
Weary Jokes

13 weary jokes and hilarious weary puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about weary that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Weary Short Jokes

Short weary jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The weary humour may include short worn jokes also.

  1. An amoralist, a nihilist, and a world-weary cynic walk into a bar. The bartender says "Sorry, we don't serve minors in here.".
  2. Why don't female mathematicians use tampons? They are weary of anything that advertises discrete AND continuous protection.
  3. I'm a law student who's doing an IT subject this semester... and i've been asked whether I know Jake Weary over four times now! Who the heck is he?
  4. I'm definitely a fan of some good self-deprecating humor but... I'm a little weary of self-defecating humor
  5. What's the difference What's the difference between renovation a garden and Trump's wearied VP?
    One's painting fences, the other is fainting Pences.
  6. Why was a happy couple weary to kiss at the gas station? They were scared of sparks flying.

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Weary One Liners

Which weary one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with weary? I can suggest the ones about tired and wears.

  1. Why don't republicans go to the library? Because they are lib weary.
  2. What do you call a weary Viking conqueror? Bluetooth low energy

Weary joke, What do you call a weary Viking conqueror?

Ridiculous Weary Jokes to Spark Fun and Laughter

What funny jokes about weary you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean tiring jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make weary pranks.

An exasperated and weary Joseph asked the innkeeper, "Do you have any rooms?"

The innkeeper shook his head and replied, "No, we're all full."
Joseph pleaded, "Listen, my wife is pregnant..."
The innkeeper retorted, "Hey, that's not my fault!"
Joseph shouted, "It's not mine, either!!"

A father came home from war...

His son was overjoyed to see him.
Running up to him, the son asks, "Dad! Did you get shot in the Army?"
The father, with a weary look on his face, looks down at his beloved son and says, "No son, I got shot in the legy."

An 800 pound gorilla walks into a bar...

...the bartender, weary of the gorilla, says "what'll it be?"
The gorilla says, "I'll have a Manhattan."
So the bartender serves him up and says, "That'll be $14," and goes back to wiping glasses.
A minute or two later, after thinking about it, the bartender then says to the gorilla, "You know, I gotta say, its kind of odd...I mean, this is not something you see everyday."
The gorilla takes a sip of his drink and says, "I agree, $14 is a bit much for a Manhatten."

Jesus writes a letter to the three wise men years later, and thanks them for the gifts they gave him.

"Hello Wise Men,
Thanks for the Frankincense, first wise man, I will make great use of it, perhaps not now, but far later in life. As for you, second wise man, I am very pleased with the Myrrh, it smells lovely and I have been scenting my house with it. However, third wise man, I am travel weary and cannot remember the gift that you sent. I may correspond in the future with you further."
Days later in the wise men's house, another letter arrives.

Mama whale and Papa whale ...

... swim and look upon sailors coming towards them. The sailors are on small boats and have their spear in hand.
Papa whale says to mama whale:
-"They're hunting us, we should make bubbles and tip them over."
The mama whale agrees. They dive underneath the ships and blow so many bubbles that the ships capsize and the sailors fall into the water, but they still have their spears in their hands. Papa whale is still weary.
He says to mama whale:

-"We should eat them".
Mama whale says:
-"Listen, I agreed to the b**..., but I'm not swallowing s**...."

Weary joke, Mama whale and Papa whale ...