Trig Jokes
44 trig jokes and hilarious trig puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about trig that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Discover hilarious trig jokes that will make you laugh out loud. Explore a range of puns and jokes to do with trig graphs, sines and cosines. From bad puns to jokes about trig graphs, you'll be sure to giggle about these trig laughs.
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Funniest Trig Short Jokes
Short trig jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The trig humour may include short sin cos tan jokes also.
- My son used to be horrible at graphing trig functions. Luckily he's made excellent sines of improvement.
- I just got my math textbook for College Trig, and it's a little emo It's called *I Write Sines Not Trajectories*
- I had a trig teacher that could never stay focused... He always went off on a tangent.
I don't know for certain, but it could be a sine of something serious. - I thought I'd study for my trig test best while out in the sun. But I'm still not feeling tan.
- How did the teacher solve the integral of dx/(x^2((x^2)-4)^1/2)? I guess he had a few trig sub his sleeve
- All the answers on my trig test were off by pi/2... I guess that's what I get for not checking my sines.
- Life Hack If you're ever hungry in trig class, chew on the corner of your paper. It's equivelant to half a pi.
- Why couldn't the trig professor teach the deaf kid? Cos sec sin!
Alternatively: cosecant sine
Thanks /u/mephysteaux
I came up with this while studying, I should probably keep doing that.
Share These Trig Jokes With Friends
Trig One Liners
Which trig one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with trig? I can suggest the ones about tangent and sine cosine.
- Why does God hate Trig? Cos it's a Sin
- How do you hang a trig teacher? With a hypotenoose
- What do you call a blind trig function? Se-cant.
- sin(x) + 2 = 3 It's a trig question.

Giggle-Inducing Trig Jokes for Joyful Times with Friends
What funny jokes about trig you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean cosine jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make trig pranks.
Jimmy approached his teacher
After looking at the syllabus for their next lesson on graphing, Jimmy approached his teacher with a stern look on his face and said, I'll do algebra, I'll do trig, I'll even do statistics, but graphing is where I draw the line!
Did you know that all of the trigonometric functions are female?
Yup, They all have periods!
Why can't Irish do trigonometry? They can't tan.
Why can't Christians do trigonometry? They can't sin.
Why can't the rest of us trigonometry? Just cos.
How does a Trigonometry teacher appreciate his girlfriend?
"Oh baby, you are so (1/cos C)" !!!
What's the M0D's name before they're triggered; turning into a furious, putrid, lump of blubber?
Bruce Banner
I do my trigonometry outside...
cos tan.
(Possible trigger) I wanted to smoke a joint with some Mexicans today..
I asked if anybody had papers and they all ran.
How do you trigger the entire Pokémon Go fanbase?
How do you trigger a feminist?
You've got male.
How do you trigger an Android fanboy?
Sent from my iPhone
Trigger warning!!
The next 4 years in America
One person's trigger warning... another person's spoiler alert.
How do you trigger a switch?
Flip it off.
How do you trigger a feminist?
Its a secret. Only boys can know it.
How To Trigger A Feminist
Feminist: women get paid less than men for the same job
Me: `*shows pornstar income for men and women*`
Feminist: `*Triggered*`
Trigger joke
Feminist: why are men so judgemental about women?
Me: because people like you are around.
Why did the trigonometruc function cross the street?
It did not want to lie tangent to it
My trigonometry teacher was just removed from class...
He was caught writing really graphic things on the chalk board.
My trigonometry teacher and I got into a fight because she thinks triangles are the simplest polygon.
However, I think we can let digons be digons.
What is the only trigonometric function with s**... assault allegations against it?
What the trigonometry teacher get on holiday?
A tan.
*Trigger warning* What do you call a r**... survivor of a WW2 concentration camp
Here's one to trigger my fellow grocery store workers
Unstackable cans.
*Trigger Warning* What do you call a rainbow in a gray sky?
Gay in Gray
What triggered the feminist when she was changing a lightbulb?
The switch, tragically.
What's the best way to trigger someone's anxiety?
What? You thought I was going to answer?
Do you know any maths jokes?
Yeah |ly|
When I was learning trigonometry my teacher explained the trig functions by referencing the unit circle. And when I asked about the unit circle she referred me to the functions.
I said miss this seems like circular reasoning to me
How to trigger a Star Wars fan..?
Go Fourth and Prosper..