
Vitamin Jokes

77 vitamin jokes and hilarious vitamin puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about vitamin that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

The best vitamin jokes are the ones that make you laugh and improve your health at the same time. These clever one-liners not only offer a good dose of antioxidants and other essential nutrients, but they also provide a much-needed chuckle.

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Funniest Vitamin Short Jokes

Short vitamin jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The vitamin humour may include short supplement jokes also.

  1. From my 91 year old grandpa Q: What is the difference between a vitamin and a hormone?
    A: You can't hear a vita-min.
  2. My doctor must be a very visual person, Whenever I have a cold he holds out my medication and says "vitamins, see".
  3. If olive oil is made from olives and coconut oil is made from coconut what is baby oil made from? Mineral oil, Aloe Vera Extract, Vitamin E, Fragrance and false advertising.
  4. What's the best vitamin for friendship? B1
    Shout out to the random guy on the street that told me this joke!
  5. What's the difference between Vitamin C and your mother's sister wetting her pants? One's an antioxidant and the other's an auntie accident.
  6. What's the difference between a vitamin and a hormone? You can't make a vitamin

    -RIP Benny Hill
  7. Everyone knows you synthesize vitamin D from UV rays and that's fine... So how come whenever I say, "I love getting the D from my sun," people always freak out?
  8. Why did the Germans have a vitamin C deficiency during World War II? All the juice was put in concentrate camps
  9. What is the best Vitamin for friendship? B1. Because no one wants to be friends with a guy in a metabolic coma due to a thiamine deficiency.
  10. Why couldn't the effective vitamin supplement achieve true happiness? He was too super fish oil.

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Vitamin One Liners

Which vitamin one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with vitamin? I can suggest the ones about vegetable and minerals.

  1. What is the difference between a vitamin and a hormone? I've never heard a vitamin.
  2. How do pirates relieve themselves of scurvy? Vitamin Sea
  3. B5, B12, C, And E show up at your door... Whattya do? In-Vitamin
  4. What's the the best vitamin for making friends? B1
  5. What's the best vitamin for cancer patients? B9
  6. My nutritionist showed up at my door unannounced! I didn't 'vitamin.
  7. It's the cold and flu time of year Or as I like to call it, Vitamin C-son.
  8. I thought my vitamin might be cancerous Fortunately, the tests showed it was B-9
  9. A bumblebee, a spelling bee and a vitamin B got in a fight The vitamin B1
  10. I discovered the cure for blindness. Vitamin See
  11. Dating is like vitamins If you don't go outside much you won't get the D.
  12. Why don't snakes like Vitamin C? Because it's an anti-hisstamine.
  13. What's the difference between a hormone and a vitamin? You can't hear a vitamin.
  14. What's a Canadian's favorite vitamin? Eh
  15. What is the best vitamin for a Christian? B1

Vitamin C Jokes

Here is a list of funny vitamin c jokes and even better vitamin c puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What do you call a vitamin that improves your eyesight? Vitamin c.
  • Why do people eat carrots to help their eyesight? They should be eating oranges because they have vitamin C. haha
  • I would like vitamins for my son, a mother said. Vitamin A, B or C? the pharmacist asked. It doesn't matter, the mother replied. He can't read yet.
  • do you like vitamin C? then you should head out to the ocean
  • A new study concluded that blind people cannot eat oranges. They can't process vitamin C.
  • The education system I would like vitamins for my son, a mother said. Vitamin  A, B or C? the pharmacist asked. It doesn't matter, the mother replied. He can't read yet.
  • orange juice just flew into my eye now I can't vitamin-C
  • Chuck Norris can peel an orange with his eyelids, but he rarely needs Vitamin C.
  • What happens when a computer doesn't get enough vitamin C? It turns into a scurver!
  • What did John Cena say to his multivitamin? You can't vitamin c me ""✋""

Vitamin D Jokes

Here is a list of funny vitamin d jokes and even better vitamin d puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Sunlight What does the doctor recommend you take if you have a Vitamin D deficiency?
    Some sunlight
    What does the doctor recommend you take if you have too much Vitamin D?
    Some Sun-Lite
  • Which vitamine are feminists missing? D
  • My Doctor said I needed more Vitamin D and Iron in my Diet So now I blow Iron Man on the reg.
  • What do you say when you don't have enough vitamin D? Vitamin d-ficient.
  • Why did the girl want to go outside. She wanted the Vitamin D
  • Q: Why was the lesbian sick?
    A: She was lacking vitamin D.
  • Why do old pornstars end up looking so worn-out and leathery? They took too much Vitamin D.
  • What's a gay person's favourite vitamin? Vitamin D
  • My lesbian friend is very ill… It seems she's lacking vitamin D.
  • Bisexual m3n are like the sun.... they give everybody vitamin D.
Vitamin joke, Bisexual m3n are like the sun....

Vitamin B Jokes

Here is a list of funny vitamin b jokes and even better vitamin b puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What is the tumor's favorite vitamin? It's B-9.
  • I made this. When you think about it, it is kind of silly that honey contains B vitamins.
  • Breaking News: New study finds l**... have vitamin deficiency. Vitamin A and B seem to be regular but they don't seem to be getting enough D.

Vitamin Sea Jokes

Here is a list of funny vitamin sea jokes and even better vitamin sea puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Pirates didn't want the fountain of youth, they wanted a cure to scurvy A vitamin sea
  • All i need is vitamin sea.
  • Why do whales have really good immune systems? They consume a lot of vitamin SEA!
  • Why should sailors eat crabapples? For the vitamin sea.
Vitamin joke, Why should sailors eat crabapples?

Experience Instant Grins & Giggles with Playful Vitamin Jokes

What funny jokes about vitamin you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean hormone jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make vitamin pranks.

Vampires s**... your blood to get vitamin D, because they can not be out in the sun.

Have you ever thought about that?
No, because all you think about is yourself.

I have found that I have been happier since I switched from coffee to orange juice.

My Dr. explained that it's the vitamin C and natural sugars but I really think it's the v**....

I found I have been happier since I changed from coffee in the morning to orange juice.

My doctor explained that it's the vitamin C and natural sugars , but I really think it's the v**...

Three pregnant women were knitting tops for their soon-to-be born.

One posh one says "I'm taking vitamin A, as I want my baby to have strong bones and teeth". The other posh one says "I'm taking vitamin C, as I want my baby to have a good constitution and good heart". The chavvy one says "I'm taking Thalidomide cos I can't knit arms".

Three pregnant women are sitting in a doctors.

Three pregnant women are sitting in a doctors waiting room knitting. Mom 1 checks her watch and takes a pill "Vitamin C, good for mom, good for baby." Mom 2 takes a pill and says, "Vitamin A, good for mom, good for baby." Mom 3 takes a pill and says, "Thalidomide...I can't knit sleeves."

We were sat outside in the sun and my mum says "It's nice getting some vitamin D isn't it" my grandma then said " I get my vitamin D every day" then gave that look to my grandad

I am currently digging my grave

I told my roommate you get enough vitamin C in your diet without needing supplements.

The next morning, I noticed he was still taking Vitamin C with breakfast.
"Why are you taking that?" I quizzed him.
"What do you mean?" was his response. Feeling the need to revisit our previous discussion, I reminded him,
"It's fruitless".

Three pregnant women are knitting in the Doctor's waiting room.

The first one pops a pill and says, *"Vitamin A, good for mommy, good for baby."*
The second one pops two pills and says, *"Vitamin C, good for mommy, good for baby."*
The third one pops three pills and says, *"Thalidomide. I can't knit sleeves."*

What do you do when health nut shows up to your house?

You vitamin.

Why did the 1920's gangster get scurvy?


Why did h**... have a vitamin C deficiency?

He hated juice.

I had a crush on my Dietitian

But then i found out she was Vitamin

Vitamin joke, What do you call a vitamin that improves your eyesight?

jokes about vitamin