Ungrateful Jokes
20 ungrateful jokes and hilarious ungrateful puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about ungrateful that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Ungrateful Short Jokes
Short ungrateful jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The ungrateful humour may include short unhappy jokes also.
- My son is so ungrateful. I bought him a trampoline for his birthday.. ..And all he wanted to do was sit in his wheelchair and cry.
- How ungrateful people are My grandfather tried to warn everyone that the Titanic was going to sink. Besides not believing in him, they also expelled him from the movie theater!
- Women are so ungrateful these days. I try and hold the door for them but all they do is scream and tell me to get out of the bathroom.
- I bought a trampoline for my son on his birthday but i guess he didn't like it he's just sitting in his wheelchair crying. kids these days are so ungrateful.
- Women can be so ungrateful sometimes. I made her breakfast in bed and instead of saying, Thank you , she was all like… How did you get in my house?!
- I got my kid a trampoline and he doesn't even play in it He just sits in his wheelchair and cries, so ungrateful.
- My son is so ungrateful I bought him a peanut butter chocolate chip cake for his birthday. He just grabbed his EpiPen and complained to me about it; selfish brat!
- People are so ungrateful. smh. Donate 1 kidney: everyone loves you
Donate 4 kidneys: sudden yelling - Women are so ungrateful... When I cook dinner for a woman, hearing "who are you" and "how did you get in my house" is so unnecessary.
- The French may be selfish, ungrateful Anglophobes, but you gotta give 'em credit. They are always there when they need us.
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Ungrateful One Liners
Which ungrateful one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with ungrateful? I can suggest the ones about disgruntled and dissatisfied.
- Yesterday I saved a frog... ...from drowning. When I got it out it looked so ungrateful.
- What do you get when you throw ungrateful kids in to a meat grinder? Bratwurst

Quirky and Hilarious Ungrateful Jokes to Let the Chuckles Begin.
What funny jokes about ungrateful you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean unsatisfied jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make ungrateful pranks.
My friends asked me where they could get a decent coffee table and I said I could make one for them for $500. They were delighted and agreed to it. But when I eventually got it to them, they seemed really ungrateful.
I have no idea why, it was fantastic. It rated 100 different types of coffee from 1 -10 and was one of the best spreadsheets I've ever made.
I tried to be a gentleman to this pretty lady, so I held the door open for her...
But she just screamed at me as she got s**... out of the plane! Women are so ungrateful for nice guys nowadays.
I saw my dwarf neighbour at the bus stop this morning.
He seemed to be waiting for the bus, so I said, 'Jump in, I'll give you ride.'
He said 'Go to h**...', so I thought he was very ungrateful.
But then I just zipped up my backpack and kept walking.
Men are greedy b**....
A married couple in their 60's are visited by a fairy who grants them both a wish.
"I want to travel around the world with my darling husband." says the wife. 2 tickets for a luxury cruise magically appear in her hand.
The husband says, "Sorry love, but my wish is to have a wife 30 years younger than me."
So the fairy waves her wand and the husband becomes 92.
Moral of the story: Men who are ungrateful b**... should remember - fairies are female.
I bought my nephew a pair of airpods for his birthday.
The kid was so ungrateful, he didn't even say thank you. He just started throwing up gang signs at me.
I think he's fallen into a bad crowd ever since he went deaf.
I tried being polite by holding the door open for a lady...
I couldn't believe the ungrateful w**... kept shouting at me, I'm peeing in here!
I bought my son a trampoline for his birthday.
That ungrateful s**... just sat in his wheelchair and cried the whole time.
I got my son a bicycle for his birthday once.
I bought the bike from a reputed bicycle store and it was top of the line.
When my son's birthday came around, I unveiled it to him.
My son immediately started to cry and scream at me.
Just because he's in a wheelchair doesn't excuse the fact that he's an ungrateful little s**....
I bought my Son a bike for his birthday.
He started screaming and crying about it.
Just because he's in a wheelchair doesn't excuse the fact that he's an ungrateful little s**....