
Thinner Jokes

41 thinner jokes and hilarious thinner puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about thinner that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Are you looking for thinner jokes? Read this article to find out jokes that make fun of being thinner than, including blood thinner, paint thinner, and weaker than jokes. The jokes in this article are sure to make you laugh and reduce fat if you are feeling fatter than.

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Funniest Thinner Short Jokes

Short thinner jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The thinner humour may include short thicker jokes also.

  1. Why did Mike Tyson hire the Devil as his weight loss trainer? He said he wanted to be a little thinner.
  2. have you ever heard of the garlic and onions diet? you eat garlic and onions only for a week, you don't get much thinner but people will stay far away from you so you seem smaller.
  3. TV's are getting thinner and peope are getting fatter So the distance between the two is still the same
  4. As technology gets lighter, thinner, and faster... People get heavier, thicker, and slower.
  5. Why do celebrities want to be Arctic sea-ice? Because it's getting younger, thinner and more media attention year after year.
  6. Why did the diet coach send her . . Why did the diet coach send her clients to the paint store?
    She heard you could get thinner there.
  7. Why did Bob Ross take his brushes washed in odorless thinner to Pastor Eric Dammann? So he could beat the devil out of them.
  8. What do sports cars wear to look thinner? A Corvette
  9. Toilet paper is like condoms The thinner it is the riskier, but when it breaks it feels so much better.
  10. How did the painter lose weight? He took paint thinners

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Thinner One Liners

Which thinner one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with thinner? I can suggest the ones about thinly and fatter.

  1. Book, you look so much thinner! I know! I had my appendix removed!
  2. Why are there no fat painters? Because they all went to the paint store to get thinner
  3. What do a haunted gypsum mine and paint thinner have in common? Mineral Spirits
  4. Then I said "your beard makes you look thinner" ...but that didn't seem to cheer her up
  5. I went down to the paint store to get thinner It didn't work.
  6. Paint thinner is a great palette cleanser… But a terrible palate cleanser.
  7. The thinner you are, the less you contribute to pollution. Because less waist.
  8. Phones are getting thinner and smarter People are getting fatter and dumber
  9. How does the Mona Lisa stay in shape. Paint thinner.
  10. Why go to the paint store when you're on a diet? You can get thinner there
  11. What's going to be thinner than the IPhone 8? Apples ideas.
  12. What kind of line gets thicker and thinner at the same time? A line of marathon runners
  13. There is no I in team Because Apple made it thinner.
  14. The stock market has been looking thinner lately. It's lost several Pounds.
  15. Phones are getting thinner and smarter.
    People, not so much.

Thinner Than Jokes

Here is a list of funny thinner than jokes and even better thinner than puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Why do they keep making TVs thinner and thinner? To keep up with the content.
  • On November 11th 1918, a peace of people was made thinner than a piece of paper.
  • Have you heard of the new all garlic diet? You don't lose weight, but people do look thinner from a distance.
  • I once saw a fat guy covered in paint. Would of never happened if he was thinner.
  • Did you hear that Apple are building an electric car? They will making it lighter and thinner.
  • Why get thinner when you can get more dinner?
  • What's thinner than the ice that my incredibly s**... active roommate is on? The wall between our rooms.
Thinner joke, What's thinner than the ice that my incredibly s**... active roommate is on?

Cheerful Fun Thinner Jokes to Brighten Your Day with Humor and Joy

What funny jokes about thinner you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean tighter jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make thinner pranks.

A man decides to visit Germany with his dog for 2 weeks.

He wishes to experience German culture during the winter. So, he visits an ice rink. As soon as the man steps foot on the ice, the dog darts forward, excited about his new surroundings. The dog proceeds to fall through a thinner patch of ice. The man leaps forward to save his dog, but another man dives in and pulls the dog to safety. The German man explains he is a nearby resident who saw what was about to happen. The other man, realizing his dog will need help as soon as he can get asks,
"Are you a vet?"
The German man replies, "Vet? I am soaking!"

Thinner joke, What kind of line gets thicker and thinner at the same time?