Tub Jokes
124 tub jokes and hilarious tub puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about tub that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Need a laugh? Enjoy these funny hot tub jokes! From puns about pails to gags about towels, this collection of jokes about baths and tubs will keep you giggling. Have a good time laughing and relaxing with these hilarious tub jokes.
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Funniest Tub Short Jokes
Short tub jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The tub humour may include short bath jokes also.
- A Tibetan monk sees the face of Jesus in a tub of margarine. He raises his eyes to the heavens and exclaims "I can't believe it's not Buddha!"
- What did the Tibetan monk say when he saw the face of Jesus in a tub of margarine? "I can't believe it's not Buddha."
- What's the difference between a woman in church and a woman in a bathtub?? Well, the woman in church has hope in her soul, but the woman in tub has soap in her hole...
- A Buddhist monk sees Jesus' face in a tub of margerine And he exclaimed, I can't believe it's not Buddha!
- Yo momma so fat, when she wants to take a bath... She fills up the tub and THEN turns on the water.
- How many surreal artists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Three, one to hold the giraffe, and one to put the clocks in the bath tub.
- A Muslim man sees the face of Muhammad in a tub of margarine one day His neighbor from Nepal looks over and says "I can't believe it's not Buddha"
- The Seven Dwarfs The seven dwarfs were all in a hot tub. They were all feeling happy, then Happy got out.
- A Tibetan monk sees the face of Jesus in a tub of margarine. I can't believe it's not Buddha, he says.
- The cashier at Costco dared to ask me why I'm buying a giant tub of whiteout. Big mistake.
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Tub One Liners
Which tub one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with tub? I can suggest the ones about pail and towel.
- I like my women like I like my toasters, Turned on, and in the tub with me
- The seven dwarfs were in the hot tub feeling happy... ...so Happy left.
- How do dumplings relax? They take a “soy-ful” soak in the tub!
- what do you get when you cross a sheep and a tub? a baaaaaath
- All the dwarfs were sat in a hot tub feeling happy So happy got up and left
- Knock knock... Dwayne.
Dwayne who?
Dwayne the tub, I'm dwowning!!! - TIFU by bathing incorrectly Whoops, wrong tub.
- What do you get when you add pool noodles to a hot tub? Spa-ghetti
- I orgasmed in the tub last night The wife hates it when I call her that.
- I like my women like I like my hot tubs So hot I can only stay in them for 30 seconds
- the 7 dwarves got into a hot tub they all started feeling happy
so he got out - An original from my 7 year old What do you call a toot in the bath tub?
A bath bomb - What do you call a hot tub full of rastafarians Jah-cuzzie
- I picked up a tub of ice cream and a tub of light ice cream They weighed the same.
- Just dropped my phone in a tub of mayo. What the Hellmann!
Hot Tub Jokes
Here is a list of funny hot tub jokes and even better hot tub puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- How many Californians does it take to screw in a light bulb. None. Californians screw in hot tubs.
- What do you get when you drain a hot tub full of clowns? Several gallons of laughing stock.
- How many aspiring actresses does it take to screw in a lightbulb? I don't know - normally they screw in the casting director's hot tub
- Two elephants are sitting in a hot tub... One turns to the other one and asks Do you have any soap?
The second elephant replies with, no soap, radio. - What is the most prudent thing to do when someone is having an epileptic seizure in a hot tub? Throw in your laundry.
- Italian Hot Tub What was the Italian hot tub that was so small it's occupants always bumped into each other called?
Ja-scusi. - What do you get if you put 100 paralitycs in a hot tub? A vegetable soup
- What do you call a group of body builders in a hot tub? Beef stew
- What do you call Marie Antoinette's hot tub? A J'accuse!-i
- New book idea: "Too long in the hot tub" by Drew Peacock
Bath Tub Jokes
Here is a list of funny bath tub jokes and even better bath tub puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- What do you do when you see an epileptic throwing a fit in a bath tub? You throw in some laundry and detergent.
- The density of saturn is so low that the whole planet would float on the water in your bath. However, you wouldn't want to try this experiment at home as it would leave a massive ring around the tub.
- Just dropped my iPhone in the bath tub Just dropped my iPhone in the bath tub. I think it's syncing.
- My wife was upset that I peed in the tub. In retrospect, I probably should've let her finish her bath first.
- How many German Surrealists does it take to change a lightbulb? Two, one to dress up in a gorilla suit and one to fill a bath tub full of vanilla pudding.
- Q: What do you do when an epileptic has a seizure in the bath tub?
A: Throw in some laundry. - Never leave duck eggs in your bath tub... They make the water fowl.
- You know what is ironic about Whitney Houston dying in her bath tub? She was taking swimming lessons at that time
- How many dead babies does it take to fill up a bath tub ? 23.
- What do you say when Skrillex is taking a bath? Wub a dub dub in the bath tub
Heartwarming Tub Jokes that Make You Laugh
What funny jokes about tub you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean bathe jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make tub pranks.
From my niece, who doesn't know why grownups are laughing at her joke...
All of Snow White's seven dwarfs were in a hot tub, feeling happy.
So Happy got out.
She's six. Don't know where she heard this.
The wife brought home a tub of ice-cream...
...and asked me if I wanted some. "How hard is it?" I asked. She cheekily replied, "As hard as you get when you think about me n**...". I said "Go on then, pour me a glass".
Four gay guys are sitting in a hot tub
When a c**... floats up to the surface.
One says, "Who f**...?"
I dared to ask my wife why she's buying a giant tub of Whiteout from the store.
Big mistake.
My local movie theater was robbed of $200 last night.
They stole a tub of popcorn, two sodas and a box of Milk Duds.
Grocery Economics
A man and his economist friend are having lunch.
the man mentions that he's noticed something strange when he buys groceries each week. "I always buy a tub of margarine, but I've noticed that, even though it's the same price every time, there's less margarine in the tub. I can't figure out what's going on."
The economist friend nods with a knowing smile and responds "what you have there is a case of the Law of diminishing Margarinal returns."
A inspector visits a sanatoriun to check its conditions.
During the tour the director takes him to one of their newly designed test rooms, claiming its foolproof.
"We fill up this bathtub to the brim see? Then we hand to the inmate a spoon and a cup and ask him to empty the tub" Says the director
The inspector nods and replies with a smile "Ah, i see. And the inmate, if sane will choose the cup because it's the biggest."
The director then looks at the inspector and raises a brow "No, the sane one will just open the drain"
What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs hanging on your wall?
That same guy in your pool? Bob
Same guy in your hot tub? Stew
Sitting under your car that's missing a wheel? Jack
Same guy on your porch? Matt
Same guy getting hit with a baseball bat? Homer
Same guy lying in a pile of leaves? Russel
What do you call a girl with one leg shorter than the other? Eileen
Chinese girl with the same condition? Irene.
hannah Montana DVD: $15, Tub of vaseline: $3, XL box of tissues: $2, Look of disgust from the cashier:Priceless.
Snow White gets into a hot tub and starts feeling a little happy
Happy gets out and she starts feeling a little grumpy.
Grumpy gets out and Bill Cosby gets in and she starts feeling a little sleepy.
Monk who claims he saw face of Jesus in his margarine tub...
... said: "I can't believe it's not Buddha"
A bunch of gay guys are sitting in a hot tub...
They see some s**... floating around, and o**... asks "ewwww who f**...?"
A whole tub of margarine fell on my toe three weeks ago and it still hurts.
I can't believe it's not better.
A tub, pail, can, basket, canister, vat, kettle, cask, p**..., keg, barrel, and bowl.
I needed to make a bucket list before I die.
Two monkeys were sitting in a tub.
The first one says "Oooo Oooo Aaaa Aaaa Eeee Eeee!"
The second one says "Perhaps we should add some cold water."
An old man is talking to his grandson about how things were cheaper when he was a boy
He said that when he was a boy he could walk into a shop with £5 and walk out with a loaf of bread and milk coffee a tub of butter some bacon a pack of cigarettes and a news paper. The boy said that's amazing can I do that. The old man said no. You can't do that nowadays there are too many security cameras.
What's the difference between a Piano, a Tuna, and a tub of Glue?
You can tuna piano, but you can't piano a tuna. As for the glue... well I knew you'd get stuck on that one.
This joke might seem a little fishy, but I find it key to tell a joke that can really stick with people.
Whenever I see a commercial with a woman looking fully relaxed in a tub with 2 round slices of cucumber on her eyes ...
I wonder where the rest of the cucumber is.
Why would you get bigger if you ate a whole tub of protein every day?
Because you ate whey too much
Four n**... guys are sitting in a hot tub.
All of a sudden, a c**... floats to the surface. After a few seconds of stares and silence, one of the guys asks, "Alright, who f**...?"
7 Dwarves Sitting in a Tub
The 7 dwarves were sitting in the tub feeling happy, so Happy got up and left.
5 gay guys are sitting in a hot tub
When all of a sudden a c**... comes floating up.
One of them laughs and asks okay guys seriously, who f**...?
I was recently at a mental institution and asked the director how he knew when someone needed to be admitted...
He said: "We fill up a bath tub with water and offer the person a teaspoon, a tea cup, and a bucket to empty the tub."
I said: "Oh, a normal person would chose the bucket cause it's bigger!"
He replied: "No, a normal person would pull the plug. Do you want a bed by the window or the door?"
A Grandfather talks to his grandson
Grandpa: Back then, for a dollah, I could get rice, milk, sardines, eggs, four boxes of cereal, a bottle of coke, some chips, and a tub of ice cream
Grandson: How about now, Grandpa?
Grandpa: Now a days, it's impossible to do anything with all dem gawddam cameras around!
The Last Supper
*Jesus raises cup of wine*
Jesus: This is my blood
*Jesus raises plate of bread*
Jesus: This is my body
*Jesus raises tub of mayonnaise*
Jesus: This is m-
What's the difference between a bucket and a tub?
For starters, the bucket pails in comparison.
Three ants take shelter from the rain in somebodies bathroom.
The first ant says, I'm going to sleep in the sink
The second ant says, I'll sleep in the tub
The third ant says, I'll get the best sleep of all and sleep in the toilet!
The next morning, the three ants wake up.
The first ant says, I slept great last night!
The second ant says, I also had a great sleep!
The third ant says, I hardly slept at all! It rained, thundered, and a log fell on my head!
What's the difference between a p**... in the bath tub and a nun?
The nun has hope in her soul.
What do you call a l**... in a hot tub?
After the death of Bobbi Kristina Brown in similar circumstances to her mother Whitney Houston...
The family have released an online video to commemorate their lives.
"Two Girls, One Tub" was probably not the best idea for a title.
A little boy and a little girl..
..got into bath tub for bathing. The little girl, curious about the extra body part of the boy asked him if she can touch it. The boy replied "You broke yours, now you want to play with mine? No way!"
I dared to ask my wife why she's buying a giant tub of Whiteout from the store.
It was a big mistake.
What's the difference between a women getting out of church and a women getting out of the tub?
The one getting out of church has hope in her sole
The doctor was showing the visitor around the insane asylum
,and showing him a test to decide whether people should be admitted as patients. "We fill a bathtub with water and we hand the person a teaspoon, a cup, and a pail." "Oh," says the visitor, "So the normal person will use the pail to empty the tub." The doctor replied, "No, actually, a normal person would pull the plug. So, would you like a private room?"
I really hate the feeling of wrinkly fingers in the tub
But he's my grandpa, what can you do?
Checking out the birth facility
My pregnant daughter and her husband were checking out a new birth facility that was more like a spa. The birthing room had a hot tub, soft music, and candlelight.
"What do you think?" she said
He looked around. "Isn't this how we got here in the first place?"
A man is talking to a psychiatrist
Man: "So what are the conditions to get admitted to your psychiatric ward?"
Psychiatrist: "We fill up a bath tub with water and put a spoon, a cup and a bucket next to it. Then we tell the person to empty it."
Man: "Ah, and a normal person would take the bucket, right?"
Psychiatrist: "A normal person would pull out the stopper. Do you want your room with or without balcony?"
You don't know anything about pain until you've seen your own baby drowned in a tub...
And you definitely don't know anything about how to wash a baby.
(Anthony Jeselnik)
Two cartons of yogurt walk into a bar.
Two cartons of yogurt walk into a bar. The bartender, who is a tub of cottage cheese, says to them, We don't serve your kind in here. One of the yogurt cartons says to him, Why not? We're cultured individuals.
A woman brings her items to the resister
A woman brings five chocolate bars, a tub of ice cream, and some pregnancy tests to the counter
Cashier: "Ma'am, I don't think you need those pregnancy tests"
What do you call
What do you call a l**... in a hot tub?
Just an old joke I remember from my child hood lol
My wife was fixing the caulk around our tub...
Me: You should use some caulk softener to make that easier.
Wife: Is that like a picture of your mom or something?
(actual conversation)
What did the fish say when it saw a sheep inside a tub?
Water ewe doing?
Whats the difference between a guy praying and a guy in the tub?
One has hope in his soul....
Did you hear about Emile Zola's hot tub?
It's a J'Accuse-i.