Waddles Jokes
30 waddles jokes and hilarious waddles puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about waddles that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Waddles Short Jokes
Short waddles jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The waddles humour may include short wiggle jokes also.
- As a fat guy I never really have more pep in my step... But I do occasionally get a little more throttle in my waddle.
- So a duck walks into a bar... He waddles over to a seat and settles in. The bartender says "Hey there, what can I get for you?"
And the duck says "I... I don't know. I've never made it this far." - A duck waddles into a store, asks for some snails. The woman behind the counter asks, "Wait, ducks don't carry cash, do they?"
The duck replies, "No, but you can put them on my bill." - People always say that obesity runs in their family... I don't know about you but in my family obesity waddles in my family
- Duck waddles in to a pharmacy and asks for some lip balm. "Certainly sir, will that be cash or credit?." "Just put it on my bill."
- A penguin waddles into a bar and asks the bartender have you seen my brother? And the bartender replies I dunno, what does he look like?
- *in the park* Stranger: your dog is kind of unusual looking
Me: haha yeah he's interbred
Duck: \*waddles up\* I'll tell you who else is into bread - I could never run for a political office I'm too out of shape. I could, however, waddle for a political office
- A cute little duck waddles into a bar. Hey barkeep can I have a flippen r**... and coke?
You can use fowl language you know...say's the barkeep, You are a duck after all.
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Waddles One Liners
Which waddles one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with waddles? I can suggest the ones about wanders and paddle.
- Some Penguins Went to a Bar Waddle they do next?
- How do ducks carry their beverages? In a waddle bottle!
- Two ducks walk into a bar… Ok! Ok! They waddle. Geez!
- How does a penguin waiter take orders? Waddle you be having.
- What do you do when your mother-in-law waddles in the backyard? Shoot again.
- What kind of water do ducks drink? Bottled Waddle.
- What did the Duck say? Got any grapes?
Then he waddled away (waddle waddle)
. - How does a penguin keep itself hydrated? His waddle bottle.
- What is a baby duck's favorite song? Waddle baby waddle baby waddle baby waddle
- A duck waddles into a lake... The geese say 'Hi Dave!'
The boss faints. - A bunny waddles to her bunnyman She pooted
- Video of cute baby penguins waddling Aww, wrong sub.

Amusing & Witty Waddles Jokes for Laughter-Filled Fun
What funny jokes about waddles you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean waffle jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make waddles pranks.
A zookeeper loses his Bible while at work...
... A week later when he's feeding the penguins one of them waddles up to him holding his Bible in its beak.
"Praise God, it's a miracle!" says the delighted zookeeper.
"Not really," says the penguin, "Your name is written on the inside cover."
My favorite pirate joke
A pirate walks into a bar with a huge wooden ships wheel stuck down the front of his pants, as he waddles up to the bar the bartender asks, "Hey, doesn't that thing bother you?"
To which the pirate replies, "Gaarrrr, it's drivin' me nuts!"
A duck waddles into the drug store and says, Sorry, I don't have my wallet today but I really need to buy a c**.... The pharmacist chuckles, No problem, shall I just put it on your bill? The duck exclaims quacks in surprise...
Sir! What kind of a duck do you think I am?!
Penguins are at war
During a intense trench firefight, a young private that was recently drafted starts balling saying he cant handle it.
The commanding officer ferociously waddles over and screams "its either us or them"!
The private pauses for a second. Looks up and says "its not always black and white"
You're approached by a stranger while walking your dog in the park.
The stranger says "That's an unusual looking dog."
You reply with "It's interbred."
Suddenly, a duck waddles up and says "Guess who else is into bread?"
A duck walks in to a bar
And asks the bartender if he has any bread. Go away duck! We don't have any bread said the bartender.
The duck waddles off.
The next day the duck returns to the bar and asks the bartender if he has any bread. Go away duck! I told you we don't have any bread!
The duck again waffles off.
The following day the duck returns and before he can ask the bartender a question, the Batman flies in to a tirade, if you ask me if I have any bread I'm going to nail your bill to the bar!
The duck asks do you have any nails?
The Bartender says no.
The ducks asks do you have any bread?
Penguin takes car to the mechanic...
On a really hot day, a penguin takes his car to a mechanic. The penguin asks, "How long will it be?" The mechanic says, "Just a few minutes."
So the penguin waddles down the road and spots an ice cream shop. When the penguin gets there, he uses his penguin flippers and messily eats the ice cream. With ice cream all over his face and his stomach, he asks, "So how's my car?" The mechanic comes walking out wiping his hands on a rag and says, "Looks like you blew a seal." The penguin says, "No, I was just eating ice cream!"
A duck walks into a bar, hops up on the bar, waddles down to the bartender, and asks...
... "Got any quackers?"
The barman looked at the duck for a second, then said "No, Besides, you're a duck. It's a health code violation for you to be in here, so get out before I call animal control."
The duck leaves, but comes back the next day. Same situation: "Got any quackers?"
"Look you s**... feathered, I told you yesterday that I don't have any, and you need to leave. If you come back again, I'm going to nail your bill to the bar."
The duck comes back the next day and approaches the bartender.
Duck: "Got any nails?"
Barkeep: "Uh, no."
Duck: "Got any quackers?"