socialism have a meeting for afternoon tea
Communism collapses on the way there and dies from malnutrition. Socialism is so late from collecting welfare to buy the tea that he decides to go home. However, Capitalism - seeing that neither of the two showed up - buys his own tea, finishes his lunch break, and goes back to work.
I don't get why Tories think social democrats live on welfare
I thought it was the Tories that hated labor
Sister told me the police were going to do a welfare check on my aunt...
Could have swore that she got those in the mail....
I hear Donald Trump wants every welfare recipient to take a drug test...
I don't even what to know what he's planning to do with all those u**... samples.