Terribly Stupid Jokes
4 terribly stupid jokes and hilarious terribly stupid puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about terribly stupid that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Terribly Stupid Funny Jokes to Tell Your Friends and Kids.
What is a good terribly stupid joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
People are always saying Americans are fat, violent, and above all else, s**...
But every time I see one of those statistics maps about how terrible we are, there's this little country on the northwest border of Canada that's just as bad as we are.
Knock Knock
\-Who's there?
\-Daisy who?
\~Daisy me rollin'!
I know it's terrible but my aunt named Daisy just came up with this and I thought it was so s**... it made it funny and wanted to share.
Tim and Jack were argueing in class
Time and Jack were arguing in class when suddenly the teacher comes in and scolds them
"Now boys, I will show each of you humility, the both of you must compliment the other in front of the class" said the teacher
Tim goes first by saying, "I'm sorry Jack, I will never be as good at art as you"
Jack knows this is sarcasm as his art is terrible, so he replies, "I'm sorry Tim, you will always know more things than I do"
This catches the teacher's curiosity so she asks "Can you name one of those things?"
To which Jack replies "I will never know what it's like to be so s**..."
Bad weather
There was this guy who went golfing every Saturday and Sunday, it didn't matter what kind of weather it was. He was hooked
One Saturday he left the house early and headed for the golf course, but it was so bitter cold that he decided he wouldn't golf that day and went back home.
His wife was still in bed when he got there, so he took off his clothes and snuggled up to his wife and said "Terrible weather out there."
She replied, "Yeah, and can you believe my s**... husband went golfing."
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