Uncircumcised Jokes
9 uncircumcised jokes and hilarious uncircumcised puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about uncircumcised that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Comedy Uncircumcised Jokes to Make Your Friends Giggle
What is a good uncircumcised joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
Why are uncircumcised people loners?
Because they're complete d**....
An uncircumcised friend of mine had to have plastic surgery on his eyelids after a severe burn to his face and the doctor used his f**... for the graft...
The doctor was able to save his sight but now he is a little cockeyed.
Jokes about uncircumcised d**......
They just don't cut it.
[Starwars] How can you tell Luke is Uncircumcised?
Because he has Force Kin.
What do you call an uncircumcised sequel?
What did the uncircumcised businessman say before he went to the bathroom?
"We're going to be having some rollbacks"
What do you call a mushroom stamp for a uncircumcised guy.
A cyclops slap.
I tried to convert to Judaism, but they rejected me when they found out I was uncircumcised.
I guess I just didn't make the cut.
What did the uncircumcised man say during confession?
Forgive me father fore I have skinned
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