
Theoretic Jokes

7 theoretic jokes and hilarious theoretic puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about theoretic that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Experience Instant Grins & Giggles with Playful Theoretic Jokes

What is a good theoretic joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

TIL Albert Einstein was a real person.

I had always thought he was only a theoretical physicist.

I only recently found out that Albert Einstein was a real person..

All this time I thought he was only a theoretical physicist

TIL Albert Einstein really existed

I thought he was a theoretical physicist.

I was today years old when I found out Albert Einstein was actually a real person...

I thought he was just a *theoretical* physicist!

I just found out Albert Einstein was a real person

All this time I thought he was a theoretical physicist

My friend found out that Albert Einstein was a real guy

He thought he was just a theoretical physicist

What do you call a group of well-dressed theoretical physicists?

A bunch of Feynman

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