
Tear Gas Jokes

8 tear gas jokes and hilarious tear gas puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about tear gas that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Tear Gas Funny Jokes to Tell Your Friends and Kids.

What is a good tear gas joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

What happens when you eat beans with onions?

tear gas!
(Written by my 9 yr old son)

What do you get when you mix beans and onions?

Tear gas

what can u make with onions and baked beans?

tear gas

What do you get if you eat onions and refried beans?

Tear Gas

How do you make a protester cry?

Tear gas

During winter break, I visited Paris...

My mother, a fan of operas, brought me to experience one. The performance was phenomenal. Audience members were crying. I'll admit I shed a tear, but when I left the opera house, I found more people crying too! At first, I thought the music could be heard from outside, but it turns out, it was just the tear gas down the street.

What happens when you f**... through your eyes?

Tear gas.

One day a magical frog sees a bear chasing after a rabbit for dinner.

In an attempt to bring peace to his magical forest, the frog hops up to the two and promises them 3 wishes each if they stop this violence. After both animals agreed, the frog chooses the bear to state his first wish, first.
After thinking for a while, the bear says, "I wish for all the bears in this forest to be female except me."
Next is the rabbit's turn, "I wish for a motorcycle helmet," he says.
The bear laughed, what an idiotic wish to make he thought to himself.
The bear then says, "I wish for all the bears in this country to be female except me."
The rabbit next says, "I wish for a motorcycle that requires no gas."
The bear, almost tearing from laughter, says, "You could have wished for money to get those two things!"
He then proceeds to make his final wish, after thinking for a while, he says to the frog, "I wish for all the bears in the world to be female except for me!"
He smiles smugly.
The rabit then puts on his helmet, hops on his motorcycle, grins to the bear and says, "I wish for this bear to be gay."

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