Wearing Seatbelt Jokes
37 wearing seatbelt jokes and hilarious wearing seatbelt puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about wearing seatbelt that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Wearing Seatbelt Short Jokes
Short wearing seatbelt jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The wearing seatbelt humour may include short seat belt jokes also.
- A woman in her Kia did not wear a seatbelt and got into an accident Her body left her Soul.
- What percentage of women drivers wear seatbelts? I don't know either, but it looks like this:
% - why did Princess Diana cross the road? Because she wasn't wearing her seat-belt.
Stay safe tonight everyone! - Why didn't the anti-vaxxer wear a seatbelt? Because they didn't want to live in fear of car accidents.
- Why did Princess Diana cross the road? She wasn't wearing her seat-belt.
Credit goes to some caller on the Dean Blundell show. I couldn't make that up - Why do you always have to wear a seatbelt in an autonomous car? In case the computer crashes.
- I started standing at my desk during work and got fired for it Apparently not wearing seatbelts during take off and landing is against company policy
- Chuck Norris does not wear a seatbelt and reclines his seat before takeoff and landing on an airplane because he can.
- What do you call someone who doesn't wear a seatbelt? An o**... donor
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Wearing Seatbelt One Liners
Which wearing seatbelt one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with wearing seatbelt? I can suggest the ones about riding in car and car seat.
- Why did princess Diana cross the road She wasn't wearing her seatbelt
- Why did Princess Diana cross the road? She didn't wear a seatbelt.
- Why did Paul Walker cross the road? Because he wasn't wearing a seatbelt.
- Why did Princess Diana cross the road? Because she wasn't wearing a seatbelt!
- I ran into my high school bully yesterday Unfortunately he was wearing his seatbelt
- Why did the little girl cross the road? She wasn't wearing her seatbelt.
- Why did the child cross the road? Because he wasn't wearing a seatbelt
- Why did James Dean cross the road? Because he wasn't wearing his seatbelt
- Why did princess Diana cross the street? Because she wasn't wearing her seatbelt.
- Why did the child cross the road? He wasn't wearing his seatbelt.
- Why did the princess cross the road? She forgot to wear her seatbelt
- What kind of kids don't wear seatbelts? Dead kids.
- I vowed I would never wear a seatbelt. But under lots of pressure, I buckled.
- Chuck Norris doesn't wear seatbelts.
Seatbelts wear Chuck Norris. - What do u say when MC Ride is wearing his seatbelt in the car MC Riding safe.
Comical Puns & Laughs: Enjoy Fun, Witty Wearing Seatbelt Jokes with Friends.
What funny jokes about wearing seatbelt you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean wearing protection jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make wearing seatbelt pranks.
So a cop pulls over a guy for wearing his seatbelt..
tells the citizen that his captain gave him a 100 dollar bill to give to the 100th person he sees wearing their seat belt. The citizen looks a little confused, but of course, accepts the note, and proceeds to leave. The officer asks, " So, if you don't mind my asking, what are you going to spend the money on?" To a reply of, " yes, i do mind your asking, and frankly, i don't think its any of your business." The officer of course is stunned, but , as he goes to leave, the drivers objects. "If you must know, i'll probably spend it on getting my drivers license." The cop is taken aback, as the passenger says, " Oh don't listen to him, he's drunk." Shortly thereafter, a knocking comes from the trunk, and a muffled voice says, " are we over the border yet?"
edited for grammar n**....
Princess Diana Jokes
What's the difference between Princess Diana and a blade of grass? About six feet.
How is Princess Diana like a mobile phone? Both die in tunnels.
Where does Diana stay when she visits Paris? Any place she can c**....
How is Princess Diana like breaking a bone? Both need a doctor to remove the plaster of paris.
What's the difference between Princess Diana and thirty-nine pennies? It's easier to scrape together thirty-nine pennies.
Why did Princess Diana cross the road? Because she wasn't wearing a seatbelt.
What's the difference between Princess Diana an Casper the ghost? Casper can go through walls, Diana can't.
What's the difference between a Mercedes and Princess Diana? A Mercedes will easily reach 40.
What would Di be doing if she were alive today? Scratching at the lid of her coffin.
Yes I am a horrible person wow.
People think I don't care about my own well-being because I smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol...
That's not true at all! I just happen to like cigarettes and alcohol. I'll have a cigarette and a beer at the same time, but I'll still be wearing my seatbelt while I do it.