Watchers Jokes
50 watchers jokes and hilarious watchers puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about watchers that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
This article brings readers an array of jokes related to watchmen, weight watchers, bird watchers, and Mr. Alan Thicke. Enjoy a good laugh and learn some new numerical watcher facts at the same time.
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Funniest Watchers Short Jokes
Short watchers jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The watchers humour may include short watchtower jokes also.
- I used to go to Weight Watchers to meet women. There were tons of girls there, just not very many.
- I went to weight watchers last night, I opened a bag of maltesers and threw them on the floor Best game of hungry hippos I've ever seen
- What is the difference between an ornithologist and a stutterer? One is a bird watcher, and the other is a word botcher.
- DJ Khaled was featured in a Weight Watchers commercial for losing weight... ...He must have stopped eating out...
- For the first few weeks after joining Weight Watchers... ... You're just finding your feet.
- How does Fox News greet it's watchers? Good afternoon folks, I hope you've been doing alt-right!
- How do you play a big game of Hungry Hippos? Go to a weight watchers meeting and roll Maltesers down the middle of their meeting circle.
- I used to go to Weight Watchers to meet women [FIXED] Turns out they're way harder to pick up than I thought.
- In other news: "Weight Watchers drops 'weight' from name" Technically, they've lost weight
- Why do bird watchers invest so much money in breast cancer awareness? Because they are greatly satisfied by seeing Tucans.
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Watchers One Liners
Which watchers one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with watchers? I can suggest the ones about shooters and supporters.
- I've just joined a procrastinators support group. Ìt is called Wait Watchers.
- How many pounds does DJ Khaled plan to lose with Weight Watchers? Another one
- What is the anime watcher's favorite number 10 pi
- I like to observe people in lines. I'm in Wait Watchers.
- It's been a rough first week at Weight Watchers... I'm just trying to find my feet.
- You may wonder who watches the watchers, but I wonder... ...who pees on the paeons?
- Game of Thrones Where do the watchers on the wall go to get drunk?
Crowbar - Yo mama is so fat that Weight Watchers said I give up.
- Taxes need to be like Weight Watchers On Ice... A sliding scale.
- What do you call a crow who repairs time pieces? A bird watcher.
- What do you call a British bird watcher? A lesbian
- The first few weeks of weight watchers is the hardest... you're just finding your feet
- How does a stalker go on a diet? Weight Watchers.
- Yo mama's so fat, she made weight watchers go blind.
- Yo mama is so fat that Weight Watchers won’t look at her.
Weight Watchers Jokes
Here is a list of funny weight watchers jokes and even better weight watchers puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- You may think it's a good idea to go to weight watchers to meet women... but actually the ones there are quite hard to pick up.
- A fire broke out at a Weight Watchers meeting today. Members could be heard screaming, "Walk for your lives!"
- With Weight Watchers changing their name they really missed out on rebranding themselves as the Mass Murderers
- I Lost Another 15 Pounds This Month With Weight Watchers I must get round to cancelling that Direct Debit some time.
- My friend's doing weight watchers which is weird but he always has free time because there's not much on his plate
- What's the best feature of Weight Watchers girls? It's their fed room eyes.
- I know a place where you can meet tons of women. Weight watchers.
- You can burn up to 150 calories through one vigorous session of m**...... Still got me kicked out of my weight watchers meeting though.
- I just tried to set up an account on the Weight Watchers website. Asked me "will you accept cookies?", the p**...-taking b**....
- What do t**... Weight Watchers use? Weapons of mass-reduction.
Bird Watchers Jokes
Here is a list of funny bird watchers jokes and even better bird watchers puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- what do you call a bird with glasses? a bird watcher.
- What do you call a British v**...? A bird-watcher.
Howlingly Hilarious Watchers Jokes for All Ages to Enjoy
What funny jokes about watchers you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean witness jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make watchers pranks.
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I genuinely just copied and pasted this off the weight watchers website
Crows v. Ravens
A bird watcher walks into a bar and orders a beer. "I've always wondered, what's the difference between a crow and a raven?" the bartender asks. "Well, ravens and crows both have large feathers on their wings called 'pinions'. Ravens have 4 pinions on each wing while crows only have 3," the bird watcher replies."So if you think about it, it's just a matter of a pinion."
I walked up to a female member of staff in Tesco today and said, "Do you know where the Weight Watchers meals are?"
"I'm afraid not," she replied, "It's my first day."
"Fair enough," I said, "Let me show you."
At my first Weight Watchers meeting....
the group leader asked each of us why we wanted to lose weight. When it was her turn, one woman started to s**.... "I vowed to lose weight when my husband bought me something too small for me to fit in." The leader replied, "Oh, that's too bad. Was it a dress?" "No, a Porsche!"