Traitor Jokes
29 traitor jokes and hilarious traitor puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about traitor that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Traitor Short Jokes
Short traitor jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The traitor humour may include short treason jokes also.
- Julius Caesar: Brutus, that's a very nice dagger, is it new? Brutus: Thanks, and yes, they had a sale at Traitor Joe's.
- What do you call a member of the blue man group when he's caught red-handed betraying his fellow blue men? The purple traitor of a crime.
- The FBI recently found a common link amoung those that stormed the capital on the January 6th riots. Turns out they all shop at Traitor Joes.
- What is a traitor? A tray shaped dinosaur.
Credits go to the wife for that one! She still giggles when she tells it. - Why can't you trust an administrator? Because admin is traitor.
- Where does Jeff Sessions get his groceries? Traitor Joe's
- Where does Jane Fonda buy her groceries? Traitor Joe's.
- Made this joke up while working at Whole Foods a couple years back... **What do you call a Whole Foods employee that shops at another grocery store?**
>!A "Traitor" Joe !< - What do you call a person who rats on his or her w**... dealer? A purp-a-traitor
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Traitor One Liners
Which traitor one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with traitor? I can suggest the ones about dictator and betrayed.
- What do birds and traitors have in common? They both fly south for the winter.
- Where does Donald Trump like to do his shopping? Traitor Joe's.
^(Gotcha!) - Where is Benedict Arnold's favorite place to shop for groceries? Traitor Joe's
- Where does Benedict Arnold get his groceries? Traitor Joe's
- I'm a traitor to all the women in the world But I don't need them, I can turn on myself.
- Where does Mike Flynn do his grocery shopping? Traitor Joe's
- What do you call a traitor with a lisp? Judith
- Why did the traitor wear two watches? Because he's a two timer.
- A General, conspiracy theorist and traitor walk into a bar Mike Flynn says: "Ow."
- What do you call a traitor's leg Blasfemur
- Where does Finn buy groceries Traitor Joes.
- What do you call a deaf traitor? A mutineer (mute-in-ear)!
- What neighborhood grocery store did Benedict Arnold always shop at? Traitor Joe's.
- What is a traitor's favorite food? Eggs Benedict
- Trader Joes is about to have competition Traitor John's is about to open.

Hilarious Fun Traitor Jokes That Will Have You Rolling with Laughter
What funny jokes about traitor you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean terrorist jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make traitor pranks.
A religious traitor
Son: Dad, what's a religious traitor?
Father: A person who leaves our church and joins another.
Son: And what is a person who leaves another church and joins ours?
Father: A convert, son, a blessed convert.
Three russian prisoners are talking in their cell.
"What are you here for?"
"Last month I said that minister of defence Shoigu was a traitor! And you?"
"Last week I said that minister of defence of defence Shoigu wasn't a traitor!"
The two prisoners then turn to the third one, who was so far quietly sitting in the corner.
"And what are you here for?"
"I am Shoigu!"
Two Traitors Heading for the Capitol Building
Passenger asks "That bomb in the trunk was made by amateurs right?"
The driver responds "yup."
Passenger asks, a bit nervously, "Well what happens if that bomb just goes off?"
The driver responds with great confidence, "No problem at all".
"We have another one under the back seat."