Thrown Jokes
140 thrown jokes and hilarious thrown puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about thrown that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Thrown Short Jokes
Short thrown jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The thrown humour may include short threw jokes also.
- My mom wrote this joke: What's the difference between a sweet potato fresh out of the oven and a pig thrown off a balcony? One is a heated yam and the other is a yeeted ham
- How is Donald Trump like a jack-o-lantern? They are both orange, round and should be thrown out in early November.
- If you ever get thrown into jail Introduce yourself as the mitochondria...
You're the powerhouse of the cell. - I like my women like I like my coffee. Thrown into a burlap sack and transported illegally across Central America.
- The principal at my school called me in to his office today. He said "I've just had a rock thrown through my window, are you responsible?" No, I'm irresponsible. That's why I threw it.
- Would you believe me… Would you believe me if I told you that I think a dog could retrieve a stick that's been thrown over a mile away? Or would you say that idea is…
far fetched? - What's the difference between a toddler and a Capitol Rioter? Toddlers have more teeth, smell better, and have thrown tantrums for more justified reasons.
- What do a hot potato and a thrown pig have in common? One is a heated yam, and the other is a yeeted ham.
- The Harshest "Yo Mamma" Joke... Yo Mamma is like a bowling ball...
She likes to get picked up, fingered, thrown down a dark alley, then comes back for more. - How is a thrown dictionary similar to birds flying south for winter? They're both flying information.
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Thrown One Liners
Which thrown one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with thrown? I can suggest the ones about tossed and released.
- When is the Bible accurate? When it's thrown from a short distance.
- What do you get when you cross human DNA and goat DNA? Thrown out of the petting zoo
- When is the bible accurate? When thrown from close range
- A guy was thrown into the jail for refusing to take a nap He was resisting a rest
- Why was the Energizer bunny thrown in jail? Because he was charged with battery.
- Why did the insomniac get thrown into jail? He was resisting a rest.
- Why was Cinderella thrown off the basketball team? She ran away from the ball
- The bible is 100% accurate When thrown at a close range...
- Why did the Christmas tree get thrown in prison? Treeson.
- What did the old processor say when it was thrown away? "that megahertz"
- What do you get when you mix human DNA with whale DNA? Thrown out of the aquarium
- "Where would I be without my mom?" Probably, wiped off on a tissue and thrown away
- What do you call NaCl and a 9 volt being thrown at you? Assault and battery.
- What city will you find waffles thrown on the beach? San Diego
- An apple a day keep the doctor away But only if it's thrown hard enough

Delightful Fun Thrown Jokes for a Roaring Good Time
What funny jokes about thrown you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean splash jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make thrown pranks.
I've been thrown in prison for telling dad jokes...
Turns out I wasn't authorised, as I'm not a dad.
But don't worry, I'll be seeking a pa-role.
A man and wife went to a new dance club...
The first song was "The Twist," so they did the twist.
The second song was "The Monster Mash," so they did the monster mash.
The third song was "Come on, Eileen." They were thrown out.
What is the difference between a tennis ball and the Prince of Wales?
One is thrown in the air, and the other is heir to the throne.
Why was Raggedy Ann thrown out of the Toy Box?
She kept sitting on Pinocchio's face, saying "Lie to me!"
Two black guys are walking down the road when they are run over by a drunk-driving cop...
The first guy went through the windshield and the second guy was thrown 50 feet and landed in the ditch.
The first black guy was charged with breaking and entering, and the second guy was charged with leaving the scene of an accident.
So this bloke said to me...
He said " I once got my dog to bring back a stick thrown 100 miles away".
I said "that's a bit far-fetched"
Got thrown out of the theatre during the Superman movie...
... but I was able to sneak back in by putting on glasses.
Give me your best golf joke.
I work with a guy who claims he's heard ever golf joke there is. So far he's been correct, and has known every joke I've thrown his way.
What did the salad say as it was thrown into jail?
"Lettuce Go!"
Got any jokes which can be used every day? Like... When people say I'm cold, you can reply...
Stand in the corner, it's 90 degrees.
What other jokes can be thrown into every day life like that?
A pair of twins have a deal...
They constantly get in trouble with the law for various reasons and are frequently thrown in jail. They don't like staying in jail for too long, so they made a deal: if only one of the twins is arrested and imprisoned, the other twin will sneak in and swap places with them when they have spent half the time served in prison.
It's great to see these twins are so close that they're always finish each other's sentences.
A North Korean soldier runs across the DMZ and yells to the US Army "Kim Jong Un is an idiot!" and gets thrown in a labor camp for 16 years by the government.
1 year for insulting the Dear Leader and the other 15 for revealing a state secret.
Mayweather was boring tonight...
If only they'd have thrown a woman in the ring, we could have seen him fight.
Lucky day for Philadelphia Eagles head coach Chip Kelly.
Philadelphia Eagles head coach Chip Kelly was watching the news when he witnessed something astounding. A young Syrian man had just thrown a hand grenade over 100 yards through the window of a building into a room that housed a s**.... He was so impressed that he had the man found and brought into the states to play for his team.
After a very successful rookie season the young man was discussing his rookie of the year award via telephone with his mother.
She told him that she was proud but living in fear constantly. She continued " your brother was shot twice just in the last few weeks and your sister is regularly the victim of assault. Matters have escalated and life is worse than it has ever been. I will never, ever forgive you for bringing us to Philly."
Why did the physicist at the Hadron Collider get thrown in jail?
Because he was a mass m**...
Measure of Attributes
Endurance is being able withstand having tomatoes thrown at you
Strength is being able to throw a heavy tomato
Agility is being able to dodge thrown tomatoes
Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit
Wisdom is knowing not to put a tomato in a fruit salad
Charisma is being able to sell a tomato-based fruit salad.
What's the difference between an elected official and a piece of garbage?
Garbage gets thrown out.
An experienced customs officer is having a shift on the border
At some point he sees a man pushing a bicycle with a huge sack thrown over the seat. He stops him at the border.
"What do you have in this sack?"
"Well let me check."
The officer opens up the bag and indeed it's full of sand. He searches it throughly, but there's nothing else, so he lets the man go.
The next day the same man shows up, again pushing a bicycle with a huge sack thrown over the seat, and again there was nothing but sand in it.
After a few days of this playing out, the customs officer holds up the man a little longer.
"Listen pal, I've been in this job for 10 years now, I can recognize a smuggler from a mile away. I have no definite proof, but I know you have been taking something past this border and it's driving me crazy. Let's make a deal - you tell me what you are smuggling and I won't stop you any more. So what is it?"
And the man replied.
I went to a dance club last night...
They played "The Twist, " so I twisted.
Then they played "Jump, " so I jumped.
Then they played "Come on eileen, "
....and I got thrown out. :-(
I went to a disco last night (variation)
The DJ said, "Sing with me". I sang with him.
The DJ said, "Put your hands together". I put my hands together while singing along.
The DJ said, "Come on everyone". I was thrown out of the Disco.
An old biker....
was riding down the highway and got into a wreck. His ol' lady was on the back and got thrown. He asked her if she was alright, and she says "I have an 8 inch gash"...He says "I know that but, are you hurt"?
Why were the orphans thrown out of the restaunt
Because it Was a family restraunt
A man throws a dollar coin into a wishing well...
and a genie pops out. The genie tells him "You have thrown the largest money value into this well since it has been built. You may have one wish."
"I want a dragon."
"Are you sure? That's... pretty big, and would probably give me away. Anything else?"
"I want to learn how to fold a fitted sheet."
"...what color dragon do you want?"
I was thrown out of my cloning exam
for copying the kid next to me.
Cast the first stone...
Jesus saw a crowd chasing down a woman to stone her and approached them. "What's going on here, anyway?" he asked.
"This woman was found committing adultery and the law says we should stone her!" one of the crowd responded.
"Wait," yelled Jesus, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
Suddenly, a stone was thrown from out of the sky, and knocked the woman on the side of her head.
"Aw, c'mon, Dad...," Jesus cried, "I'm trying to make a point here!"
A drunk is thrown in jail for public intoxication ...
... The next day he's brought into court and the judge says, "My good man, you've been brought here for drinking." He says, "Alright, judge, let's get started."
Over 600 thousand watches are thrown away each year
I guess you could call it a waste of time.
How is Donald Trump like a pumpkin?
They're both orange on the outside, hollow on the inside, and should have been thrown out in early November.
My parents are really against my candlemaking habit.
One day, I came home, and saw that they had thrown away all of my parrafinalia.
Why did the guitarist get thrown in jail?
He was caught f**... A Minor.
My father has had clocks thrown at him all his life.
Though he's in a great deal of pain, it's nice that he's stood the test of time.
What item can get you thrown off of a United Airlines flight?
A Ticket
I was thrown out of school because my boyfriend filled out my application.
They said I didn't apply myself
I had a terrible night out at the club
I'm not much of a clubber, but I was starting to get the hang of it. They played "Jump Around" and I jumped around, they played "Put Your Hands Up" and I did, everything seemed to be going well. Then they played "Come On Eileen" and I got thrown out...
A phone gets thrown into a jail cell
His cell mate looks at him and asks "what are you being charged with?"
The phone looks smugly at his cell mate and replies "Battery"
An Old Man is thrown out of a bar
A young man who was walking down the street says "Hey Old-Timer, what happened in there". The old man looks at him and says "Well son, I am Jesus Christ". "Jesus Christ?", the young man replied skeptically. "Yes my son, follow me", the old man said as he walked into the bar.
As he enters, the bartender turns around and says "Jesus Christ! not you again!"
It must s**... being raised by gay parents.
Either you get stuck with double the dad jokes or get thrown into an infinite loop of "go ask your mother."
My court case was thrown out when the judge caught me m**...
I guess you can say I got off on a technicality
I slept through a burglary once and it was a fatal mistake.
Next thing I knew I was being thrown in a police van.
What do Trump and a Jack-o-Lantern have in common?
Both are hollow, orange, and need to be thrown out by early November.
A computer is wheeled into a bar
It says, 01101000 01110100 01110100 01110000 01110011 00111010 00101111 00101111 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110100 01110101 00101110 01100010 01100101 00101111 01100100 01010001 01110111 00110100 01110111 00111001 01010111 01100111 01011000 01100011 01010001.
It gets thrown out.
What do pumpkins and Donald Trump have in common?
They're both orange and need to be thrown out in early November.
I grew up in Egypt and was thrown in a river as a baby, but I never believed it.
I was in denial.
Hear about the man who needed to use his fingers and toes to count to 20?
He was thrown out of the casino when he pulled his pants down while playing blackjack
I got thrown out of the cinema for throwing popcorn at the back of people's heads.
I also lost my job behind the popcorn counter.
Why was Gandhi thrown out of the orchestra?
He rejected the violins.
I was thrown out of college for cheating on a metaphysics exam;
I looked into the soul of the guy sitting next to me.
An apple will wake you up quicker than a strong cup of coffee
If it's thrown hard enough.
What do you call a hand grenade that was thrown into a french kitchen?
Linoleum Blownapart
In the onion kingdom, the red onions ruled over all other onions. The red onion King was a well respected ruler. However, one fateful day, the spring onions rebelled.
As the red onion King was thrown from his dais, he turned to the leader of the rebellion. "You'll never truly be King! You're nothing but a shallot-on!"
A elastic band is thrown into a t**... chamber,
A man comes up to him grabs him and stretches the elastic band out until he is just about to break,
The man stares the rubber band in the eyes,
You have so much potential
If I've been awake too long...
Could I be thrown in jail for resisting a rest?
An Irishman was thrown out of a pub, but hit a wall and bounced straight back in.
His name was Rick O'Shea
A guy gets thrown out of a bar.
Two priests approach the guy that was thrown out. He looks at the first priest and says, "I'm Jesus Christ." The first priest shakes his head.
The guy looks at the second priest and says, "I'm Jesus Christ." The second priest also shakes his head.
"Okay, let me prove it to you." The guy walks back into the bar.
The bartender says, "Jesus Christ, you're back already?"
I don't like making plans for the day
Because then the word "premeditated" gets thrown around the courtroom.
I got thrown out of the amputee club for having all of my limbs
In my opinion that was an unfair dismemberment
My 2-year-old wouldn't come out of the carnival bounce house, so the attendant had to go in and get him
I really thought I wouldn't have to worry about him getting thrown out of places by bouncers until he got older.
What's the difference between a prince and a booger?
A prince is the heir the throne, a booger is thrown to the air.
What do you call a loyalist in the 1760s who had black sticky stuff thrown on them for a second time?
An employee's only job was to throw away M&M's that weren't perfect. His boss came to check on him, and found he had thrown away almost half of the M&M's. When asked why, the employee replied...
A lot of them had W's instead of M's, so I threw them out.
If I ever get thrown in jail
I ain't finishing my sent-
A truck driver sees a n**... man tied to a tree off to the side of the road.
He pulls his rig to the side and approaches the man. The man says to him, "Oh, thank God you're here. I pulled into a gas station to get some gas. I was robbed at gun point, thrown into the trunk of my car and then driven here. Then they stripped me of all of my clothes, took my wedding ring and drove off."
The truck driver shook his head, lowered his fly and said, "This just isn't your day, is it."
What's the difference between a warm yam and a thrown pig?
One is a heated yam, the other is a yeeted ham.
What's the difference between mistletoe and c**...?
No joke here. I'm asking early. Just tired of getting thrown out of Christmas parties.