
Tireless Jokes

30 tireless jokes and hilarious tireless puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about tireless that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Tireless Short Jokes

Short tireless jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The tireless humour may include short jokes also.

  1. WANTED: Someone has stolen the wheels to the police cars The police is working tirelessly to find the suspect
  2. I once had 4 blowouts at once, but managed to drive on the metal of my rims from New York to New Jersey. I did pretty good, but the hero of the moment was my car. It worked tirelessly.
  3. A man has been stealing wheels of police cars Police are working tirelessly to catch him
    Note: saw it on 9gag but I had to share it because I literally was laughing out loud
  4. Someone has been stealing the wheels from local cop cars The police are working tirelessly to catch them.
  5. There's a man in the town who's stealing wheels of police cars.. The police are working tirelessly to catch him.
  6. A man has been stealing wheels off of police cars Police are working tirelessly to catch him
  7. A Man Has Been Stealing Tires From Police Cars The police have been working tire-lessly to catch him
  8. Did to hear about the theif who was stealing the tires off of police cars? They're working tirelessly the catch him!
  9. Have you heard about the guy stealing wheels of police cars? The police are working tirelessly to catch him.
  10. A man is on the run stealing wheels from police cars The police is working tirelessly to catch him.

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Tireless One Liners

Which tireless one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with tireless? I can suggest the ones about and .

  1. Recently, i've tried to make a car without wheel. I've been working on it tirelessly.
  2. I removed the rubber from the wheels on my car It is now working tirelessly
  3. Police car loses wheels to thief! Cops are working tirelessly to nab suspect
  4. How does a wheel work? Tirelessly.
  5. Why did the boss give the hovercraft a promotion? Because he works tirelessly.
  6. Mom's are like hands The work tirelessly to make you feel happy

Tireless Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about tireless you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make tireless pranks.

A group of criminals decide to rob an apple farm

They leave with hundreds of apples in the back of their truck. The owner calls the cops and they quickly set up spike strips further along the path. The criminals hit the strips and their tires are shredded instantly. However they make it back to their safe house and unload the cargo. It was truly a tireless effort, but the results were extremely fruitful.

For hundreds of years they were forced to work for us across our nation, tirelessly and without monetary compensation. They were whipped, and tied to wooden posts. Even today, they are exploited for sports and entertainment.

Man, horses must really hate us.

Thanks to the tireless work of an elder statesman, possibly one of the most dignified and smartest people in the process, we are starting to normalize relations with North Korea

Let's all give Dennis Rodman a big hand.

Somewhere out there, a tree is tirelessly working to produce oxygen so you can breathe.

I think you owe it an apology

Wanted: a man has been stealing wheels off of police cars

police are working tirelessly to catch him.

The following ran on Internet Explorer's Facebook pad yesterday:

We have finally made a vaccine! Thanks to the hundreds of brilliant scientists worldwide working tirelessly on a vaccine, we have finally found a vaccine.
It is reported that mass production of the newly discovered smallpox vaccine will begin from next week.

According to the police blotter in our newspaper, it's been a tough week for them.

Monday: Someone stole all the toilets from the station house. So far they have nothing to go on.
Wednesday: A large sinkhole opened up in the middle of main St. They are still looking into it.
Friday: A thief has stolen all the wheels off of the police cruisers. They are working the case tirelessly.

Cop joke.

So I'm an ER RN and we love to joke around. Had two cops in with a patient. I deadpanned I heard there's been ppl stealing tires off (local) cop cars…. The one cop says I haven't heard anything about this .
So… I said I've heard the police are tirelessly investigating it.
First cop high fives me. I say dad joke! Second cop pouts.