Thrift Store Jokes
28 thrift store jokes and hilarious thrift store puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about thrift store that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Thrift Store Short Jokes
Short thrift store jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The thrift store humour may include short thrift jokes also.
- I tried donating two classic board games to a thrift store, but they said they could only take one. I asked which one they wanted and they said... Sorry. We don't want any Trouble.
- A new thrift store just opened up in my town, and all proceeds go to Parkinson's research... you get a 10% discount if you do the secret hand shake.
- Did you here about the 99c thrift store that changed to everything for one dollar? Everything else stayed the same, so there's no change there.
- What do you call a cow who's had an abortion? Decaffeinated.
Complements of a thrift store find 'Truly Tasteless Jokes Two'. This was one of the mild ones. - I bought a thesaurus from a thrift store. When I got home I opened it and every single page was completely blank. I have no words to describe my anger.
- I went to thrift store in search of a particular movie I was goodwill hunting Good Will Hunting
- Just went to the thrift store and purchased all the books they had. Guess I should start test driving my Ferrari.
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Thrift Store One Liners
Which thrift store one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with thrift store? I can suggest the ones about dollar store and clothing store.
- There was a fire yesterday at my local thrift store A person died of secondhand smoke
- What's it called when Matt Damon goes searching for a thrift store? Goodwill hunting
- What do you call cigarettes from a thrift store? Second hand smokes.
- Why did the caveman amputee go to the thrift store? To buy second hand
- So I picked up a couple prosthetics for cheap at the thrift store They were second-hand
- Have you guys seen the new thrift store that opened downtown? It's called On The Rag.
- What do divorced women and thrift stores have in common? Nothing....but used goods.
- Where do hipsters buy their clothes? Most likely a thrift store or Urban Outfitters, TBH.
- Why did the old man buy his wig at the thrift store? Because he didn't want toupee.
- I bought an old used vacuum from the thrift store... At least it s**....
Thrift Store Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about thrift store you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean target store jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make thrift store pranks.
Our family never could afford much nice for Christmas...
So one year I told my mom "I just want something I can play with." She said ok, went to the local thrift store to find me something, got me a good old used pair of overalls about my size and cut me a hole in the right pocket.