Twist And Turns Jokes
14 twist and turns jokes and hilarious twist and turns puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about twist and turns that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Twist And Turns Short Jokes
Short twist and turns jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The twist and turns humour may include short twist jokes also.
- Some good advice on how to pick up girls Bend at the knees and lift slowly. Avoid turning or twisting your body.
- I'm writing a book with a huge plot twist So that you'll think:
"Oh, this is how it's gonna be"
And then it turns out to be completely different
Because I'm not actually writing a book. - I hope I'm not reincarnated as a doorknob in my next life... Their lives are nothing but twists and turns.
- My personal trainer in Moscow surprised me by making me do a weird turning movement while holding a medicine ball. I guess you can say it was a Russian Twist.
- What is s**... like? s**... is like a rollercoaster. There are ups and downs, twists and turns... and someone's t**... is always sore afterwards
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Twist And Turns One Liners
Which twist and turns one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with twist and turns? I can suggest the ones about plot twist and spins.
- What do you call a reservoir with many turns and zigzags? A twisted cistern
- My favorite movie plot twist... ...was when Leia turned out to be a skywalker.

Fun-Filled Twist And Turns Jokes to Make You and Your Friends Chuckle & Giggle
What funny jokes about twist and turns you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean turning jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make twist and turns pranks.
A mathematician, a physicist and an engineer are tasked with finding the volume of a rubber ball
The mathematician takes the ball, measures its diameter, then calculates the volume.
The physicist submerges the ball in water and measures the amount of water displaced.
The engineer twists and turns the ball, looking for the model number.
Plane Ride
Morris and his wife Esther went to the state fair every year, and every year Morris would say, "Esther, I'd like to ride in that airplane."
Esther always replied, "I know, Morris, but that airplane ride costs fifty dollars, and fifty dollars is fifty dollars."
One year Morris and Esther went to the fair, and Morris said, "Esther, I'm eighty-five years old. If I don't ride that airplane, I might never get another chance."
Esther replied, "Morris, that airplane ride costs fifty dollars, and fifty dollars is fifty dollars."
The pilot overheard them and said, "Folks, I'll make you a deal. I'll take you both up for a ride. If you can stay quiet for the entire ride and not say one word, I won't charge you; but if you say one word, it's fifty dollars."
Morris and Esther agreed, and up they went. The pilot did all kinds of twists and turns, rolls and dives, but not a word was spoken. He did all his tricks over again but still not a word. When they landed, the pilot turned to Morris and said, "My, my, I did everything I could think of to get you to yell out, but you didn't."
Morris replied, "Well, I was gonna say something when Esther fell out, but fifty dollars is fifty dollars."
A guy goes into a bar in the middle of the day
It's quiet and practically deserted. He sits alone, thinking about the twists and turns his life has taken. He hears a soft voice:
"Nice tie"
He looks around but he doesn't see anyone. The voice speaks again:
"Great haircut. "
A few moments later:
"Congratulations on your promotion. "
He waves over the bartender to ask her if she hears anything. The bartender says: "That's the pretzels, they're complimentary."
I just watched a film where a man's wife is brutally murdered and his son is left physically disabled...
...Then in a twisted turn of events, his son is kidnapped and he has to chase the kidnapper thousands of miles with the help of a mentally disabled woman.
Finding Nemo is a real thriller!
Friend 1: I just watched a film in which a man's wife is brutally murdered by a serial killer and his son is left physically disabled. In a twisted turn of events his son is kidnapped and has to chase thr kidnapper thousands of miles with the help of a mentally disabled woman.
Friend 2 : Uhhh....what was it called?
Friend 1: Finding Nemo
Two Nuns On Bikes
Two nuns, Maria and Angelica, are riding their bicycles on their way to work at the Vatican. They're running late, so Maria says, "I know a shortcut. Let's go down this alley." They turn right onto the alley, which soon becomes a narrow cobblestone road, with many twists and turns. Angelica remarks, "wow, I never came this way before." Maria tells her, "it's the cobblestones."
At the State Fair....
Stumpy and his wife Martha went to the State Fair every year. Every year Stumpy would say, "Martha, I'd like to ride in that there airplane." And every year Martha would say, "I know Stumpy, but that airplane ride costs ten dollars, and ten dollars is ten dollars."
This one year Stumpy and Martha went to the fair and Stumpy said, "Martha, I'm 71 years old. If I don't ride that airplane this year I may never get another chance." Martha replied, "Stumpy, that there airplane ride costs ten dollars, and ten dollars is ten dollars." The pilot overheard them and said, "Folks, I'll make you a deal.I'll take you both up for a ride, and if you can stay quiet for the entire ride and not say one word, I won't charge you. But if you say one word it's ten dollars! "
Stumpy and Martha agreed and up they go. The pilot does all kinds of twists and turns, rolls and dives, but not a word is heard. He does all his tricks over and over again, but still not a word. They tierra and the pilot turns to Stumpy, "By golly, I did everything I could think of to get you to yell out, but you didn't."
Stumpy replied, "Well, I was gonna say something when Martha fell out, but like Martha always said, ten dollars is ten dollars."