
Undo Jokes

27 undo jokes and hilarious undo puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about undo that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Undo Short Jokes

Short undo jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The undo humour may include short erase jokes also.

  1. I really shouldn't have pressed CTRL+Z. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but it turned out to be my undoing.
  2. In honor of Valentine's Day... What does a passionate kiss and a spider have in common?
    They both lead to the undoing of the fly.
  3. My mum doesn't work in IT. So I don't get why she looks at me and keeps repeating "I wish there was an undo button."
  4. On a computer you can use an undo button on your creations... I wish I could undo the creations of my kids
  5. You ever hear about the headbanging metal band made up of Apple engineers? They call themselves "Undo Typing"
  6. Whenever I accidentally downvote a comment... I make sure to undo it. Otherwise it's bad karma
  7. I had to un-do a mistake once Despite my attempts I still had to pay for half the abortion
  8. This g**... tinder was so ugly I swiped left, pay for the undo just so I can swipe left again.

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Undo One Liners

Which undo one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with undo? I can suggest the ones about wipe and remove.

  1. I would undo everything to be back with my ex. Except her sister
  2. Passionate kiss is like spider web leads to undoing of fly.
  3. What do you do before you do someone? You undo them.
  4. What if that kim jong un rises from the dead?? Can we name him Kim jong undo?
  5. Last night, my girlfriend asked me to undo her bra. I told her I wasn't wearing her bra.
  6. Why did the shaolin monk who could undo gravity at will lose against the others? Zero Qi.
  7. If my wife ctrlZ me a lot Is she taking an undo advantage?
  8. Useless trying to undo a mistake. Focus your efforts on new ones.
  9. My wife takes undo advantage of me, She CltrZs me a lot.
  10. Nike has come out with a bra that aids v**... boys. Just Undo It.

Undo joke, Nike has come out with a bra that aids v**... boys.

Fun-Filled Undo Jokes to Make You and Your Friends Chuckle & Giggle

What funny jokes about undo you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean dispose jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make undo pranks.

God and Canadians

When God made Canadians, he made them polite, peace-loving, and nice.
But the Devil said, "you are disturbing the balance of nature".
God thought about it, and said, "you are right. But I don't want to undo my work."
Devil: "well, there is only one way to fix this."
So God created Canadian Geese.

Undomesticated animals can't operate computed axial tomography scans

But PET scan.

A string walks into a bar...

and the bouncer told him,"We don't serve your kind here." So, the string went outside and saw a man. He told the man to tie a knot around his upper portion and undo his lower portion into frays; finished, the String thanks the man and goes back inside. The bouncer said,"haven't I seen you before?" To which the string replied, "I'm a frayed knot."

a miracle

A rabbi walks through a Jewish town and then he spots a fat guy who is eating pork. The rabbi is upset and prays, whishing for the fat guy to be sick from eating this "un-clean" food.
After few minutes the rabbi changes his mind: he realized he was too strict: so he prays, prays very hard to undo his previous prayer.
And lo, there was a miracle: nothing happened to the fat man.

A guy goes to a fortune teller...

The fortune teller looks at him and says, "Tonight you will have great s**..., but it will impregnate your partner."
The guy, not ready to be a father, says, "Is there any way to undo this fate?"
The fortune teller replies, "You can't un-fortune-nut-lay."

What does an undocumented Mexican immigrant have in common with a pirated Ridley Scott movie?

Both are an i**... Alien.

I am undoubtedly the greatest, best and most skilled person in the entire world at...

making self-deprecating jokes

Undo joke, You ever hear about the headbanging metal band made up of Apple engineers?