Topics For Jokes
117 topics for jokes and hilarious topics for puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about topics for that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Topics For Short Jokes
Short topics for jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The topics for humour may include short topic talk jokes also.
- the recipe for marble cake is not what you might first think it is. Totally unrelated topic - anybody know a good dentist?
- Genders are like the twin tower There used to be 2 of them, but now it is a sensitive topic.
- Talking about gender is like talking about the twintowers... Once there were two and now its a sensitive topic.
- How many members of Stack Overflow does it take to change a lightbulb? Closed, question seems like off-topic
- I find abortion to be a difficult topic. On one hand, i am for killing babies. But on the other hand, i don't want to give woman any more rights.
- Genders and the Twin Towers have something in common... There used to be two of them, and now it's a sensitive topic.
- Two bakers were trying to have a talk about leavened Indian breads... The topic was a naan-starter.
- How do you broach the sensitive religious topic about the possibility a human soul might not actually exist? Gingerly.
- I did really well on my essay about communism. People think they're funny by asking "did you get high Marx?" Actually, I did well because I approached the topic from all Engels.
- Why isn't NSA mass surveillance a hot topic in the US elections? Because it's the only part of the govt that listens to the American people.
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Topics For One Liners
Which topics for one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with topics for? I can suggest the ones about topic and articles on.
- What do you call a jungle where animals talk about current events? A topical rainforest.
- Why is it hard to define feminism? It's a broad topic.
- What's a SJW's favorite maths topic? Triggernometry
- Don't read this if you don't like sensitive topics Biting into an ice cream
- X Æ A-12 Enough of this 'X Æ A-12' jokes, we have Elon-gated the topic too much.
- I wanted to open a forum about the death of God but it's a pretty Nietzsche topic.
- Seminar topic at the annual vampire conference "How to Deal with Stakeholders"
- I asked my Pharmacist for advice on telling a rash joke.. he told me to make it topical.
- It's never a good idea to joke about school shootings They're a loaded topic
- Topical Humor How does the moon get his hair cut? Eclipse it.
- Skin Cream These days applying skin cream to an area of the body is quite topical.
- Hot Topic was having a huge sale Everyone panicked at the discount.
- Extinction is always a weird topic to discuss, some might say it's a bit... AUKward
- Y'now, I love talking about magnets But it's quite the polarising topic.
- You're in a wordplay contest. The topic is "water" What is your wet pun of choice?
Topics For Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about topics for you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean school subjects jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make topics for pranks.
A guy goes on a blind date for the first time...
...And is kind of having a hard time getting a conversation started. He decides to try to get her to talk with a very simple topic: Music.
"Do you like dubstep?" He asks.
"Like it?" She responds, with an excited look on her face. "I wub it!"
So an Italian man and a Greek man we're arguing over which of their countries was the better one...
...and they eventually got to the topic of s**.... The Greek, feeling as though had would clearly win with his next point, stated very boldly, "Oh yea? Well, we Greeks invented the art of s**...!"
Without skipping a beat, the Italian replied, "True, but *we* invented s**... with women!"
"Could we change the topic, please?"
Two german friends chat and soon they come to the topic of the Holocaust. One of them then looks very sad and asks his friend: "Could we change the topic, please? I've never told you, but my grandpa died in Ausschwitz."
The other responds: "Sure, man, no problem. But may I ask you, how did your grandfather die?"
"Well, one day he got really drunk, fell from a watchtower and broke his neck..."
Talking to women
A newlywed man was talking with an old war veteran about what to excpect in his upcoming marriage. After talking about several different topics the veteran turns to the newlywed and says the most complicated thing that you will come across in marriage is communication. Puzzled the newlywed askes why that is so. The veteran explains by saying that talking to a woman is a lot like walking in a minefield. You hope its clear but you never know when you are going to set her off.
Topical Jokes (5/25-5/26)
Hey, sorry for the tardiness! Been on the road lately. Here's some jokes to cap up the last couple days.
Governor Christie met with Snooki over the weekend, but things got a tad awkward when Christie licked his lips and asked, "But seriously, are you actually a meatball?"
Big Catholic news, the Pope recently stated that it is possible for atheists to go to Heaven. However, what he didn't say is once they get there, they have to spend all eternity helping Buddha squeeze into his yoga pants.
In entertainment, "Fast and Furious 6" critics say the film did not live up to the hype. Especially when the first 45 minutes of the film were Vin Diesel sitting in his Dodge Neon scanning Tokyo radio for a Limp Bizkit station.
Bad news, a m**... tax bill stalled in Colorado. Glossy-eyed congressmen promise they'll finish the bill as soon as this rad 'Stairway' solo is over.
In a recent speech, Biden hinted that government research is often wasteful. Such as Biden's $3 million study on if he saw Bigfoot getting the paper yesterday or just Sarah Palin before her morning shave.
And finally some science news. A recent marine study found that fish can use sign language. However, what was more surprising was the terrifying gang signs used by the east L.A. river fish crew, "Gills that Kills".
Thanks for reading! Been pretty busy lately so I'm making sure I produce some material for you guys to check out.
On the topic of jokes we made up when we were younger, here's mine: "How much does Canada cost?"
Nothing. It's a free country.
Where's the best place in India to go for topical pain relief?
People need to get more informed about abortion.
I don't know of another topic with so many misconceptions surrounding it.
Topical Jokes for 6/1
A video has surfaced of Justin Bieber saying the n-word. People are calling it the least offensive Justin Bieber video ever.
In Illinois, a 115-pound-woman won a hot dog eating contest, after she ate 28 hot dogs. The judges then congratulated the 138-pound-woman.
The NSA is reportedly collecting millions of images per day to build a f**...-recognition database. The NSA is cataloguing the photos in a massive online database -- it's called Instagram.
How many off-topic punchlines does it take to replace a lightbulb?
And then my mom walked in.
Blood Types
Watching 'Archer' and the topic of blood types came up. Conversation was as followed:
Friend: "Which blood type is the universal donor?"
Me: "O negative"
Friend: "Which is the universal receiver?"
Me: "Your mom."
*Hilarity ensued*
The heart wants what it wants, y'know?
On an unrelated topic, I'm not allowed in Petco anymore.
Three men compare how they control their wives...
Three friends are sitting in a bar after a day of work, discussing their lives when the topic of conversation turns to how often they fight with their wives. The first guy says, "I just put my foot down and tell her what's what, and there's no more arguing after that. Then I get the TV to myself all night."
The second guy says, "I just keep repeating my point until she sees the light. Then she always makes my favourite dinner and gives me a back rub."
The third guy says, "Every time we argue, my wife is always on her hands and knees by the end of it."
The other two look at him, impressed. "Then what happens?" The second one asks.
"Well," the third says, " then she says 'Get out from under the bed and fight me you p**...!' "
My chemistry teacher pulled this on us today.
We were reviewing balancing chemical equations and got onto the topic of changing the names of compounds into their symbols so we could start balancing them. My teacher starts, "Changing names into symbols, is very much like translating Spanish into English. Maria estudia. Maria studies. Carlos va a la biblioteca. Carlos goes to the library. Now I would have said prison but I don't know how to say that in Spanish."
Did you guys hear about the new Ray Lewis action figure?
Batteries included.
If it makes you feel any better I made the joke up a few months ago and it was a Chris Brown joke, but with Rice being topical and all.
Two guys are chatting
When the topic of jobs comes up.
Man 1: "What do you do for a living?"
Man 2: "I hunt down and kill zombies."
Man 1: "That's crazy! Zombies don't exist!"
Man 2: "Have you ever seen a zombie?"
Man 2: "No..."
Man 1: "You're welcome."
Whenever I feel a conversation is becoming dull, I start talking about sunscreen...
because it's topical.
I want to handle the topic of traditional homosexual polygamy
Just like my four fathers did
New clothing store seen at local Mall named 'Off Topic'.
Apparently it's aimed at edgy teens with ADHD.
Title goes here
An employee is getting to know her new co-workers when the topic of her last job comes up.
Why did you leave that job? asked one co-worker. It was something my boss said, she replied.
What did he say? the co-worker quizzed.
You're fired.
I agree
I mowed the lawn today, and after doing so I sat down and had a cold soda.
The day was really quite beautiful,
and the drink facilitated some deep thinking on various topics.
Finally I thought about the age old question:
Is giving birth more painful than getting kicked in the nuts?
Women always maintain that giving birth is way more painful
than a guy getting kicked in the nuts.
Well, after another soda, and some heavy deductive thinking,
I have come up with the answer to that question.
Getting kicked in the nuts is more painful than having a baby;
and here is the reason for my conclusion.
A year or so after giving birth, a woman will often say,
"It might be nice to have another child."
On the other hand, you never hear a guy say,
"You know, I think I would like another kick in the nuts."
I rest my case.
I'm split on the topic of abortion....
On one hand I don't want to give women rights.
But on the other hand I love killing babies.
What is it called when weather in Central America breaks the news?
A topical climate.
In history class we got to read on a WW2 topic of our choice. I chose the Manhattan Project.
I heard it was the bomb.
Children should be scene not heard
~Hot Topic
I wanted to be friends with...
Hoping to become friends, I started talking to a sea anemone. After a couple minutes of talking, I asked him about his family, and he became hostile.
It was a touchy topic.
s**... Squad's Title in Canada Translates To "Mopey Avengers Go To Hot Topic".
In Syria it translates to ISIS
What is the favorite school topic of Karma w**...?
When it comes to the topic of body dysmorphia and gender assumptions, i'm not a fan.
Infact I identify more closely to an air conditioning unit.
It hurts every time!
During high-school health class, the topic of s**... came up. Whilst discussing it, the teacher described it as, "the most pleasurable experience you will ever have".
After hearing this, a girl from the back of the class calls out, "You're lying! It hurts every time!"
Puzzled, the teacher finally clicks and asks, "You aren't devoutly religious, by any chance...?"
What is a feminist's least favourite Maths topic?
Bob's volunteered to give a c programming workshop but needs a topic
Give that man some pointers
I give frequent lectures about informative and interesting topics underwater.
For academic porpoises.
Why do ISIS fighters only drink instant coffee?
Because they hate the French Press.
(This joke used to be more topical)
On the topic of George Michael...
I guess you could say it was his "Last Christmas".
Too soon?
"I'd like to prescribe you a topical ointment for that skin condition," my doctor said.
"Woah, woah, woah, doc," I replied. "Let's not make any rash decisions."
Teacher: Today's topic is DEMOCRACY Teacher: What is Democracy?
Students: Today's topic.
I went to my school reunion last weekend and the main topic of conversation was still about the stunning substitute teacher…
…we had one day, in the early eighties, who gave a boy a b**... in front of the entire class.
She went down in history.
One Sunday morning in church...
... as Pastor Smith is about to deliver his sermon he asks the congregation how many of them managed to read Mark Chapter 17 as he'd asked them to the previous Sunday.
Almost all hands in the church went up.
"Very well," Pastor Smith continued. "By the way, Mark only has 16 chapters, and the topic of today's sermon shall be lying."
On the topic of good and bad news from the doctor...
Doctor: I've got good news and bad news for you!
Patient: So whats the good news?
Doctor: You won't have to pay anything for this visit!
Patient, confused: And the bad news?
Doctor: Well, we issue our bills quarterly, you'll be long dead by then.
Trump was asked what his favorite musical instrument is, and said "Trumpet."
He was asked what his favorite topic is, and said "Tropics."
He was asked what his favorite multiplier is, said "Triple."
He was asked what he favorite reason is, said "Treaso-...shut up."
How do you know if someone is a vegan?
Just wait a few moments and they will drop this important fact into conversation regardless of the topic.
Subscribers to Bread Enthusiast Monthly were upset when the July edition was all about flat bread. They said it was too big of a change from all the magazine's usual topics.
In actuality, it was a naan-issue.
I've just got back from an undertakers convention and the main topic was new ways of disposing of the dead.
There was a lot of thinking outside of the box.
My doctor gave me some cream that was supposed to help me write jokes
But it wasn't topical
Why Islam is growing rapidly !!!
Father Francis of Bradford was unhappy that the church attendance had steadily declined in the past few years but the mosque across the street was jampacked every Friday.
So he invited the imam for a cup of tea and then finally brought up the topic
Imam :So tell me,what happens if a man visits church every Sunday and follows the word of Jesus
Father: He will go to heaven after he dies
Imam: What will he get there?
Father: He will forever be in the company of Father,Jesus,Holy Spirit,v**... Mary...
Imam: Thats the problem, Only One v**......
I think the ancestors of my family may have been British...
...I can spark up a conversation about bad weather faster than any other topic.
Can you work a pole?
So the other night my friends and I are having a few drinks and our one female friend is an ex-stripper, so we got into the topic of dancing and she looked at me and said yeah, can you work a pole xschlots? And for some reason the first comment that comes out is I mean yeah my family's mostly German. Working poles was our thing I have never heard a more deafening silence followed by laughter
Stalin is delivering a speech to the Party
Suddenly someone sneezes.
- Who's just sneezed?
No answer.
- Execute the first row. Who's sneezed, I ask you?
No answer.
- Execute the second row. So who of you has just sneezed?
Finally a shaking man raises and utters feebly:
- It's me, Comrade Stalin.
- Bless you! Now, back to the topic...
My grade school math teacher once asked us what 280 x 18 was
I kept shouting "7!" but apparently we weren't on the topic of factorials yet
Abortion is a difficult topic for me...
On one hand I support it because it kills children
On the other hand it gives women a choice
A group of people gather in the Caribbean just so they can discuss current events...
It's like they're on a Topical Island
A wife and her husband are planning their family, the topic of gender comes up and the wife says: "Men are from mars, Women are from Venus, what do we want my dear?"
Husband: "I'm pretty sure they're both going to come from somewhere closer to Uranus, honey."
My date and I had moved onto the topic of movies...
"I love car chase action scenes", she said.
Me, a fruit stand vendor: "I think we're done here."
'Time is certainly a very complex topic in physics, and there are people who believe that time does not actually exist. One common argument they use is that Einstein proved that everything is relative, so time is irrelevant'.
I said boldly to my boss! But he still fired me for being 3 hours late.
What a fruit.
Broccoli: Hey, I look like a tree.
Mushroom: Wow, I look like an umbrella.
Walnut: I look exactly like a brain.
Banana: Can we change the topic please?
On the topic of tailpipe-f**... a car, how does one s**... their ride?
Stick it in the gashole
Genders are like the Twin Towers
There used to be two of them, and now it's a really uncomfortable topic.
An American, a Frenchman and a Chinese walk into a bar.
An American, a Frenchman and a Chinese walk into a bar. The topic of WW2 comes up and the Frenchman says to the American, "Dropping two atomic bombs on Japan was a terrible mistake." The Chinese nods. "You should have dropped more than two."
What was the first thing Adam said to Eve?
The topic for my ninth-grade class was palindromes, words or sentences that are the same read forward and backward. I asked the question, "What was the first thing Adam said to Eve?"
I was expecting the answer "Madam, I'm Adam," but one student had a better reply:
Two frogs are sitting by a pond
First frog says *Croak*, Second says *Croak*.
The first says *Croak*, second responds *Croak*.
First shouts *Croak*, second says *Croak*.
First says *Croak*, second says *Croak Croak*
First says "Don't change the topic, man!"
A family was having dinner when the topic of s**... came up.
Teenage son: I know s**... feels good for both people but does it feel better for the man or woman?
Mom replies: What feels better, an itchy ear or your pinky finger?
What was Tom Cruises first marriage called?
The Manchild vs. Kidman
Please go easy, I know it's not a very current topic but I just came up with the pun on this wonderful actresses name.