
Wardrobe Jokes

64 wardrobe jokes and hilarious wardrobe puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about wardrobe that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Wardrobe Jokes are the perfect way to bring humor to any home or office. From classic 'Narnia wardrobe' jokes to quips about folders, drawers and cloakrooms, you'll be sure to get everyone laughing. So be a hit at your next gathering, and share some wardrobe jokes!

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Funniest Wardrobe Short Jokes

Short wardrobe jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The wardrobe humour may include short cupboard jokes also.

  1. I made this joke up when I was eight. I'm very proud of it. What's in the wardrobe?
    Narnia business.
  2. I found a lion in my wardrobe and I asked him what he was doing there. He said "Narnia business".
  3. A man was recently arrested after being found hiding in a wardrobe. When the police asked him what he was doing there, he said 'Narnia business'.
  4. My doctor just diagnosed me with very low blood pressure. He prescribed two IKEA self-assembly wardrobes.
  5. I came back home early today... ... and ask my wife in our bedroom if she's cheating on me.
    She laughs.
    I laugh.
    The wardrobe laughs.
    What a nice day.
  6. As one door closes, another opens... I really wish I'd followed the instructions building this wardrobe.
  7. A lion, a witch, and a wardrobe enter a bar; the bartender eyes them quizzically and asks, "what're you up to with all that?" The lion responds gruffly, "Narnia business!"
    ... I'm sorry.
  8. A lion, a witch, and a wardrobe walk into a bar The bartender asks what they're having.
    The witch replies "Narnia business."
  9. I was having a look... In my mothers bedroom the other day and I found a whip, a mask and handcuffs in her wardrobe. I couldn't believe it... My mothers a superhero!!!!!
  10. I'm not gonna tell you what happens in The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe... It's Narnia business!

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Wardrobe One Liners

Which wardrobe one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with wardrobe? I can suggest the ones about dressing room and closet.

  1. Dad: What's a lion and a witch doing in your wardrobe Me: it's Narnia Business....
  2. A guy asked me what I was doing in the wardrobe. I told him, 'Narnia Business'.
  3. Coming out of the closet would be a lot easier... if my wardrobe wasn't so fabulous!
  4. Wife caught me in the wardrobe She asked me what I was doing?
    I said Narnia business!
  5. Why was the Lion in the wardrobe? Narnia Business
  6. Someone once asked me what's in my wardrobe? I replied: Narnia business.
  7. My mum caught me in my wardrobe this morning she said what are you doing? Narnia Business
  8. I searched for 'wardrobe malfunction' on pornhub and it showed me a video about Narnia
  9. Why was the worlds greatest painter's wardrobe so small? He only ever needed one coat.
  10. Who doesn't like Lady Gaga's wardrobe ? Her drycleaner
  11. Q: What's in the wardrobe?
    A: Narnia business.
  12. What do you do to an open wardrobe? You closet.
  13. What do you call a small wardrobe? A battledrobe.
  14. What do you get when a cat has a wardrobe malfunction? Catnip.
  15. What's the best coming out of the closet story? The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

Narnia Wardrobe Jokes

Here is a list of funny narnia wardrobe jokes and even better narnia wardrobe puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • A lion, a witch, and a wardrobe walk into a bar. The bartender yells, "Get out! I'm not serving Narnia!".
  • I want to go to IKEA, hide in a wardrobe, wait for someone to open it and yell "WELCOME TO NARNIA".
  • What did Aslan tell Lucy about the Witch and the Wardrobe? It's Narnia business.
  • A Lion, a witch and a wardrobe walk into a bar! The Barman says "I'm serving narnia"
  • The Lion, the Witch and a fabulous fashion sense What did the Lion say to the Witch when she caught him coming out of the wardrobe?
    "My s**... preference is Narnia business."
  • So I said to this witch: "w**... were you and that lion doing in my wardrobe?" She said "Narnia business."
Wardrobe joke, So I said to this witch: "w**... were you and that lion doing in my wardrobe?"

Hilarious Wardrobe Jokes that Bring Laughter with Friends

What funny jokes about wardrobe you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean robes jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make wardrobe pranks.

The Heart Attack

A blonde gets home from work early & hears strange noises coming from the bedroom.
She rushes upstairs only to find her husband n**... lying on the bed,
sweating and panting.
'What's up?' she asks.
'I think I'm having a heart attack,' - cries the husband..
The blonde rushes downstairs to use the phone, but just as she's dialling, her four-year-old son says
"Mummy mummy, aunty Shirley is hiding in the wardrobe & she has no clothes on"
The blonde slams the phone down and storms back upstairs into the bedroom
right past her husband..rips open the wardrobe door and sure enough, there is
her sister, totally n**... and cowering on the floor.
'You rotten b**...', she screams.
'My husband's having a heart attack, and you're running around
n**... playing hide and seek with the kids!!'

Whenever my husband opens his wardrobe he shouts and curses.

I think he's a cross dresser.

So I heard some rumbling in my wardrobe...

...and so I approached the door with some nerve-wracking caution. To my surprise I saw both a lion and a witch in there, looking startled but out of breath.
I asked the witch, "What are you doing in my wardrobe?"
She replied, "Narnia business."

You thought Dad jokes were a thing? How about this Grandma joke:

I woke up this morning to find a lion AND a witch in my wardrobe. When I asked them what they were doing, they shouted, "Narnia business!"

There was a pub quiz last week

And there was a round on Literature. The question was "Name the book where the characters all lived behind a wardrobe". Imagine the disgust when I shouted "The diary of Anne Frank"!

After 5 years of being married, the wife finds $7.500,00 and 4 eggs on the top of the wardrobe.

Perplexed, she goes running to her husband to ask what that was about, and he says:
- Honey, during these 5 years together, everytime you irritate me I get an egg and put it on the top of the wardrobe.
The wife gets happy because there were only 4 eggs, and then asks:
- But what about the $7.500,00 ?
He answers:
- Every time I complete one dozen, I sell it.

When I was a kid I didn't want to imagine my parents having s**...,

so I'd watch them from the wardrobe.

My wife came home from work and stormed angrily into the bedroom where I was sat.

"I get the impression you aren't being loyal to me," she said.
"Why?" I frowned.
"You've been very quiet recently. And you're always hanging around with that girl from work, Rachel?"
"Rochelle." coughed a voice from the wardrobe.

They say money doesn't grow on trees

But my cousin planted a few bushes with a funny smell in his wardrobe and is now making 4k a week

I was going through my wardrobe, trying to select a suit for my grandmother's f**....

I said, "What shall I wear?"
"I don't really care," said my mum. "As long as you don't you stick out."
It's not easy being a necrophiliac.

My girlfriend keeps complaining about how little space there is in the wardrobe

If she keeps this b**... up, my wife might find her!

Arthur C Clarke, CS Lewis & JRR Tolkien walk into a bar...

Clarke, Lewis and Tolkien walk into a bar arguing about how characters should travel.
Clarke says they should take a spaceship and Tolkien says they should walk. Lewis says that can just step through a wardrobe.
When asked how that's possible Lewis says "Narnia business"

The man came home early from work to find his wife lying n**... on the bed, crying her eyes out.

What's wrong? he asked.
I've got nothing to wear to the dance tomorrow night, she
Oh come on now! You've plenty of clothes, and with that
he went over to the wardrobe. See here, there's the nice
pink dress, the pale blue skirt, the yellow cocktail dress, hi
there Tom, the green silk gown…

An old woman phoned the police and said that her neighbour keeps u**... in his bedroom with curtains open and lights on, so the police go and investigate, they looked out of her window and says but madam you cannot even see his bedroom with that tree in the way she replies.

You can if you stand on the wardrobe.

My doctor has just diagnosed me as having low blood pressure.

He's given me a prescription for two Ikea self-assembly wardrobes.

Two siblings, a boy and a girl opens their Christmas presents

The boy received a football hat while the girl received a wonderful gold necklace.
The next year, the boy received a puzzle and the girl received an new wardrobe full of clothes.
And the next year again, the boy finds out he got a cheap chinese phone while his sister received an iPhone X.
So this year, after the opening, the girl says: "Haha! mom and dad loves me more!"
The boy replies: "Haha! I don't have a tumor"

A man visited a movie studio and was browsing the wardrobe archives.

He asked a costume designer which were her favourite pieces.
Well, that shirt there was worn by Pacino. That jacket was put together for De Niro. And these boots were made for Walken.

A Man returns home and screams out loudly

- Honey, pack your things, I've won million today!
Wife comes to the wardrobe and asks:
- What kind of clothes to take with me? Summer or winter?
- All of them and get out of here!

A rich man demanded to be buried with his money

Upon his death bed a miser demanded he be buried with all his money leaving behind nothing for his wife and children. After his death some friends approached his widow to offer her jobs and gifts but discover she has bought a new home, car, and wardrobe. The friends ask how she can afford all of this with the entire estate being buried with her deceased husband? The widow replied, well I deposited the funds from the estate into my account and buried my dear husband with a check for the total.

An elderly woman phoned the police and said she saw her neighbour, n**... walking around his bedroom with blinds open.

Police turn up and says to her, sorry madam, but you cannot even see his bedroom, there is a fence and a bush blocking the view.
She replies, you can if you stand on top of the wardrobe.

My tinder date invited me back to her house tonight, and while she was in the bathroom, I had a cheeky look in her wardrobe. Inside, there was a nurse outfit, a police woman's uniform and a full d**... bodysuit, so I quickly pulled on my pants and snuck out of there.

I don't want a girlfriend who can't hold down a job.

My new s**... neighbour just sneezed,

so by instinct and good manners I said bless you.
She said thanks, but looked a little confused that her wardrobe was talking to her!

From an old Italian book

Husband and wife are sleeping on their bed. Suddenly, the woman, having a dream, starts to yell:
"Oh god! My husband is coming"
The husband jumps from the bed and without even thinking runs to the wardrobe

Wardrobe joke, Someone once asked me what's in my wardrobe?

jokes about wardrobe