
Turbines Jokes

47 turbines jokes and hilarious turbines puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about turbines that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Brighten your day with some hilarious turbine jokes! From wind turbines and walking to paying someone personally, we've got plenty of punny jokes to get you laughing. Check out these funny turbine jokes now!

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Funniest Turbines Short Jokes

Short turbines jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The turbines humour may include short windmill jokes also.

  1. Two wind turbines are talking to each other... One asks, "What's your favorite kind of music?"
    The other turbine replies, "Well...I'm a big metal fan."
  2. Two wind turbines... Two wind turbines are in a field when one turns to the other:
    He says: "What's your favourite type of music"
    The second one says: "Actually I'm a huge metal fan"
  3. A solar panel is talking to a wind turbine... The solar panel says, "So what do you think about this whole renewable energy thing?"
    The turbine replies, "I'm a big fan."
  4. Two Wind turbines are in a field. One turns to the other and asks: " what is your type of music ?"
    "i'm a huge metal fan"
  5. Two wind turbines were talking One asked the other, "What's your favorite kind of music? "
    The other replied, "Well I'm a big Metal Fan"
  6. A wind turbine and an A/C unit walk into a bar The wind turbine asks: "Hey man! How's your job going?"
    A/C unit: "ehh, it's cool but I'm not a huge fan."
  7. What's a wind turbine's favourite kind of music? Well I don't know much but I'd say they're a big metal fan
  8. Two wind turbines are standing in a wind farm. One of them turns to ask the other, "What kind of music are you into?" The other replies, "I'm a big metal fan."
  9. Two wind turbines in a field and one says to the other, "Do you like music?" He replies, "I'm a big metal fan."
  10. Two giant wind turbines are standing in a field One turns to the other and asks what of music do you like?
    The second one says, well, I'm a huge metal fan

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Turbines One Liners

Which turbines one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with turbines? I can suggest the ones about power plant and pumps.

  1. What kind of music do wind turbines like? They're huge metal fans
  2. Whats a wind turbines favourite colour? Blew!
  3. What kind of music do wind turbines like? They seem to be big heavy metal fans.
  4. I went to the Museum of Miniature Wind Turbines last night. Not a big fan.
  5. What music do wind turbines like? They're big metal fans.
  6. When im alone i like to pretend im a wind turbine. My wife hates it... But im a big fan.
  7. What music do wind turbines listen to..... They're huge metal fans.
    Ba-dum chi
  8. I went to a miniature wind turbine exhibition on the weekend. Not…a big fan.
  9. No wonder wind turbines are so popular these days... They have a huge fan base.
  10. A wind turbine's friend asks him what music he likes Wind turbine: "I'm a big metal fan."
  11. I was invited to be a wind turbine but I turned it down because I'm not a big fan.
  12. Why do wind turbines like Metallica? Because they're huge metal fans!
  13. Wind turbines... I'm a big fan.
  14. One wind turbine says to another "what music do you like?" "well I'm a big metal fan"
  15. A friend of mine was caught in an airplane turbine In many ways, he *will* be mist

Wind Turbines Jokes

Here is a list of funny wind turbines jokes and even better wind turbines puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Donald, we want to install turbines beside your golf courses to harness the incredible power of the wind! What do you think of these concept sketches? "Not a huge fan."
  • What did the wind turbine say when asked what they thought about sustainable energy? I'M A HUGE FAN!
  • One wind turbine asks another, "What type of music do you like?" The second turbine replies "I'm a huge metal fan!"
  • I recently paid a visit to the "World's Largest Wind Turbine" exhibit. Honestly, not a big fan.
  • So I heard wind turbines enjoy listening to rock music.. Apparently they're big heavy metal fans.
  • Two wind turbines are on a roof. One asks the other, what kind of music do you like? The other one replies... I'm a huge metal fan.
  • What did the wind turbine say to the deep hole which held water? "Well, I just want to say I'm a huge fan."
  • So, two wind turbines were standing next to each other One asked the other, " what's your favourite type of music ? "
    The first one replied, " well, I'm just a big metal fan "
  • Two wind turbines are talking about their taste in music. - So what kind of music do you like?
    - Oh. I'm a huge Metal fan!
  • What did the sentient wind turbine say when he met his hero, the windmill? "I'm a big fan"
Turbines joke, What did the sentient wind turbine say when he met his hero, the windmill?

Humorous Turbines Jokes to Bring Fun and Laughter to Your Life

What funny jokes about turbines you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean winds jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make turbines pranks.

A solar panel, a wind turbine and a hydro dam are all getting to know each other.

'What kind of music are you into?' asks the dam.
'I'm into trance', replies the solar panel.
'Ooh, too intense for me', dam says, 'I much prefer classical melodies, maybe a little 60s soul at the weekends.'
'What about you Mr Turbine? What are you into?'
'Me?' He replies, 'I'm a huge metal fan.'

Two scientists are trying to find the best source of energy.

They realise that no one has tried asking the energy sources what *they* think.
So they go to a coal-fired power station, and they ask the coal, "What do you think of coal power?"
The coal says, "Well, I don't really like it, because they set me on fire, and it hurts." The scientists write this down.
Then they go to an oil-fired power station. They ask the oil, "What do you think of oil power?"
The oil says, "Well, I don't really like it, because they set me on fire, and it hurts." The scientists nod and write it down.
Then they go to a wind farm. They ask a wind turbine, "What do you think of wind power?"
The wind turbine just stands there and says, "I'm a huge fan."

The plane turbine says to the candy...

"What kind of music do you listen to?"
The candy says "Oh, I'm into rap. What about you?"
The turbine says "I'm a big heavy metal fan."

Turbines joke, No wonder wind turbines are so popular these days...