Tony Stark Jokes
39 tony stark jokes and hilarious tony stark puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about tony stark that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Tony Stark Short Jokes
Short tony stark jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The tony stark humour may include short tony jokes also.
- Tony Stark and Pepper potts are sitting in bathtub feeling Happy.. ... Suddenly Happy felt disgusted and left.
- Did you know that Tony Stark started cross dressing? Sometimes he goes out dressed as FE male.
- Who is the most gender confused superhero? Tony Stark, because he identifies himself as Iron Man when actually he's a *fe*male.
- If you watch the trailer for Avengers: Endgame every day... ... Tony Stark will always have one more day of oxygen.
- So aparently Tony and pepper are planning on having a child? Baby stark do dododo dodo
Baby stark do dododo dodo
Baby stark do dododo dodo
Baby stark...
Enjoy having that meme stuck in your head. - What should Tony Stark use to update his android friend, who is worthy enough to pick up Mjolnir? Vitamin A, because it improves Vision.
- Tony Stark can't run out of oxygen tomorrow, If you watch Endgame trailer everyday. #200IQ
- In honor of Stan Lee, my one and only Stan Lee joke. Did you know that Stan Lee original wrote Tony Stark to be FEmale?
- What is the difference between Elon musk and Tony Stark? Stark industries has actually turned a profit
- Why did Tony Stark cry at the end of Infinity War? [SPOILERS] He didn't. It was just a bit dusty.
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Tony Stark One Liners
Which tony stark one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with tony stark? I can suggest the ones about iron man and captain marvel.
- How much does it cost to kill Tony Stark's parents? Just one buck.
- How much did it cost HYDRA to kill Tony Stark's parents? One Buck.
- Tony Stark wasn't crying There was just some Peter Parker in his eye.
- What does Link have in common with Tony Stark? They both like smashing pots.
- Tony Stark's drag queen name. Fe Male.
- How does Tony Stark keep his clothes wrinkle-free? Iron, man.
- What did T'Challa ask Tony Stark about his suit? Wakanda suit do?
- What do women and Tony Stark have in common? They are both Fe Males.
- How much does it cost to kill Tony Stark's family? 1 Buck.
- If Tony Stark went flat broke... He'd be Irony Man.
- Did you know that Tony Stark is secretly a woman? He's Fe Male
- A mind is like a parachute Tony Stark built one into Spider-Man's new suit.
- Why did Tony Stark need to see a doctor? He didn't have enough iron in his blood.
- What would you call Tony Stark after a s**... change operation? Fe Male
Howlingly Hilarious Tony Stark Jokes for an Unforgettable Evening
What funny jokes about tony stark you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean stark jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make tony stark pranks.
My Evangelical friend is boycotting the Avengers movies, because they feature a trans gender super hero.
Confused, I asked him what he meant, and he replied "because Tony Stark loves to turn into a Fe-male."
Stan Lee wrote Tony Stark as a character with a s**... identity crisis.
He's all man, but likes to dress as FEmale