
Tortilla Jokes

61 tortilla jokes and hilarious tortilla puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about tortilla that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Enjoy a good laugh with these hilarious tortilla jokes. From tortilla chip puns to jokes about burritos, tamales and doritos, there's something to please everyone. So grab your favorite tortilla wrap and join us for a few laughs!

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Funniest Tortilla Short Jokes

Short tortilla jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The tortilla humour may include short burrito jokes also.

  1. Did you hear about the tortilla factory that had ties to the mob? Turns out it was a shell company.
  2. Did y'all hear the one about the tortilla song? Don't have source, but now that I think about it, it may have been a rap
  3. Why does the tortilla chip always beat the potato chip in a debate? The tortilla chip has a point.
  4. You won't go to prison for punching a tortilla... But you might get a wrap on the knuckles.
  5. Ever been interrupted by a tortilla? It's annoying, they taco'ver you.
  6. Why do tortillas get such a bad wrap? Because they are so corny.
  7. What do you call a tortoise that got ran over by a semi truck? A tortilla.
  8. What does a turbocharger wrapped in a tortilla sound like? ^Burrr eeeEEE TO ^TO ^^TO ^^^TO
  9. Have you heard the latest Unitarian Universalist miracle? Someone saw the face of Ralph Waldo Emerson on a tortilla.
  10. I wrote a song about a Tortilla... But now that I think about it, it's more of a wrap.

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Tortilla One Liners

Which tortilla one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with tortilla? I can suggest the ones about taco and tortoise.

  1. I made a song about a tortilla Actually it's more of a wrap.
  2. I wrote a song about a tortilla. Well it's actually more like a wrap.
  3. What kind kind of triangle is a tortilla chip? An i-salsa-les triangle
  4. I've just written a song about tortillas Actually, it's more of a rap.
  5. I once wrote a ballad about a tortilla. Actually, it was more of a wrap.
  6. I just wrote a song about tortillas Actually it's more of a wrap
  7. So I decided to write a song about tortillas... Well, it's actually more of a wrap.
  8. What rhymes with Tortilla? I'm making a rap.
  9. What do You Call Tortilla Chips With Guns? Loaded Nachos
  10. What did the cold tortilla say? Brrrrrrrrrito!
  11. What did the quesadilla say to the tortilla last night? Buenos no-cheese
  12. What do tortillas sing at birthday parties? Fajita jolly good fellow.
  13. What does a tortilla like to listen to the most? Wrap music!
  14. Why'd the tortilla get such a bad wrap? It showed up to work smashed.
  15. I wrote a song about a tortilla Actually I suppose it's more of a wrap

Tortilla Wrap Jokes

Here is a list of funny tortilla wrap jokes and even better tortilla wrap puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Just came off a job filming an advert for Mexican food. I thought the last shot was of some tortillas, but as we finished, the director shouted, 'That's a wrap.'
  • Did you hear about that song about the tortilla? Well, actually, it's more of a wrap.
  • Why do tortilla shells always get a bad wrap?
  • Tortillas are the best food for lazy people You can throw pretty much anything inside them and call it a wrap.
  • Wrap When you want to end something, just throw a tortilla on it and call it a wrap.
  • what do you call chicken shawarma wrapped in a tortilla? A mosqueito.

Tortilla Chip Jokes

Here is a list of funny tortilla chip jokes and even better tortilla chip puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Did you hear about the tortilla chip that plays baseball? Last week he hit a guac off home run.
  • How do you get 100 babies into a bowl? A blender. How do you get them out? Tortilla chips
  • Can you guess what the lime said to the tortilla chip? Do you want a hint?
  • What do you get when you wear wool socks in a tortilla chip factory? Tostitos.
  • What does Fozzie Bear put on his tortilla chips? Wakamoli
    Waka Waka waka
  • Watson was hosting a party. Sherlock Holmes, however, was upset when there was nothing to put his tortilla chip in.
    "No dip, Sherlock."
  • What is a tortilla chip's favorite dance? The salsa
  • Doritos announced new Pride-Flag inspired rainbow colored tortilla chips This will be the first time finishing a bag of Doritos has ever been associated with pride.
  • What did Robin Williams say to the tortilla chip? It's nacho fault.
Tortilla joke, What did Robin Williams say to the tortilla chip?

Corn Tortilla Jokes

Here is a list of funny corn tortilla jokes and even better corn tortilla puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • From my 8yo daughter: What do you call a boat made out of corn? A: A tortilla ship!
  • What do you call a bunch of murderous Mexican kids? Children of the Corn Tortillas
  • I pray in front of a pastor every Sunday. He name is Al, and he comes with corn or flour tortillas.
Tortilla joke, I pray in front of a pastor every Sunday.

Laughable Tortilla Jokes for Instant Grins & Giggles

What funny jokes about tortilla you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean potato jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make tortilla pranks.

A guy walks into a Mexican restaurant and takes a seat...

A guy walks into a Mexican restaurant and takes a seat.
Before he gets to order a his food, the bowl of tortilla chips in front of him says "Hey, you're a handsome fellow."
The man tries to ignore the chips and orders a margarita.
The chips say, "Ooooh that drink is delicious. Great choice. You're a very smart man."
Starting to freak out, the guy screams to the waiter, "Hey what the heck, this bowl of chips keeps saying nice things to me!!"
Waiter says, "Don't worry about it, the tortilla chips are complimentary."

Guy walks into a Mexican restaurant but he's not that hungry...

And they serve free tortilla chips. He asks for one chip and they give it to him. He swipes his credit card, and nothing happens. The employee looks at him and says, "Dude... it's a chip."

I'm opening a floating restaurant on a houseboat where we sell ice cream tacos, and our mascot is a gorilla dressed like an ancient Mongolian warrior.

I call it "Attila Gorilla's Vanilla Tortilla Flotilla"

An irish man requests a guiness

"One Guiness please"
-*"You must be Irish"*
"What, just because I ordered a Guiness? If I ordered a big mac would you think I was American?"
-*"Um, Sir.."*
If I ordered a tortilla would you think I was mexican?! Racist s**...!"
-*"But.. sorry sir.. This is a library."*

Tortilla joke, Have you heard the latest Unitarian Universalist miracle?