
Visual Jokes

43 visual jokes and hilarious visual puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about visual that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Discover the world of visual jokes, from visual basic to visual art, visual effects to ocular extremes. Find out how visual humor has evolved and what direct impact it has had on culture and communication. Learn how to utilize visual jokes in your own life to spice up conversations and bring laughter.

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Funniest Visual Short Jokes

Short visual jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The visual humour may include short vision jokes also.

  1. A man who passes away leaves $125 million to help the visually impaired. They never found it.
  2. Totally sick of idiots letting firework off early, it's still October for goodness sake!!! Dog is going mad and keeps knocking the Christmas tree over!
  3. I was seeing this h**... about twice a week. But last week she saw me and closes her blinds now.
  4. Whenever somebody calls me ugly, I get super sad and want to hug them. I know life is tough for the visually impaired.
  5. My doctor must be a very visual person, Whenever I have a cold he holds out my medication and says "vitamins, see".
  6. What would be the best way to visually depict the number of nightclubs in my city? I'm thinking I should use a bar graph.
  7. I created a presentation on my computer but didn't use password protection... Now it has visual aids.
  8. What has two thumbs and doesn't understand jokes that require a visual component? This guy!
  9. I'm visually impaired and the other day I decided to go to the shop I walked into the shop
    and then I went inside.
  10. I don't understand how people are complaining about visual bugs in Cyberpunk 2077 It's just your character's cyberoptics malfunctioning.

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Visual One Liners

Which visual one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with visual? I can suggest the ones about virtual and graphic.

  1. Did you know there was a cult for visually impaired? They follow their leader blindly
  2. Why did the visually impaired man fall down the well? Because he couldn't see that well.
  3. I like my women like I like my programming languages. Visual and basic
  4. What has two eyes but can't see? A visually handicapped person.
  5. "I've got a visual lock on sandwiches" Where?
    "1 o'clock"
    1 o'clock?! I'm hungry now!
  6. I hate jokes that rely on visual imagery. I've had it right up to here with them.
  7. Why was the visually-impared german killed by the allies? Because he was a not-see
  8. I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.
  9. Magic Johnson walks into the mirror portion of a fun house... Visual Aids.
  10. What's good about aphantasia? I literally can't visualize it.
  11. What did the audio visual cable say when it got 80% on its final? HDMI
  12. Here's a shout out to visually impaired prostitutes You gotta hand it to them
  13. Sometimes people ask me to visualize my project plans.... But I Gantt even.
  14. Chuck Norris can make a Java Program in visual studio 2010.
  15. Why do people get a red eye after giving a presentation? Because they have visual aids.

Visual Art Jokes

Here is a list of funny visual art jokes and even better visual art puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Our Visual Arts teacher told us to be more like rivers and less like canals today. If he meant wide, meandering and full of dead fish, I think I'm already there...
Visual joke, Our Visual Arts teacher told us to be more like rivers and less like canals today.

Visual Effects Jokes

Here is a list of funny visual effects jokes and even better visual effects puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • "Walker Texas Ranger: The Movie 3-D" was considered by Warner Brothers; however the technology to create the visual effects will never be possible.
Visual joke

Rib-Tickling Visual Jokes that Bring Friends Together

What funny jokes about visual you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean verbal jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make visual pranks.

A blonde girl is eating an ice-cream

Her friend tells her : "You have ice-cream on your cheek".
The blonde girl starts to rub her left cheek. "No the other way".
She puts a finger in her mouth and rubs. "Hij it gonhe ?"

(sorry, it's more a visual joke)

In honour of St Patrick's day, can you guess my Irish name?

Pat MiGroin.
Yeah, my grandpa just told me that one...some visual images cannot be unseen.

Why did the T-Rex's girlfriend leave him?

Because he said he only loved her this much (hold out t-rex like arms)
Sorry this one requires a bit of a visual, but I thought you guys might like it

I live in an artists' commune, but just can't find it in me to trust the visual artists...

They seem kinda sketchy.

So, waiting with my Wife in the Eye Doctor's exam room I spotted a cutaway eyeball ...

It was a visual aid.

Friends are making visual puns

One draws a box with an x on it
"its obviously xbox"
Another draws a station with play on it
"of course its playstation"
Another one draws two people with arrows pointing to eachother with one having nintendo on his shirt.
"its nintendo switch"
Finally one draws a girl with multicolored hair.
"its pc"

My doctor told me I had an STD in my eye.

I asked him what he meant exactly.
So, he gave me visual aids.

What did the visually-challenged gentleman say as he walked past the tuna stand at the open air market on a hot summer's day?

Hello ladies. Warm enough for you?

Some jokes only work in visual form, that's why we have comics.

Some jokes only work in spoken form, that's why we have comics.

I wrote a short story about a Post-Impressionist Dutch painter who only made visual jokes...

The painter's name: Vincent van Gag

My Grandpa always told me that alcohol is damaging visual sense

He also told me that he likes glasses more than being thirsty

Visual joke, My Grandpa always told me that alcohol is damaging visual sense