
Tip Tongue Jokes

26 tip tongue jokes and hilarious tip tongue puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about tip tongue that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Tip Tongue Short Jokes

Short tip tongue jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The tip tongue humour may include short tongue jokes also.

  1. The worst part of forgetting a woman's name... Is when you can't quite come up with it, but she's right on the tip of your tongue.
  2. The five senses are touch, smell, sight, hearing, and..... It's on the tip of my tongue...
  3. When you see someone your recognize, but can't remember their name, you probably should not walk up and lick them... ...of course, if you do, then their identity will be on the tip of your tongue.
  4. What's a good holiday tip? Never catch snowflakes with your tongue until all the birds have gone south for the winter.
  5. Did you know that 90% of people cant touch all of their teeth using the tip of their tongue? ...and 100% of idiots will try it!!!
  6. Mom, how do you spell s**...'? Honey, you should have asked me last night—it was on the tip of my tongue.
  7. A daughther asked her mother "Mom, how do you spell s**...'?" Her mom replied, "Honey, you should have asked me last night—it was on the tip of my tongue.

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Tip Tongue One Liners

Which tip tongue one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with tip tongue? I can suggest the ones about tongue out and tongue cheek.

  1. I forgot what I'm allergic to, I'm trying to remember... ..its on the tip of my tongue
  2. The tip of my tongue is sore, and I just can't think of why that is.
  3. Whats another term for acid? Its on the tip of my tongue...
  4. What does presque vu mean again? I can't remember, but it's on the tip of my tongue!
  5. whats that phrase you say when you forget a word? ... it's on the tip of my tongue
  6. What does "l**..." stand for again? It's on the tip of my tongue....

Ridiculous Tip Tongue Jokes to Spark Fun and Laughter

What funny jokes about tip tongue you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean sticking tongue out jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make tip tongue pranks.

In a chemistry class, the teacher asks a girl

- Mary, what is H2SO4?
- Oh god, this is so easy, why can't I remember, it's on the tip of my tongue.
Quickly, Johnny says:
- Then spit it out, that's sulfuric acid!

The s**... is made up of Glucose........

MBBS Professor:
The s**... is made up of Glucose, the same material Sugar is made of.
A Girl raised her hand:
"Then why doesn't it
taste like Sugar?"
Suddenly silence in hall.
Then Professor's reply was also a Medical master piece:
My dear, Thats because, the taste buds are located on the tip of your Tongue and not at the end of your t**...
Killer .

At school

A teacher writes on the whiteboard: HNO3 and asks a student:
\- What substance is that?
\- Hmmm... wait a moment... It's on the tip of my tongue!
\- Spit it out at once!!! That's nitric acid!

A Man Looking for a Job

There's a man desperately looking for a job, but he doesn't know how to spell. No one will hire him. One boss says ''Look I'll hire you if you learn how to spell properly. The man goes away, he spends weeks and weeks learning how to spell.
Finally he comes back. The boss says ''Okay, you have three attempts, spell c**...''. The man says ''K-L-I-T-O''. ''No, no, no, you have two more attempts. The man tries again ''K-L-I-''. No, no you have one more go, now come on. The man thinks for a while okay ''I think I have it , K-'' No. no. no. The man says ''Ah Jaysus and I had it on the tip of my tongue there last night.

The chemistry teacher approaches Johnny.

During an o**... evaluation, the chemistry teacher approaches Johnny and asks him: what's the chemical formula of sulfuric acid? johnny, taking some time to answer says: oh god mister, I have it on the tip of my tongue! the teacher, worried, immediately shouts: johnny spit it out!!!! sulfuric acid is very corrosive!!

I ate some food earlier but cant remember what it was..

There was a piece of food stuck in molars and I managed to get it out.

Problem is, I cant remember what it was, but I have it at the tip of my tongue.

A Great Italian Place

Two elderly couples get together every Sunday night for dessert and coffee. One Sunday, while the wives are in the kitchen, the husbands are chatting about restaurants. "We found a lovely little Italian place in town" one husband says. "Delicious manicotti, great wines, just perfect."
"What is it called?" the other husband says. The first husband goes, "It was called...oh, my. I can''s called...oh, darn it. It's right on the tip of my tongue! Wait, okay, what's the name of the flower, you know...the pretty one with the thorns?"
"You mean a Rose?" the other husband says. "That's it!" the first husband says, and turns towards the kitchen. "ROSE! WHAT WAS THE NAME OF THAT PLACE WE WENT TO?!!"