Teepee Wigwam Jokes
34 teepee wigwam jokes and hilarious teepee wigwam puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about teepee wigwam that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Teepee Wigwam Short Jokes
Short teepee wigwam jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The teepee wigwam humour may include short teepee tent jokes also.
- I was talking with a guy and he kept saying "I'm teepee I'm a wigwam." I said " relax man you're two tents."
- A guy run up to me and started yelling, "I'm a teepee! I'm a wigwam!"
I said, "Calm down, man. You're too tense." - A woman asks a psychiatrist what is wrong with her husband, who keeps saying over and over "I'm a teepee, I'm a wigwam." "Easy diagnosis", the doctor says. "He's too tense."
- I told my doctor I wasn't sleeping well. I told him that sometimes I dream that I am a wigwam, and sometimes I dream that I am a teepee. He said, Well there's your problem, you're too tense.
- A guy walks into a psychiatrist's office and exclaims "I'm a teepee! I'm a wigwam! I'm a teepee! I'm a wigwam!" Psychiatrist says "Calm down! You're two tents!"
- I keep having this reoccurring dream Every night I dream I'm constantly changing between being a teepee and a wigwam. I went to the doctor and he told me "Calm down kid, you're two tents.".
- Stressed Out A guy walked up to me and said 'I'm a teepee, I'm a wigwam, I'm a teepee, I'm a wigwam!' and I said 'Relax man, you're two tents!
- I went to the doctor, i told them most times i feel like a wigwam but then other times i feel like a teepee. They said I'm two tents.
- I went to my Dr. the other day and said doc last night I dreamt I was a tee-pee, and the next night I dreamt I was a wig-wam He said relax you're two tents
- Last night I dreamed I was a Teepee, and the night before that I dreamed I was a Wigwam. My wife says I'm two tents.
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Teepee Wigwam One Liners
Which teepee wigwam one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with teepee wigwam? I can suggest the ones about wigwam and camping tent.
- Doctor! I think I'm a teepee and a wigwam! Here is a prescription for antipsychotics.
Teepee Wigwam Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about teepee wigwam you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean igloo jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make teepee wigwam pranks.
I told my therapist about two dreams I had this past week. On Monday, I dreamed I was a teepee. On Tuesday, I dreamed I was a wigwam.
He said, You have to try to relax, It looks like you're two tents.
A guy goes to see the doctor...
He says, "Doc, you gotta help me! I keep having these weird dreams! Last night I dreamed I was a Tee-pee and the night before that I dreamed I was a Wigwam."
The doctor looks at him thoughtfully and then says, "I think I see your problem. You're two tents."
Man walks into a psychologists office and says "Doc. You gotta help Me! I'm having these terrible dreams!"
Doc asks the guy "what happens in these bad dreams?"
The guy says "Sometimes I'm a teepee, then I'm a wigwam, then a teepee, then a wigwam, teepee, wigwam, teepee, wigwam. It's all night! I can't take it!"
Doc says "you've got to calm down. You're too tense."
Confused man sees a psychiatrist
A man goes to see a psychiatrist.
"Doc, you gotta help me. I'm a teepee. No wait, I'm a wigwam. No, I'm definitely a teepee. Actually, I'm pretty sure I'm a wigwam. Nah, I'm for sure a teepee. But actually, I'm 100% certain I'm a wigw-...."
"Stop, stop. Just stop right there, I already know what your problem is. You're two tents...."
A guy visits his psychiatrist
"Doc, I keep having these alternating recurring dreams. First I'm a teepee, then I'm a wigwam, then I'm a teepee, then I'm a wigwam. It's driving me crazy. What's wrong with me?"
The doctor replies, "It's very simple. You're two tents."
A man goes to see a psychiatrist...
"Doctor, I feel like I'm going crazy! It's this constant back and forth: I'm a teepee, I'm a wigwam, I'm a teepee, I'm a wigwam. What am I supposed to do!?"
"Relax" Says the psychiatrist, "You're two tents"
A guy goes to his psychiatrist . . .
And he tells him, "doc, something is wrong with me. Every night I fall asleep and I am awakened by one of two alternating dreams; one night I'm a teepee, and the next night I'm a wigwam. You gotta help me, doc, it's driving me crazy!"
The doctor thinks for a minute, then looks up at the man and says, "you're two tents."
Guy walks into a psychiatrist's office....
stammering over and over "I'm a teepee I'm a wigwam, I'm a teepee I'm a wigwam..."
.... The psychiatrist says calmly, "settle down you're too tents (tense)...
Recurring dreams
A man goes to a psychiatrist and says Dr. you have to help me, I keep having these recurring dreams. One night I dream that I am a wigwam and the next night I dream I am a teepee. It alternates one night wigwam, one night teepee. . The psychiatrist says I think I know what your problem is. You are too tense.
A native American indian is talking to his psychiatrist
He tells him "Doc, I dont know what is wrong with me. One moment I think I'm a teepee, the next I think I'm a wigwam."
The doctor says "Ah, I think I see your problem. You're too tense."
Man goes to a therapist. Says, "Doctor, every night I have the same dream, first I'm a teepee, then I'm a wigwam. Over and over again, all night long. What does it mean?"
Therapist replies, "Simple. You're two tents."
The recurring dream
An old man sought out advice from his therapist about his troubling recurring dreams.
One night I'm a wigwam, the next night I'm a teepee.
Relax, said the therapist, you're two tents.
A man on a plane started shouting hysterically:
"I'm a teepee I'm a wigwam! I'm a teepee I'm a wigwam! I'm a teepee I'm a wigwam! I'm a teepee I'm a wigwam!..." nobody could get him to stop. Finally the flight attendant went over to him. She said "calm down, you're two tents."
Patient: Doctor, doctor I don't know what's wrong with me. Sometimes I think I am a wigwam and sometimes I think I'm a teepee.
Doctor: Relax Mr. Robinson, you're two tents.
A man went to his therapist, freaking out that he'd dreamt he was a teepee one night and a wigwam the next.
The doctor told him, "Calm down. You're too tense."
In the shrinks office...
* jack paces around muttering "I'm a wig-Wam; I'm a tee-pee. I'm a wig-wam; I'm a tee-pee." Shrink urges, "you need to take a seat, you're too tents."
* meanwhile the receptionist presses the emergency button because a deranged man walked in wearing nothing but a plastic wrap thong. Shrink asks through the intercom, "why do you think he's deranged?" The receptionist responds, "Doc, I can clearly see he's nuts."
I was having the same dreams every night, so I went to see the doctor...
The doctor asked me to describe the dreams.
So I said, "Well, one night I'll have a dream that I'm a teepee... the next night I'll have a dream that I'm a wigwam. The next I'll be a teepee. Then a wigwam. Teepee, wigwam, TEEPEE, WIGWAM!"
The doctor said, "Woah, calm down! You're two tents!"
A man goes to his doctor...
The man says, "I'm a teepee! I'm a wigwam! I'm a teepee! I'm a wigwam! I'm a teepee! I'm a wigwam!"
The doctor says, "Calm down man, you're two tents!"
Patient: Doc, I keep having this dream.
First I'm a teepee; then I'm a wigwam; then I'm a teepee; then I'm a wigwam. It's driving me crazy. What's wrong with me? Doctor: You're two tents.
A man frantically walks into the doctor's office...
...and begins to shout, "I'm a teepee! I'm a wigwam! I'm a teepee! I'm a wigwam!"
"Calm down, calm down!" The doctor says.
"You're two tents!"
A guy goes to the psychiatrist and says
"I'm a wigwam I'm a teepee, I'm a wigwam I'm a teepee."
The doctor says "calm down, you're two tents.
A man goes to the doctor...
he tells the doc I keep having re-occurring nightmares. Some nights I'm a tee-pee, some nights I'm a wigwam, tee-pee, wigwam, tee-pee, wigwam...
The Doc said "Oh this is easy you're just two tense." (two tents)
A man walks into a Doctor's office screaming, "I'm a wigwam, I'm a TeePee, I'm a wigwam, I'm a TeePee!"
The Doctor Says, "You're too Tense"