
Tourettes Jokes

33 tourettes jokes and hilarious tourettes puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about tourettes that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

laugh at the expense of Tourette's Sufferers no more! Discover the remarkable story of Tourettes Hero, a comedy group that aims to let those with Tourette's stand up and tell their jokes. Learn how this group provides a platform for sufferers to become empowered, rather than facing the stigma of schizophrenia and other mental illnesses.

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Funniest Tourettes Short Jokes

Short tourettes jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The tourettes humour may include short schizophrenia jokes also.

  1. The worst thing about having tourettes... People are always expecting you to say something funny.
  2. I have a friend with Reverse Tourette Syndrome. Random people just swear at them for no reason.
  3. Did you hear the one about the mute clock with Tourette's? It ticks a lot but never talks.
  4. Q: What do you call a Russian with Tourette's Syndrome? A: Yukanol Fukov.
    ^^I ^^got ^^banned ^^from ^^a ^^sub ^^for ^^this ^^one. ^^:)
  5. I'm reading a book about sufferers of tourettes syndrome... I want to know what makes them tic.
  6. What do you get when you mix a public speaker with someone who had tourettes? A clock!
    One provides the tic, the other provides the talk
    Credit to my Autistic Big Bro
  7. My Jewish mate has been with his Tourette's suffering girlfriend for years now. I always wondered what kept them together.
    Then I saw the swear jar.
  8. Joke \#1: I met this guy the other day, but I've really been trying to figure out what makes him tic...
    \#2: Oh so they're the mysterious type?
    1#: No they've got tourettes.
  9. Women say they want a man who speaks his mind... But every guy I know with Tourettes is single.
  10. There's a French guy with tourettes syndrome who keeps yelling goodbye at random people. There's much adieu about nothing.

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Tourettes One Liners

Which tourettes one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with tourettes? I can suggest the ones about autistic and epilepsy.

  1. What do you call an ISIS member with Tourette's? A ticking time bomb.
  2. What do you call a Russian with Tourette's syndrome? Yukanol Fukov
  3. I met an alien who couldn't stop swearing... He was an Extra Tourettes-trial.
  4. My friend has Tourettes. He doesn't have a bank account.
    He has a swear jar.
  5. My auntie has a traditional remedy for Tourette's. She swears by it.
  6. I got diagnosed with tourettes today guess it's time to tic that off my to-do list.
  7. what do kids with tourette's and tall grass have in common? ticks
  8. what is the most common syndrome among tower defense players? Tourettes
  9. How does a dyslexic with tourettes pray? He swears to Dog.
  10. I just joined a Tourettes Club took 5 hours to get sworn in...
  11. What do we want? A cure for Tourettes!
    When do we want it?
  12. How did the doctor cure the woman with Tourette's? Anti-bio-tics.
  13. What person shows you around a mental hospital? Tour-ettes :)
  14. I think dyslexia is hilarious. So is tourettes you funch of cucking sock buckers!
  15. How do you know if a deer has tourette's syndrome? It has deer tics...

Tourettes joke, How do you know if a deer has tourette's syndrome?

Gather Around for Heartwarming Tourettes Jokes and Uplifting Humor

What funny jokes about tourettes you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean kiwi jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make tourettes pranks.

What do you call a t**... with Tourette's?

A ticking time bomb

Took my wife to therapy to fix her Tourette's syndrome

Waste of money that was. Turns out I **am** a c*nt and she **does** want me to f*c**... off..!

What's the difference between an oyster salesman with tourettes, and a p**... with diarrhea?

Well, one shucks between fits...

Tourettes joke, what is the most common syndrome among tower defense players?