
Two Strings Jokes

17 two strings jokes and hilarious two strings puns to laugh out loud. Read bar jokes about two strings that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Two Strings Short Jokes

Short two strings jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The two strings humour may include short guitar strings jokes also.

  1. The Tampax 300 It's memorial day and NASCAR is running the Tampax 300...
    It's completely sold out but I knew someone who got me two tickets.
    I had to pull a few strings, though.
  2. My new party trick... I s**... two pieces of string and an hour later they come out of my a**... tied together.
    I s**... you knot.
  3. I can s**... two pieces of string and when they come out the other end, they'll be tied together! I s**... you knot!
  4. I have this incredible talent, where I can s**... two strings and p**... them out tied together. I s**... you knot.

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Uplifting Two Strings Jokes to have Hilarious Fun with Friends

What funny jokes about two strings you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean two friends jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make two strings pranks.

My 7 year old nephew showed me with pride the "telephone" he had just made from a string and two tin cans...

I pulled out my iPhone and said, "That's nice, but look at what kids your age make in China!"

No Strings

Two strings wanted to go into a bar. The bar had a sign up "We do not serve strings" One of them said to the other I've got an idea. He slammed into the wall, scooted and twisted himself around on the ground and then began tearing at his ends. He walked into the bar and the bartender said "Hey aren't you a string?" He looked at the bartender and said "I'm a frayed knot"

My nephew came to me with a look of pride on his face.

He said uncle, uncle look what I made it's a telephone. He proceeded to show me two tin cans tied together with string.
I pulled out my iPhone and said: this is what kids your age make in China.

Two strings walk into a bar, bartender says Hey we don't server your kind here, get out. Outside one of the strings says I have an idea, here help me

the string proceeds to tie himself up and then dishevels the threads at the top of his head and at his feet. The string then walks back into the bar and orders a drink, bartender looks and says hey aren't you that string I just threw out?
String says No , I am a frayed knot!

What's got two thumbs and can't figure out the difference between a string and an array?

0 => "T"
1 => "h"
2 => "i"
3 => "s"
4 => " "
5 => "g"
6 => "u"
7 => "y"
8 => "!"

A magician performs magic tricks on the Titanic before it sinks.

In the crowd there is a parrot that somehow always knows whats going on.
He pulls a string of hankerchiefs out of his sleeve: "AWCK, he pulls it from his inner pocket!"
He pulls a rabbit out of a hat: "AWCK, A false bottom!"
He saws a girl in half: "AWCK, there are two girls!"
Then disaster strikes, and the ship goes down and only the magician and the parrot are left on a makeshift raft. "AWCK! okay, I give up, how did you make the ship disappear?!"


Three pieces of strings are standing outside a bar with the intention of having a drink. The first one walks in and the bartender asks, "are you a piece of string?". He answers, "yes". The bartender yells, "get outta my bar". The second goes in and the same thing happens. The third then says to the other two, "quick tie me into a frayed knot". They do so and he walks into the bar and the bartender asks, "are you a piece of string?". He says ,"No. I'm a frayed knot"

A string gets t**...

A string walks into a classroom. The teacher sees the string, then ties it between two posts tightly. Did the teacher do a good job teaching?

Yes, because the string was taut.

A string walks into a bar...

and orders a drink. The bartender says, "NO STRINGS! We don't serve your kind here." Angered but undeterred, the string leaves the bar determined to get a drink. He has two friends tie him together. With his new disguise, he reenters the bar to order once more. The bartender says, "Hey there! What can I get - wait a minute... Aren't you that string that was in here earlier?" The string says, "No. I'm afraid not"

Marriage is not a word. It is a sentence–a life sentence.
Marriage is very much like a violin; after the sweet music is over, the strings are attached.
Marriage is love. Love is blind. Therefore, marriage is an institution for the blind.
Marriage is a thing which puts a ring on a woman's finger and two under the man's eyes.
Marriage requires a man to prepare 4 types of "rings":
* The Engagement Ring
* The Wedding Ring
* The Suffe-Ring
* The Endu-Ring

A string walks into a bar..

The string takes a seat at the bar and ask the bartender for a drink. The bartender replies, "We don't serve to strings in this bar, you'll have to see yourself out."
The string, feeling dejected, walks out and stumbles upon two rugged strings in an alley. The shady looking thugs stop the string and extort him of his money. Struggling to resist the thugs; the string was ruffled and tied into a knot, left abandoned by the thieves.
The tattered string returns to the bar and seats himself, once again he asks for a drink. The bartender replies, "aren't you the same string that walked in a little while ago?"
The string replies, "No, I'm a frayed knot."

Two medieval stringed instrumentals meet each other for the first time.

One asks the other, what type of instrument are you? I've never seen one like you before? The other replies I'm a lute, lots of strings, fat and folded at the end that's me. What about yourself, I haven't seen an instrument like you before either. The one replies Oh I'm a harp. The other instrument is skeptical I don't think you have enough strings to be a harp, and you are too symmetrical.
Are you calling me a lyre?

Two pieces of string walk into a bar

Two pieces of string walk into a bar. One of them sits down while the other goes up to the bar and says, "two pints of Guinness, please." The barman looks the piece of string up and down and says, "Sorry, but we don't serve pieces of string here."
So the piece of string goes back to his friend and explains the situation, and the friend decides to tie himself into a knot and fray his ends. He walks up to the bar and orders two Guinness's. This time the barman starts to fill the order but halfway through he looks up and says, "Hold on a minute... You're not a piece of string are you?" To which the piece of string answers:
"No, I'm a frayed knot."

jokes about two strings