
Timothy Jokes

6 timothy jokes and hilarious timothy puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about timothy that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Follow this unique collection of Timothy Vine jokes and see how Kathy and her friends take to the skies! Introducing an anomaly, these jokes bring together a fun and lighthearted approach to humor.

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Comical Timothy Jokes to Spread Joy and Laughter

What is a good timothy joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

A teacher asks her primary school students what their father do for a living

"So, Timothy, what does your father do ?"
"My dad is a firefighter !"
"Fantastic ! And you Samantha, what does your father do ?"
" He's an accountant !"
"Wonderful ! And yours, Jimmy ?"
Poor little Jimmy then breaks into tears and wails "my father is dead !"
"Oh, I'm so sorry Jimmy, I didn't know... But did he do before dying ?"
"Well, he was all like : ARGLALRGHALRLALGALHA !"

Christmas Break

There are 2 boys. Timmy and Bill. They just got back from Christmas break. The first boy, Timmy, says to Bill, I had the best Christmas ever! I got a new bike, new shoes, and an Xbox with all my favorite games on it. What'd you get Bill? He says, I only got a sweater. The first boy asks, Why? Bill answers, Its because I don't have cancer, Timothy.

Little Timothy comes from school...

"How was school?" Asked the mom
"It was a blast! We got to make huge fires!"
"Oh that sounds scary! Are you going to do that again tomorrow at school?"
"Well there's no more school, so I can't say mom."
"Well why not?"
"It got pretty lit in there."
"You kids must've been all fired up!"
"It was blazing."

Timothy Treadwell, the "Grizzly Man", died doing what he loved...

... feeding the bears

Timothy and Anna decide to have a walk

Timothy and Anna decide to have a walk. As they come across a field filled with about 20 cows and 1 bull, the bull decides he has to make some little calfs and starts to cover a cow.
Thimothy sees what the bull is doing and says with a wink to Anna: 'What if I do what the bull is doing right now?'
'I don't care', she replies, ' those aren't my cows.'

A man and his blind dog

An old, retired coach is walking his blind dog and a couple walk by and ask to pet the dog, They inquire about the dog's name and he replies, "Timothy."
"What a strange name for a dog," the lady exclaimed.
The coach, without skipping a beat replied, "Well, there's no 'eye' in Tim"

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