Trigonometry Jokes
66 trigonometry jokes and hilarious trigonometry puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about trigonometry that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Make math fun with these hilarious trigonometry jokes! From love equations to calculus inequalities, any math fan is sure to crack a smile at these jokes about the beloved subject of mathematics.
Funniest Trigonometry Short Jokes
Short trigonometry jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The trigonometry humour may include short mathematics jokes also.
- Catholics fail trigonometry because they're afraid of sin Irish people fail trigonometry because they can't tan.
Everyone else fails trigonometry just cos. - I'll do algebra, I'll do trigonometry, I'll even do statistics. But graphing is where I draw the line!
- I'll do algebra, I'll do trigonometry, I'll even do statistics... But graphing is where I draw the line!
Actually, graphing is fine, but calculus is my limit. - If Satan was a teacher, which subject would he teach? Trigonometry. There's a lot of sin involved.
- My teacher frowned at me when I handed in my trigonometry test paper I don't think that's a good sine
- Trigonometry Why can't Irish do trigonometry? They can't tan.
Why can't Christians do trigonometry? They can't sin.
Why can't the rest of us trigonometry? Just cos. - Did you hear about that geeky trigonometry expert? The only angle lacking in his life was secs.
- Betsy DeVos wants to eliminate trigonometry from school math curricula because it teaches our children to sin
- We were learning trigonometry in math I asked the teacher for help
He told me, "You must be soh cahnfused right now."
My friend next to me told him, "That was a toapnotch joke, sir." - What's difference between Bible and Trigonometry? Eating Apple was greatest sin while in Trigonometry it's 1.
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Trigonometry One Liners
Which trigonometry one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with trigonometry? I can suggest the ones about algebra and math homework.
- Why are christians not able to do trigonometry? Because Jesus took away their sin.
- I'll do Algebra, even put up with Trigonometry But Graphing is where I draw the line
- Whats a feminist's favorite subject in school? Trigonometry.
- Why are religious people afraid of Trigonometry? Cos they are afraid of Sin
- I participated in a trigonometry competition I got secant place.
- Why did the boy like doing trigonometry? Just cos.
- I always fail my trigonometry test That's because I don't understand sine language
- Why don't white girls like trigonometry? Because secant even.
- Why are monks bad at trigonometry? They dont sin
- Do Catholics fail trigonometry... cause they are afraid of sin?
- Why was the priest afraid of trigonometry? cos sin
- Why did the skeptic do poorly in Trigonometry? He refused to see the sines.
- What do you call trigonometry for black people? Nigganometry
- Why don't Christians like trigonometry? Because they don't like to sin.
- Thanksgiving is here, and I love trigonometry sorry, I went off on a tangent.

Comical Puns & Laughs: Enjoy Fun, Witty Trigonometry Jokes with Friends.
What funny jokes about trigonometry you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean tangent math jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make trigonometry pranks.
Geeky trigonometry joke my dad used to tell me
What sound does a horse make while walking?
*Clop, clop.*
What sound does a horse make while walking uphill?
*Clop, clop* multiplied by the cosine of the slope angle.
While discussing trigonometry, two mathematicians had a disagreement over the best method for measuring angles.
It turned into a protracted argument.
Worst trigonometry joke I know.
Actually, I won't bother telling it, it's too obtuse.
Math puns are boring
Algebra puns are too linear, arithmetic puns are too basic, trigonometry puns are too graphic, calculus puns are all derivatives. Only the statistic puns are the occasional outlier.
How does a Trigonometry teacher appreciate his girlfriend?
"Oh baby, you are so (1/cos C)" !!!
I think my girlfriend has a trigonometry f**...
because every time I talk to her she gets off on a tangent.
Why are Christians so bad at Trigonometry ?
They're afraid of sin
Why do you always follow your instinct when doing trigonometry?
Beacuse you might have secant thoughts and go off on a tangent
whats a feminists favourite part of maths
I was hoping my sister could help me with trigonometry...
But then I remembered, "she's in middle school, of course secant"
A nerd was invited to compete in the Trigonometry Mathletic Competition...
he said:
"Sine me up!"
What do you call a researcher who is good at trigonometry?
A sinentist!
My trigonometry teacher was just removed from class...
He was caught writing really graphic things on the chalk board.
My trigonometry teacher and I got into a fight because she thinks triangles are the simplest polygon.
However, I think we can let digons be digons.
Why don't students in Christian schools learn trigonometry?
Because Jesus freed them from their sins.
I never was a good trigonometry teacher....
I always went off on a tangent.
Why couldn't the student understand his trigonometry homework?
He didn't know sine language
What do you call a trio of trigonometry teachers?
A Pythagorean Triple.
Why are Irish girls bad a trigonometry?
Because they can't tan.
I got a sunburn on the beach yesterday whilst reading about trigonometry. should see my tan lines today
The problem with math jokes
Calculus jokes are derivative, trigonometry jokes are too graphic, algebra jokes are too formulaic but arithmetic jokes are just basic.
The outlier is the occasional statistics pun.
The judge says to the bailiff, "Bailiff, what is this man charged with?"
Judge: *Bailiff, what is this man charged with?*
Bailiff: *Your honor, this is man is charged with BIGOTRY! He had THREE wives!*
Judge (shouting): *BAILIFF! Havin' three wives is not BIGOTRY! It's* ***TRIGONOMETRY!***
There are many problems with math puns.
Calculus jokes are mostly derivative, trigonometry jokes are too graphic, algebra jokes are usually formulaic, and arithmetic jokes are pretty basic.
But the occasional statistics joke is an outlier.
Do you know any maths jokes?
Yeah |ly|
When I was learning trigonometry my teacher explained the trig functions by referencing the unit circle. And when I asked about the unit circle she referred me to the functions.
I said miss this seems like circular reasoning to me
A man in rural Arkansas is brought before a judge for his prelimnary hearing.
"What is the charge, counsel?" The judge asks.
"Bigotry, your honor," the prosecutor replies. "This man has three wives."
"You idiot," the judge says. "That ain't bigotry, it's trigonometry."
My wife left me, Cosmo, after doing some trigonometry.
She saw a tan gent and chose sin over Cos'.