Twitch Jokes
43 twitch jokes and hilarious twitch puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about twitch that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Looking for some funny Twitch jokes? Look no further! Here are 10 hilarious jokes that will have you laughing out loud.
Funniest Twitch Short Jokes
Short twitch jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The twitch humour may include short wiggle jokes also.
- What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches? A nervous wreck.
(I'll see myself out.) - I don't waste my money on mobile games, microtransactions, cosmetic game skins and so on... I save my money for more important things in life, like donating to my future wife on Twitch.
- What's something twitch streamers and Mosquitoes have in common? They both hate being swatted.
- Why are you always watching other people play video games on Twitch son? Sounds boring. Anyway, gotta catch the football game on TV.
- What do you call a fat computer? A Dell.
Credit where credits due. Got this off of some dude's donation on Summ1t's twitch stream:P - A tiger can jump higher than a three story building. Tigers have fast twitch muscles in their backs and legs, and buildings cannot jump.
- If grass is to cows what fish is to cats, then what are donations to twitch cam girls? Food for thot.
- I hate when people make fun of people with epilepsy It makes me so mad I shake and twitch with anger
- I ordered a little salad before my meal and my body started to twitch. I told my waiter, but I forgot I ordered the seizure salad.
- My favourite female Twitch streamer seems to have put on a bit of weight... Hmmm, the thot thickens
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Twitch One Liners
Which twitch one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with twitch? I can suggest the ones about twist and tickle.
- What lies at the bottom of the sea and twitches? A nervous wreck.
- Why do some people dislike twitch chat? It's just not their Kappa tea
- What do you call a cow with a twitch? Beef Jerky
- What do you call someone with spasms and bladder problems? A twitch streamer.
- What sits at the bottom of the ocean and twitches? A drowning epileptic.
- How does a Twitch streamer prepare for a convention? He pax
- How does Twitch (Streaming Site) Chat make money? Kappatalism!
- How do you recognize a (former) pornstar on twitch? They are clothed.
- Why can't house flies stream on twitch? Because they would immediately get swatted.
- What does Twitch TV send when someone dies? .
Thots and players - Battlefront 2 has a total of 500 viewers on Twitch right now...
- Why shouldn't you tattle on a video game streamer? Because twitches get glitches
- What does an epileptic guy call 3 AM The twitching hour
- Twitch Followers Challenges (Funny to see)
- What do you call a voodoo live stream? Twitch-craft.
Twitch Streamer Jokes
Here is a list of funny twitch streamer jokes and even better twitch streamer puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- When was the last time the Twitch Streamer got laid? About a Fortnite ago.
- What's a Twitch streamer's favourite drink? A Kappacino.
- What do h**..., strippers and twitch streamers all have in common? Their job.

Cheerful Fun Twitch Jokes to Brighten Your Day with Humor and Joy
What funny jokes about twitch you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean live stream jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make twitch pranks.
Buying aspirin
Joe has always had an uncontrollable twitch in his left eyelid since young. Fred has a splitting headache and asks Joe to go get some aspirins. Half an hour later Joe comes back with a dozen packets of condoms.
"I asked you to get me aspirins, not condoms."
"Yeah, I went to a dozen drug stores, but have you ever tried asking for aspirin with a tic in your eye?"
What do you call a cow...
...w/ no legs? Ground beef.
...w/ 1 leg? Stake.
...w/ 2 legs? Lean beef.
...w/ 3 legs? Tri-tip.
...w/ 4 legs? A cow, you d**....
...w/ 4 legs in the air? High stakes.
...w/ 5 legs? Chernobull.
...w/ no hind legs? An udder drag.
...w/ a twitch? Beef jerky.
I could keep going but I've milked this joke dry
A steed was having s**... with a fox
The steed was pumping and carassing, neighing and kissing yet 45 minutes in the fox was still laying there, not moving an inch.
Fed up with the lack of respobse the horse sneers and says: i do all the work and all you do is lay there. Do something so I know you're enjoying it too.
The fox answers: Well if you'd pull out a bit maybe i could twitch my neck.
If following your favourite twitch thot is a sickness
then could you call giving her all your money a s**...-tom?
The twitch
- Hey, John - while walking past your house, last night, I saw your wife outside, said "Hi", and she winked at me
- No worries, George - she has a twitch in her left eye
- Oh, sh*t! ... too late ...
A guy walks into his therapist's office
visibly distraught, nervously shaking and exclaims "I'm a wigwam!" his head tweaks a little, eyes twitch and says "I'm a tepee". Another head twitch "I'm a wigwam!! I'm a tepee!" *twitch* "I'm a wigwam!" ... "I'm a tepee"!
The therapist grabs him firmly by the shoulders and says "Calm down! Calm down, you're too tense!"