
Vocal Jokes

37 vocal jokes and hilarious vocal puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about vocal that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Discover hilarious vocal jokes that use a variety of vocal sounds and styles for maximum laughs! Learn about vocal fry, vocal cord health, and ways to improve your vocal technique. Whether you are a vocal coach, a member of one of the popular bands, or just unselfishly looking to give your friends a laugh, you won’t want to miss these villainous vocal jokes.

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Funniest Vocal Short Jokes

Short vocal jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The vocal humour may include short singing jokes also.

  1. My biology teacher grew human vocal chords from stem cells in the lab, the results... ... speak for themselves
  2. Scientists have grown human vocal chords in a Petri dish. The results speak for themselves.
  3. Snoop Dogg goes to a vocal coach The coach asks him "Can you sing very high?"
    Snoop says "I can't sing if I'm not."
  4. Scientists have successfully grown human vocal chords in a Petri dish. The results speak for themselves
  5. My therapist told me that I find it impossible to vocalize my emotions. Can't say that I'm surprised.
  6. Scientists have accidentally created immortal frogs While running experiments, they decided to cut some of the frogs vocal cords.
    Ever since then, the frogs just wont croak
  7. Did you hear about the guy whose vocal cords were damaged in an accident, so they had to do a transplant from a puppy? He's doing okay but his voice is a little husky now.
  8. Scientists have successfully grown human vocal cords in the lab The results speak for themselves.
  9. Doctor: Did you know that you have trouble vocalizing your emotions? Man: Can't say that I'm surprised.
  10. Sam had amazing vocal skills, but was in doubt of them all the time. He got himself to sign up to a Talent Show for the first time. And finally in front of all the people Samsung

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Vocal One Liners

Which vocal one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with vocal? I can suggest the ones about vowel and verbal.

  1. The doctor told me my vocal chords were damaged I was speechless
  2. What do you get when you perform a bad vocal solo to a crowd of mosquitoes? Malaria.
  3. Lately my self esteem has been so low... Even in the shower I sing backup vocals.
  4. Why do crows do vocal exercises every morning? For the Good of the Caws.
  5. Vocal fry is no joke. Remember, those people in California are suffering from a drought!
  6. Did the Drake's vocals come in yet? Chill chill everything's top secret my brother
  7. What do YOU call a dog with NO vocal cords?!? A hushky!!!
  8. How many women does it take to kill a cockroach? Only one, with killer vocal chords.
  9. Why is it important to listen to music without vocals? It's instrumental.
  10. What do you call an unselfish vocal sound? A humble grumble^^My ^^life ^^is ^^failure
  11. What vocal art did the mountain climber from Dagobah practice? Yoda-ling
  12. Which Muslim singer has the highest vocal range? Sharia Carey
  13. Which singer had the best vocal range? Kurt Cobain, he could really hit the high notes.

Vocal Cords Jokes

Here is a list of funny vocal cords jokes and even better vocal cords puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • I've had a tonsillectomy last week but the doctor accidentaly removed my vocal cords. I can't say how angry I am.
  • Did you hear about the rooster who had surgery on his vocal cords He's cockadoodledoing alright now

Vocal Chords Jokes

Here is a list of funny vocal chords jokes and even better vocal chords puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Why did Buddy Holly retire from the music industry in 1959? His vocal chords were damaged in an accident.
Vocal joke, Why did Buddy Holly retire from the music industry in 1959?

Vocal joke, Why did Buddy Holly retire from the music industry in 1959?

Quirky and Hilarious Vocal Jokes to Let the Chuckles Begin.

What funny jokes about vocal you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean voice jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make vocal pranks.

The biologist

A biologist races into a bar in a celebratory mood. "I've done it!" he shouts to the bartender. "I've engineered immortal frogs!" "How's that?" asks the bartender. "I removed their vocal chords. They can't croak!"

How do you know a vocalist is at your door?

She can't find the key and doesn't know where to come in.

I get extremely vocal when having lots of s**... during my period

I guess you could call them whoremoans

Calling a company be like:

Please listen carefully as our menu options have changed. Press 1 for English. To talk to a live person, please enter PI to the 27th digit followed by your 2nd cousin's social security number and the number Ϡ . What was that? Sorry our automated system can't understand you. Please s**... your phone whole so we can listen to your vocal cords easier. You have made an INVALID SELECTION

Did you know Gary Oldman missed out on being the voice of iPhone because his vocal tone was too intense?

He took the role too Siriusly.

Vocal joke, How many women does it take to kill a cockroach?