
Tim Tebow Jokes

19 tim tebow jokes and hilarious tim tebow puns to laugh out loud. Read celebrity jokes about tim tebow that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Tim Tebow Short Jokes

Short tim tebow jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The tim tebow humour may include short peyton manning jokes also.

  1. So Tim Tebow just hit a home run in his first professional at bat But he had no idea what to do once he got to third base.
  2. BREAKING NEWS: Patriots admit Tim Tebow hired by mistake. After tight end Aaron Hernandez request for white Bronco.
  3. What's the difference between Tim Tebow and Aaron Hernandez? Aaron Hernandez knew when to hang it up.
  4. Tim Tebow is a lot like Mary because they're both virgins. But at least Mary was able to produce.
  5. Tim Tebow hit his first homerun... ...unfortunately, he didn't know what to do after reaching 3rd base.
  6. Anytime Tim Tebow contemplates...'s a Christian Ponder.
    joke courtesy Michael Starrbury
  7. Why did Tim Tebow's mom protest against the Russian soup truck? It contained a borscht ton.

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Tim Tebow One Liners

Which tim tebow one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with tim tebow? I can suggest the ones about tony romo and tim vine.

  1. What is Tim Tebow's favorite glow in the dark color? Knee-on green
  2. Tim Tebow has hit a home run but... Still hasn't made it past 1st base...
  3. What 8 letter phrase means a healthy scratch? Tim Tebow
  4. Who is a presents favorite quarterback? Tim TeBOW
  5. What do Tim Tebow and Jesus have in common. Neither of them are quarterbacks.

Humorous Tim Tebow Jokes to Bring Fun and Laughter to Your Life

What funny jokes about tim tebow you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean little timmy jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make tim tebow pranks.

Offensive nfl joke. Trigger Warning: Terrorism/World Trade Centre/Religious, anybody who is offended do not open this link

I'm really worried about Tim Tebow taking over the QB position. The last time anybody that religious had control of the Jets 9/11 happened

Eventually, after living a full life, Tom Brady dies and goes to heaven...

At the Pearly Gates, God tells Brady, "As a reward for such a fine football career I am giving you a house. Now, not everyone gets a house up here, in fact it's quite rare. Tom, consider this is a personal gift from the Lord your God." The Almighty shows him to his new home and Brady is somewhat taken aback. The tiny home is more a shack with a faded Patriots flag flying over it. Still, Tom Brady tells God how thankful he is for such a special blessing.
After the Father gives Brady a short tour of his new home, Tom notices a three story mansion just around the block. The enormous home is painted in orange and blue, even down to the driveway and sidewalks. A huge Denver Broncos flag flies off a 50 ft flagpole above the house and a Tim Tebow jersey hangs over the front door.
Brady, a little perplexed, turns to God and asks, "I don't mean to be ungrateful Lord, but I was an all-pro quarterback, I won three Super Bowls, and I was inducted into the Hall of Fame last year." "What are you trying to say, my son?" Brady responds, "Well, why does Tim Tebow get a better house than me?" God chortles and replies, "That's not Tim's house. That's my house!"

jokes about tim tebow