
Turnover Jokes

40 turnover jokes and hilarious turnover puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about turnover that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Get ready to laugh at these hilarious apple turnover jokes! Whether you're a fan of the classic puns, the clever take from the Bobbitt case, or the mischievous jokes from Allegra, these turnover jokes are sure to make you chuckle. Don't miss out on these hilarious jokes!

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Funniest Turnover Short Jokes

Short turnover jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The turnover humour may include short turnout jokes also.

  1. I googled the "Pittsburg Steelers" today and it took me to How to make a half dozen turnovers.
  2. My sister is an expert pastry-maker. She has to be to stay employed, her job has a high turnover rate.
  3. Why did Sweeney Todd's wife have such a hard time keeping her restaurant staffed? Employee turnover.
  4. You hear about the highly-productive pastry factory that has trouble retaining employees? It has a high turnover rate.
  5. Why is it so difficult to work at an apple pie factory? Because they have such a high turnover rate!
  6. The job interviewer asked me to define turnover. I said, "That's what I do before I go to sleep."
  7. It's decent money, but you can't guarantee a living as a sign spinner. They have a high turnover rate.
  8. What did the headline read for Cam Newton's Car Accident? Another Cam Newton Drive Ends In Turnover
  9. I've been trying to get a job on The Weather Channel forever... But turnover is low due to their low pressure system
  10. Women are kinda like engines. You gotta show them a little TLC to get all your money's worth out of them, and every now you have to choke them to get them to turnover.

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Turnover One Liners

Which turnover one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with turnover? I can suggest the ones about turning and overturned.

  1. Peyton Manning is opening a bakery. As a special promotion, he's giving away turnovers.
  2. Why is it hard to work at an apple pie factory? They have such a high turnover rate.
  3. What's the turnover rate for pornstars? 100%
  4. Why didn't Jimmy want to work at the bakery? It had a high turnover rate.
  5. What's Bill Gates's favorite dessert apple turnover
  6. How do you make an apple turnover? You flip it!
  7. What do you call a group of sailors that eat turnovers? Pie-rates
  8. My pastry factory has been pretty successful... So far we've had a good turnover.
  9. Hockey joke Turnovers are like ex-wives; the more you have, the more they'll cost you.
  10. Did you notice the pastry factory is always hiring? They must have a high turnover-rate.
  11. I want to invest in massage parlors I've heard that their turnover rate is pretty high.
  12. Why did the jelly roll? It saw the apple turnover
  13. Cam Newton Just signed a contract with McDonalds. He will be promoting turnovers.
  14. What food do all basketball players hate? Turnover.
  15. Why did the apple turnover? Because he got jealous of the jelly roll.

Apple Turnover Jokes

Here is a list of funny apple turnover jokes and even better apple turnover puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • I was in the supermarket and I saw a product that said, "Apple turnover". So beneath that I wrote: "billions a year".
  • Do orchards measure their success... in apple turnover?
  • Why was the Apple upset at his factory job? ...because it has a high turnover rate.
  • What do you get if you bake w**... into apple pastry? A high turnover.
Turnover joke, What do you get if you bake w**... into apple pastry?

Entertaining Turnover Jokes to Laugh Out Loud Fun with Everyone

What funny jokes about turnover you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean turned jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make turnover pranks.

Dough Boy

Veteran Pillsbury spokesman Pop N. Fresh died Wednesday of a severe yeast infection. He was 71.
He was buried Friday in one of the biggest funerals in years. Dozens of celebrities turned out including Mrs. Butterworth, the California Raisins, Hungry Jack, Betty Crocker, and the Hostess Twinkies.
The graveside was piled high with flours, as longtime friend Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy, describing Fresh as a man who "never knew he was kneaded".
Fresh rose quickly in show business, but his later life was filled with turnovers. He was not considered a smart cookie, and wasted much of his dough on half-baked schemes.
Still, even as a crusty old man, he was a roll model to millions. Fresh is survived by his second wife. They had two children, and one in the oven.
The f**... was at 3:50 for 20 minutes.

I was talking with my dad this morning in the kitchen

Me: My car is still having trouble starting. It starts but it turns over a few times before actually starting. I'm gonna have to check it out
Dad: That's not good. It'd be great in an iPhone, but not in your car
Me: ?
Dad: Well everybody loves apple turnovers

Did you hear Ben and j**...'s are naming a flavor in honor of j**... Sandusky?

They are calling it Raspberry Turnover

Turnover joke, Did you notice the pastry factory is always hiring?