
Udp Jokes

18 udp jokes and hilarious udp puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about udp that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Udp Short Jokes

Short udp jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The udp humour may include short router jokes also.

  1. Nerdiest joke I know. I'd tell you a joke about UDP packet, but I'm not sure you'd get it.
  2. For you internet nerds! I would tell you a UDP joke, but you might not get it.... I would tell you a TCP joke but I don't want to keep repeating it.
  3. A friend of mine offered to tell me a joke using the UDP protocol, but then warned me I might not get it.
  4. Three UDP packets walk into a bar The first says "I'll have a beer"
    The third says "I'll have a whisky"
    The second says "I'll have wine"
    The barman asks what they want to drink
  5. When I tell jokes, I tell them in TCP... Because if I told them in UDP, you might not get them.
  6. I just came up with a long UDP joke But it's not really worth typing out here. You guys probably wouldn't even get it.
  7. I would like to have submitted that joke about UDP here but I don't think you would get it.
  8. Everyone gets my UDP jokes. Well not everyone, because sometimes people just don't always get UDP jokes.

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Udp One Liners

Which udp one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with udp? I can suggest the ones about protocol and offensive.

  1. As a programmer, I would make a UDP joke But you might not get it.
  2. I'd tell a UDP joke... But I'm not sure if anyone would get it.
  3. I want to dress up as a UDP packet for Halloween but I don't know if anyone will get it.
  4. I came here to tell you a UDP joke. But I'd never know if you got it.
  5. man coronavirus is real.. you gotta start using UDP over TCP to avoid handshake
  6. What's the best part about UDP jokes? If the other person doesn't get it, I don't care!
  7. I thought about telling a good UDP protocol joke... ... but you might not get it.

Great Udp Jokes to Share, Laugh and Enjoy with Friends

What funny jokes about udp you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean apathy jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make udp pranks.

A TCP packet walks into a bar...

A TCP packet walks into a bar, and says to the barman "Hello, I'd like a beer."
The barman replies "Hello, you'd like a beer?"
"Yes," replies the TCP packet, "I'd like a beer."

I'd tell you my UDP packet joke, but I'm not sure you'd get it.