
Wary Jokes

16 wary jokes and hilarious wary puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about wary that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Wary Short Jokes

Short wary jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The wary humour may include short cautious jokes also.

  1. Be wary about dating a female that pronounces the letter H silent Especially when she tells you that all she wants is happiness.
  2. Why should you be wary of Ash Ketchum when you're taking a shower? Cos he might have a sneaky Pikachu
  3. Why is the Food and Drug Administration always wary of Hollywood movies? Because they're mostly adult-rated.
  4. Why should girls be wary of getting drunk if they find honey next to them? Because it's actually bee-cider.
  5. A pirate crew is fleeing from a whaling ship One pirate swabbie asks, "This be the whaling ship driven by the w**... with two vaginas?"
    The pirate says, "Aye, we best be wary of har poons."
  6. ghost hunters be wary, there's a n**... spirit going around scaring people with a lit match... ...We all need to stop him before he strikes again.
  7. LPT: Be wary of catching h**... when dining at All You Can Eat Crab spots.. I mean, $20 is a great deal but I need to start hiring better quality prostitutes.

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Wary One Liners

Which wary one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with wary? I can suggest the ones about careful and beware.

  1. Why is time wary of mathematicians? They're always plotting against it.
  2. What do you call a wary Russian insect? Cagey Bee
  3. I am very wary of stairs.. ..they are always up to something
  4. What's one thing to be wary of when in a relationship with a german? Shower s**...

Wary joke, What's one thing to be wary of when in a relationship with a german?

Playful Wary Jokes to Add Joy and Laughter to Your Group

What funny jokes about wary you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean skeptical jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make wary pranks.

Be wary of the chore of painting . . .

A man was looking for a person to paint her porch, so he hired a young lady and told her what to do.
After about 30 minutes, the lady came to the door and said, I'm done.
The man asked, How did you get done so fast?
The lady said, It was hard at first, but it got easier towards the end. And by the way, it's a Ferrarri not a Porsche.

Buyer beware

A man wants to purchase some farmland, but is wary of the bees on the property. The farmer thinks the bees are harmless so he makes the prospective buyer a deal: he'll tie the buyer n**... to a tree that has a bee hive for an hour, and if any bee stings him, the farmer will GIVE him the land for free.
The farmer ties the buyer up and leaves. He comes back an hour later and finds the buyer nearly unconscious. The farmer asks, "Are you all right?"
The reply: "Doesn't that calf have a mother?"

Wary joke, Buyer beware