Terrible Animal Jokes
13 terrible animal jokes and hilarious terrible animal puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about terrible animal that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Terrible Animal Short Jokes
Short terrible animal jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The terrible animal humour may include short bad animal jokes also.
- I'm terrible with animals. I had a dog once. The first time I left him alone, he chewed up all my furniture, pooped everywhere, and starved.to death.
- Europeans use too many gyros for the s**... of animals. Let's alert PITA. That was a terrible pun. I falafel.
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Terrible Animal One Liners
Which terrible animal one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with terrible animal? I can suggest the ones about terrible and wild animal.
- Even if it wasn't cursed, a monkey paw is a terrible gift.
Terrible Animal Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about terrible animal you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean kid animal jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make terrible animal pranks.
I called animal Welfare today and said, "I've just found a suitcase in the woods containing four kittens."
That's terrible," she replied, "We're they moving?
I'm not sure, to be honest," I said, "but if they were that would explain the suitcase.
A man was in a terrible accident, and his wife asked for his prognosis
Well, Mrs. Smith, your husband went into a short period of suspended animation.
Oh my God! He went into a Coma?
No, it was for only a few seconds. I'd call it more of a comma.
Reverse joke challenge
This is a game I came up with, the rules are pretty simple:
Post a question in the form of: "What do you call an (animal) with a (object)?" And I (or someone else) will respond with a laffy taffy quality pun as a response. This creates a new terrible joke as a result!
Keep in mind these take me a long time to "solve" but I can almost always come up with a passable answer.
For example:
Q: What do you call a polar bear with a banana?
A: A peeler bear.
Are they moving?
A man called his local animal control as he was walking through the woods-
Animal Control: Thanks for calling, how can we help you?
Man: I was walking through the woods and I found a suitcase in the bush, and inside was a Fox and 4 cubs.
Animal Control: Oh no, thats terrible. Are they moving?
Man: I don't know to be honest, but that would explain the suitcase.
3 animals are accused of a terrible crime. Sally the pig, Juan the eagle, and Carl the otter. A famous detective is brought in to investigate. He interrogates all 3 suspects and immediately decides it's not the pig. But why?
It's always Juan or the otter
A snail entered a police station and told an officer, "I just got mugged by two turtles. They beat me up and took all my money!" The officer replied, "Why that's terrible. Did you get a good look at them?" "No sir, it all happened so fast!"
a man knocks on a lady's door and said
'i'm terribly sorry miss but i ran over your cat,. because i'm responsible of its death i would like to replace your cat ' and the lady said ' thank You so how are you at you at catching mice then?'
A woman answered the doorbell with a man standing on her porch. The man said, "I'm terribly sorry. I just ran over your cat and I would like to replace it for you." The woman replied, "Well that's alright with me, but how are you at catching mice?"
Since we're doing translated jokes: here's a Greek one my father used to tell
An old man had a donkey that helped him with his daily duties. As the times got harder, the old man realized that he needed to do something about his financial situation. He had the idea to gradually reduce the amount of food he gave to the donkey.
Every day the meals of the donkey got smaller and smaller. A month has passed and the old man stopped feeding the donkey entirely. The poor animal died obviously.
Upon finding the dead donkey the old man exclaimed regretfully: "What terrible luck, as soon as that a**... learned not to need any food it died!".