Tower Jokes
142 tower jokes and hilarious tower puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about tower that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Check out these hilarious tower jokes – from jokes about the iconic Eiffel Tower to the Elimination Tower on Roblox, and famous landmarks like London's Grenfell Tower, the Tower of Pisa, and the CN Tower in Canada. Laugh out loud at jokes about water towers, cell towers, skyscrapers, belfries, and turrets.
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Funniest Tower Short Jokes
Short tower jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The tower humour may include short stairs jokes also.
- Genders are like the twin Towers There used to be two of them and now its a really sensitive subject.
- What do the twin towers and genders have in common? There used to be two and now it's too offensive to talk about.
- Why are the twin towers and genders so similar? Because there used to be two of them, but it's offensive to joke about that now.
- First day as a pilot. Control tower: Can you give me your position? Me: I am next to a cloud that looks like a lion. Control tower: Can you be more specific? Me: Simba
- Genders are like the twin towers There used to be two of them, now it's a sensitive subject
- Why can't the Uk and the USA play chess anymore? Because one lost its queen and the other lost its two towers
- Gender is like the Twin Towers There used to be two, and now it's a really touchy subject to bring up
- My wife and I got married under a cell phone tower. The ceremony wasn't great, but the reception was perfect.
- How to anger lord of the rings fans? When you're watching The Two Towers and the ents are marching, shout "RUN, FOREST! RUN!"
- Genders are like the twin towers There used to be 2 of them, but now it is a sensitive topic.
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Tower One Liners
Which tower one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with tower? I can suggest the ones about walls and villa.
- Genders are like the twin towers There used to be 2 of them but now it's a touchy subject
- Why are Americans bad at League of Legends ? They can't defend the towers
- In my community we have a neighborhood watch, It's actually more like a clock tower.
- Why are Americans so bad at League of Legends? because they can't protect their towers
- Why are Americans so bad at chess? Because they don't have 2 towers.
- Why is America bad at League of Legends? Because we can't defend towers
- Why are americans bad at DotA ? Because they cant defend their towers.
- Why are Americans bad at MOBA's? They can't defend towers.
- Why does the Leaning Tower of pisa lean? Because it's Italic.
- What do a tick and the Eiffel Tower have in common? They are both Paris sites
- Why is the tower of Pisa tilted? Because it had better reflexes than the Twin Towers.
- I couldn't make it to the top of the tower in France. I fell.
- Why Eiffel Tower is so high? So the white flag can be visible from Berlin.
Sorry :P . - My Grandfather died in auschwitz Poor guy fell out of the guard tower
- How come Americans never play chess? Because they are missing two towers.
Eiffel Tower Jokes
Here is a list of funny eiffel tower jokes and even better eiffel tower puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- What's the difference between a tick, and the eiffel tower? Well nothing, after all they are both Paris sites.
- I tried to climb the Eiffel tower once But eiffel :/
- I tried climbing that tower in Paris.. but Eiffel.
- I just saw a great documentary on how they built the Eiffel Tower. I'm not gonna lie, it was riveting.
- I tried to climb a really tall tower in Paris, France. But Eiffel off.
- What do leeches and the Eiffel Tower have in common? They're both Paris sites!
- What do you call someone who jumped off a pyramid? In denial
What do you call someone who jumped off the Eiffel Tower?
Inseine - They asked me not to lean over the edge of that tower in Paris. Eiffel.
- Why are the Eiffel Tower lights so bright ? French resistance is low.
- I saw the Eiffel tower for the first time and Eiffel for it.
Pisa Tower Jokes
Here is a list of funny pisa tower jokes and even better pisa tower puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Why is the leaning tower of Pisa in Italy? It's Italicized
- Why is the tower of Pisa leaning? Cause it has better reflexes than the twin towers.
- Ever been to the Tower of Pisa? the security is pretty lenient
- I'm surprised the tower of Pisa hasn't fallen over during the pandemic Without all those tourists helping hold it up.
- TIL that the leaning tower of Pisa collapsed after 848 years. After an official investigation it was discovered not enough tourists have been holding it up since the start of the pandemic.
- We Finally Know Why The Leaning Tower Of Pisa Is Leaning. The graphic designer pressed the *ITALICS* key on accident.
- Why is the tower of Pisa leaning? Becouse she was faster then the Twin Towers.
- What's the difference between the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Twin Towers? The Leaning Tower of Pisa had substantially faster reflexes.
- The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a good representation of all Italians Not straight.
- What is the difference between the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Twin Towers? Better reflexes.

Tower Of Pisa Jokes
Here is a list of funny tower of pisa jokes and even better tower of pisa puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Did you know the leaning tower of Pisa has been available for purchase? It always seems to have had a listing.
- Apparently The Leaning Tower of Pisa is going to be turned into a clock tower. After all, there's no point having the inclination if you don't have the time.
- Why did they never put a clock on the leaning tower of Pisa? They never had the inclination or the time.
- What did Big Ben say to the Leaning Tower of Pisa? 'I've got the time, if you've got the inclination...'
- The Italian government is contemplating on putting a clock face on the tower of Pisa. The reasoning is that it already has the inclination.
- Chuck Norris once leaned on the Tower of Pisa...
- They're going to put a clock on the leaning tower of Pisa... That way, it'll have both the time and the inclination.
- Why is the Pisa Tower inclined? Because it had more reflexes than the Twin Towers
- What is common between Hillary and the Leaning Tower of Pisa? They are both Crooked. (Allegedly).
- The Tower of Pisa was in Chuck Norris' way.
Leaning Tower Jokes
Here is a list of funny leaning tower jokes and even better leaning tower puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- The Italian government has decided to put a big clock similar to Big Ben in the leaning tower of Piza. Now they'll have the time as well as the inclination.
- What's the most impressive part of the Leaning Tower of Pisa?
- Why does the leaning tower of pizza lean? It is *italic*
- Why does the Tower Of Pisa lean? To avoid planes

Unearthly Funniest Tower Jokes to Tickle Your Sides
What funny jokes about tower you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean building jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make tower pranks.
Freedom Tower
Apparently they're having such a hard time filling office space in the new Freedom Tower, they've opened it up to big chain department stores...
Just what America needs — another Target.
A monastery's bell ringer died and the monks put an ad in the paper for a new one.
The next day a man comes to the door to apply and he has no arms. The head monk says:
"Sir, how can you ring our bell if you have no arms?"
The applicant replied, "Just give me a chance, take me to the bell tower and I'll show you."
The all get to the bell tower and ask him to show them how he plans to do it. The applicant gets a running start and slams his face into the bell "RINNNNNNGGGGGGGG"
Before anyone could stop him, he backs up and runs s**... into the bell again and falls to the ground dead.
The head monk spoke up, "Did anyone catch his name?"
Another monk said, "No, but his face sure rings a bell."
Olympics, the new tower of Babel
The German Olympian
I met an athlete near the Olympic Park
I asked him "Are you a Pole Vaulter"?
He said "No, I'm German...
and how do you know my name?"
What do you call a tower of kittens?
A meowtain.
Once there was a church that had a bell that no one could ring. One day, a boy came and asked the priest if he could try. So the boy went up into the tower and ran straight into the bell, face-first. The bell tolled loud and clear. The shocked priest gave him the job. But one Sunday, he ran straight toward the bell with his face and missed and fell off the tower and died.
"Congregation," the priest said before the assembled masses. "Does anybody know this boy's name? Because I don't know him, but his face rings a bell."
A plane from J.F.K. is coming in to land at a rural airport in Arkansas at midnight.
Mouthy pilot turns to his co-pilot, winks & says "watch this"......
"Pilot to control tower......hey there h**..., guess who!!"
Control tower switches off the airport lights.....
"Control tower to pilot....... Hey there Yankee, guess *where!!*"
How are you going to celebrate 9-11?
I go to the tallest tower in my city. Call up a pizza place and order two large planes.
Translating the German joke Germans only tell Germans.
I don't like to talk about the holocaust either. My grandfather died in a concentration camp.
He got drunk and fell off the guard tower.
My dad is German and dropped this one on me the other day.
Dad: I never told you this but, my great grandfather died in the holocaust.
Me: Oh, man thats terrible.
Dad: Yeah, he got really drunk one night and fell off of the guard tower.
I'm getting really sick of all the Holocaust jokes...
My great grandfather died at Auschwitz, so I find these jokes really offensive. Granted, he fell out of a guard tower and broke his neck, but I think that still counts.
I love that tower in France
I hear it's an eye full
A pilot is coming in for a nighttime landing...
He decides to mess around so he turns off his lights and says to the tower:
"Guess who?"
The tower replies by turning off the runway landing lights and says:
"Guess where?"
(from my old flight instructor) :)
I'll never forgive the n**... for how they treated my granddad in that concentration camp during the war.
Five years he was there on that machine gun tower, and never got a single promotion...
A Texan was taking a taxi tour of London...
As they went past the Tower of London the cabbie explained what the building was and provided a brief history. Upon hearing that its construction started in 1346 and was completed in 1412, the Texan stated, "Really? A little ol' tower like that? In Houston we'd have that thing up in two weeks!"
Next they passed the House of Parliament, and the cabbie again gave a brief history, omitting the construction dates this time. However, being eager to brag, the Texan questioned its construction too. The cabbie replied that it was built in 1544 and completed in 1618.
"Well, boy, we put up a bigger one than that in Dallas and it only took a month!"
As they passed Westminister Abbey the cabbie was silent.
"Well? What's that over there?" asked the Texan.
The annoyed cabbie scratches his head and replied "I haven't the foggiest idea, Sir. It wasn't there yesterday!"
A man from Egypt, a man from Paris and a man from Liverpool are all on a hot air balloon ride
The man from Egypt says "we're in Egypt! I can see the beautiful pyramids". A while later the man from Paris says "we're in Paris! I can see the Eiffel Tower from here". Next, the man from Liverpool spoke. He said "we're in Liverpool! I can see someone stealing my car!".
A physicist sees a man about to jump off from the top of Sears Tower...
He yells to him "Don't do it! You have so much potential!"
When asked about his religious beliefs, Donald Trump states that he...
"definitely believes in a higher tower".
I think elephants are overprotected
But I suppose it's easy for me to say that from my ivory tower.
swimming pool wishes
At a swimming pool: Three guys climb a high-dive tower and meet a good fairy who offers to fulfill a wish for each of them. One jumps and says, "Beer!" - and the pool is full of beer. The other one jumps, says, "Money!" and the pool is full of money. The last one starts to jump but slips and, falling, yells, "SHIIIIIIT!!!"
What did one tower say to the other?
I've got a plane to catch
Throwing Watches
Three tourists climbed up the tower with London's Big Ben and decided to throw their watches off the top, run down the stairs and try to catch them before they hit the ground.
The first tourist threw his watch but heard it c**... before the had taken three steps. The second threw his watch and made only two steps before hearing his watch shatter.
The third tourist threw his watch off the tower, went down the stairs, bought a snack at a shop up the street and walked slowly back to Big Ben in time to catch the watch.
"How did you do that?" asked one of his friends.
"My watch is 30 minutes slow."
I don't like jokes about the Holocaust. My grandfather died in a concentration camp.
He fell out of a guard tower.
Trump Tower and Michael Phelps
Between Michael Phelps and Trump Tower, it has been the biggest week for suction cups in the history of mankind.
In Newcastle, England many people don't like to live above the seventh floor in a tower block
They have a fear of Eights
Take it easy on the anti-semetic jokes.
Take it easy on the jew jokes please. My grandfather died in a concentration camp during WW2.
Apparently he fell off a guard tower during shift change.
I was sitting in church when a guy walked in and said hi to me.
He then walked up into the tower of the church and hit his face against the large bell a few times.
#b**... b**... b**...
He then walked back down the stairs and said "See you later mate" and walked out. As he left a few fellow church goers said to me, "Do you know that guy?"
I replied, "I don't think so, but his face rings a bell"
I promised my wife I would make her feel like a princess.
She is all locked up in the tower now.
My grandpa died in a concentration camp.
Poor guy fell out of the guard tower.
Trump was cleaning his gun in Trump Tower...
Kellyanne Conway walks in and asks,
Kellyanne: "Why do you have a gun?"
Trump: "Obama Spy Drones"
Kellyanne: \*laughs\*
Trump: \*laughs\*
Microwave: \*laughs\*
Trump shoots the Microwave.
My coworker claimed his computer was slow, so I put an unplugged computer tower next to him. He reported blazing speeds the next day
Sounds like the PC-bo effect to me . . .
Did you hear that Trump Tower is being remodeled to add a clock that resembles Big Ben
I've heard people complain that it has tiny hands.
Donald Trump gets executed
and is hanged by the neck until dead.
At Trump Tower, his family watches CNN, which is covering his death live, all of them mournful and teary before Donald himself walks in triumphantly.
"But Donald, CNN says you were killed!" Ivanka cried.
"Nope!" Donnie beamed, holding up the rope that was used to hang him, "fake noose."
The clock hits 9:11 twice everyday
One for each tower
What do you call the guy with no arms or legs that works up in the bell tower?
What do you call the guy with no arms or legs that works up in the bell tower?
I can't remember his name, but his face sure does ring a bell.
The one of many dad jokes I heard last night.
What's the best way to make a tower out of books?
One story at a time :D
A windmill was spotted at The Dark Tower premier this weekend.
People said it was a huge Stephen King fan.
The President of Brazil, France and United States share a flight around the world
The United state president puts his hands out of the windows and says:
"We are in the US! I just touched the Statue of Liberty"
Some time passes, the French president puts his hands out and says out loud:
"Now we are in France. I just touched the Eiffel tower".
After a while the Brazilian president also puts his hands out of the Airplane and says:
"Yes, we finally are in Brazil. I just had my watch stolen"
I had my wedding under a cell phone tower.
The ceremony wasn't great but the reception was excellent.
So many jokes about the Holocaust but how would you feel if your grandparent died in Auschwitz?
My grandad did, he fell off the guard tower.
Why did Sauron rebuild his tower?
It needed more door.
I was walking through a supermarket when a tower of toilet paper fell on me
I'm worried I have soft tissue damage.
what do you call a tiny clock tower?
A watchtower
Donald Trump is heading to Trump Tower and bumps into a fellow on the busy sidewalk. He turns to the man and says...
"I pardon myself"
Do you know why the Eiffel tower is so tall?
So you can see the white flag from Berlin.
An American, a Frenchman and a Romanian were flying together
– Now we're in America, said the American proudly. Look, the Statue of Liberty!
After several hours, the Frenchman says:
– Now we're in France! Look, the Eiffel Tower!
After some more couple of hours, the Romanian says:
– We are in Romania.
– How did you realize that? It's dark outside.
– My wrist watch has disappeared
The Leaning Tower of Pisa and Big Ben never married...
One lacked the time while the other lacked the inclination.
[Tasteless] Lost my great uncle in the Holocaust
d**... fell off the guard tower.
I would appreciate it if we stopped posting Holocaust Jokes. They're not funny, witty, or humorous. My Grandpa died in the Holocaust
He fell off the Guard Tower
Pablo Picasso surprised a burglar at work in his studio
The burglar got away, but Picasso told the police he could do a rough sketch of what he looked like. On the basis of his drawing, the police arrested a mother superior, a washing machine, and the Eiffel tower.
What's the difference between the Eiffel Tower and COVID-19?
One of them is actually breathtaking.
A guy says: "My great grandfather died in the concentration camps"
Then he laughs: "He fell from the guard tower"
"Stop telling jokes about this" His friend replies - "My great grandma also died in concentration camps"
"Oh I'm sorry"
"Yeah, some idiot d**... dude fell on top of her from the guard tower"
Whats the difference between a tick and the Eifel tower?
Nothing, they are both Paris sites.
Why did the radio tower fall apart on a Sunday?
Cuz it was weekend
As they stood on top of The Eiffel Tower, watching a beautiful sunset, he got down on one knee and said, Honey?
She gasped audibly and said, Yeah?
He said, Help! My replacement knee is made of magnets.
One day Pablo Picasso returned to his workshop and saw a thief running out...
When the gendarmerie came to investigate, Picasso told them that he could draw a picture of the man. Armed with his drawing, the gendarmes quickly arrested a three-legged dog, a letter box, and the Eiffel Tower.
Once an American, a French and an Indian were travelling in an airplane.
To find out where they have reached, the American stretched his hand out of the plane and said, "We have reached America".
The other two asked how for which he replied,"Well my hand hit the Statue of Liberty".
Next the French stretches his hand out and said,"We have reached France".
The other two asks how for which he replied,"Well my hand hit the Eiffel Tower".
Then the Indian puts his hand out of the plane and said, "We have reached India".
The other two asks how and he replied, "Well someone stole my watch".
First day as a pilot
Tower: Can you give me your position?
Me: I'm next to a cloud that looks like a lion?
Tower: Can you be more specific?
Me: Simba
You might be a r**.......
....if you've ever had to climb a water tower with a bucket of paint to defend your sister's honor.
Don't joke about the war...
I told my friend that my grandfather died in the war.
He said "I am sorry to hear. How did he die?"
I said "One night there was a drunken party, and he fell off a guard tower!"
An old man sitting behind us interrupted. "You shouldn't joke about these things. It's offensive. My father actually died in the war."
I felt really bad, and apologized. "You're right it was insensitive of me. I'm sorry about your father, how did he die?"
He replied "One night there was a drunken party, and he was walking past a guard tower..."
Genders are like the Twins Tower
There used to be 2 of them, but now you can't make jokes with them.
"What do a tick and the Eiffel Tower have in common?"
***"They're both Paris sites."***
Quasimodo is about to ring the bell for 3pm when the rope snaps.
He knows he has to ring it but doesn't know how. Then he has an idea. He takes a big run up and uses his face to ring it. Bloodied and cut he does it again. Battered and bruised he does it one more time, but the bell swings back and knocks him off the tower down to the floor below.
Lying dead in a b**... heap, he's surrounded by towns people. o**... says "who's that?"
His pal said "I don't know, but his face rings a bell."