Tomato Ketchup Jokes
65 tomato ketchup jokes and hilarious tomato ketchup puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about tomato ketchup that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Tomato Ketchup Short Jokes
Short tomato ketchup jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The tomato ketchup humour may include short tomato sauce jokes also.
- I dropped a huge bottle of ketchup on my foot yesterday.... It caused severe pain To-ma-toes.
- A tomato; a tap and a hat were having a race... the tap was running but the hat was on ahead while the tomato couldn't ketchup.
- Who won the race? Who won the race? The lettuce, the tomato or the faucet?
The lettuce was a head, the faucet was still running and the tomato was trying to ketchup. - Did you hear about the race between the lettuce and the tomato? The lettuce was a head and the tomato was trying to ketchup.
- Two tomatoes are walking across the road when a car drives over one of them.
the other turns around and says "Hurry up ketchup!"
- I was writing the shopping list and my wife told me to tomato ketchup on it. What a silly suggestion.. Can't read any of it now.
- A tomato family is walking down the road... when baby tomato falls behind. Daddy tomato goes back, smacks him on the head and says, "Ketchup!"
- A cabbage, a tap and a tomato had a race The Cabbage was ahead, the tap was running and the tomato tried to ketchup
- The tomato is late for work... and his boss comes up to him and says, "Get to work! You have a lot to ketchup"
- Two tomatoes cross a road One gets squished by a car and the other says 'hurry up, ketchup'.
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Tomato Ketchup One Liners
Which tomato ketchup one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with tomato ketchup? I can suggest the ones about ketchup and heinz ketchup.
- [OC] Why did the mayonnaise win the running race? Because the tomato sauce couldn't Ketchup.
- If the tomato is technically a fruit Does that mean ketchup is a smoothie?
- What did the big tomato say to the little tomato? You will never ketchup to me
- Why are tomatoes the slowest vegetable? Because they can't ketchup.
- What did the tomato say to the wheat? You go pasta, I'll ketch-up.
- Tomatoes grow so fast. Other plants can't even ketchup.
- Why did the tomato lose the race? He couldn't ketchup in time.
- I thought i ran away from the Tomatoes I really didn't think they would ketchup.
- What happens when you run away from tomatos? They ketchup.
- If tomatoes are a fruit, isn't ketchup a smoothie?
- A tomato wanted to sneeze, what did it say? KETCHUP!!!!
- What did the tomato say to the baseball cap? You go on a head, I'll ketchup later.
- What did they momma tomatoe say to the baby tomato? Ketchup.
- What did the runner say to the tomato sauce? Ketchup!
- What do you tell a slow tomato? ...what?
Share Hilarious Tomato Ketchup Jokes and Enjoy Unforgettable Laughter
What funny jokes about tomato ketchup you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean mustard and ketchup jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make tomato ketchup pranks.
A tomato dad, mother, and son are walking in a street.
The tomato son falls behind. The big father tomato walks back to the baby tomato, stomps on him, and yells, "Ketchup!"
If tomatoes are technically a fruit, is ketchup technically a smoothie?
What do the tomato say to another.
Hey dude! Ketchup!
Old joke about tomato's, still makes me chuckle a bit though.
Three tomato's are walking down the street, momma tomato, daddy tomato, and baby tomato. Baby tomato starts lagging behind, daddy tomato gets angry turns around and squishes baby tomato and says.......ketchup.
Tomato Family
A Papa Tomato, a Mama Tomato, and a Baby Tomato are all walking down the street. The Baby Tomato starts to trail behind. The Papa Tomato turns around and walks over to the Baby Tomato, SMASHES him, and says "Ketchup!"
Momma tomato papa tomato and baby tomato are all taking a walk. Baby tomato is lagging behind so papa tomato walks over to her and says " ketchup".
The tomato family was walking down the street....
...when daddy tomato and mommy tomato noticed that baby tomato had started to fall behind so daddy tomato went back to the baby and stomped on him and said "Ketchup!"
Two tomatoes are crossing the street...
One starts lagging behind and gets hit by a car. The other says "hey ketchup".
Papa tomato, Mama tomato and little tomato, are walking down the street. little tomato is walking a little slow so pap walks up and says...
3 tomatoes are walking down the street
A dad tomato, a mom tomato and a child tomato. The child starts to lag behind so, the dad walks back to him and squashes him and says "ketchup"
Two tomatoes cross the road and one of them gets hit by a car. The other one looks back and yells
"C'mon, ketchup!"
What's the difference between ketchup and catsup?
Ones made of tomato and the others made of tomahto
A Daddy tomato and a Baby tomato were walking down the street...
...when all of a sudden, Baby tomato started to fall behind, so Daddy tomato turned to Baby tomato and said "Ketchup!"
(I'm really sorry)
So there's 3 tomato's ..
... Papa Tomato, Momma Tomato and Baby Tomato walking along the street. Baby Tomato starts lagging behind, and Papa Tomato starts getting really angry. So, he turns around and squishes Baby Tomato and says, 'Ketchup.'
Two tomatoes were crossing a road....
Two tomatoes were crossing a road when one of them suddenly got run over by a truck. Then the other tomato said: come on ketchup, lets go.
A girl is crossing the street with three tomatoes
As she is crossing the street, one gets hit by a car. She turns around and says ketchup!
Three tomatoes are walking down the street
Papa tomato, Mama tomato and Baby Tomato.
Baby tomato starts lagging behind and Papa tomato gets really angry. He goes back and squishes him and says,
Two tomatoes were crossing the road as one got crushed by a car
The other tomato said Come on, ketchup!
A race between tomato, lettuce, and tap faucet
Tomato, lettuce, and tap faucet were having a race. The lettuce was a head, the faucet was running, and the tomato was trying to ketchup.
Two tomatoes are walking along a path, one falls behind. What did the other tomato say to the first tomato?
A Papa Tomato, Mama Tomato, and baby tomato are taking a walk...
The baby starts falling behind so out of frustration the Papa Tomato turns around, steps on him, and yells, Ketchup!
My daughter was inspecting our seedlings this morning: "The tomato is catching up with the other plants! But I shouldn't be surprised..."
"Of course a tomato would ketchup."
She's only five and already a dad...
What did the father tomato say to the baby tomato when they were out for a walk?
What did the father tomato say to the baby tomato when they were out for a walk?
The father tomato looks back and sees his child way behind him, he runs back to him, stomps on him and yells "KETCHUP!"
it may be morbid, but that is the life cycle for these tomatos.
Once a man, knocked on a door and an old lady opened the door. Without a word the man went in took a lot of cow dung from his bag and threw on the carpet. "You see , I have a wonder vaccum cleaner with me here, if this doesn't work I'll eat every piece of that dung" he said.
"Do you want tomato ketchup with it ? " The lady asked. "Cause you see, we still don't have electricity in this house"
Three tomatoes are walking down the street
Three tomatoes are walking down the street,Papa tomato, Mama tomato and Baby tomato. Baby tomato starts lagging behind and Papa tomato gets really angry. Papa goes back and squishes him and says,