Teamwork Jokes
7 teamwork jokes and hilarious teamwork puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about teamwork that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Hilarious Fun Teamwork Jokes That Will Have You Rolling with Laughter
What is a good teamwork joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
There is no I in team
But there is an EA so you can pay $2.99 for the teamwork upgrade.
Teamwork and collaboration are important
They help to put the blame on someone else.
Why don't they cooperate at Disney Pixar?
Because teamwork makes the Dreamwork(s)
How Putin ruined the ego of swingers everywhere
Vladimir Putin: Some people say that group s**... is better than s**... as a pair - because I guess, like with any teamwork, one can dodge being good at it.
What did the snowman eat for breakfast?
Frosted snow flakes.
My 4.5 y/o son came up with this joke, but his punch line was "snow flakes". I added the "frosted". Teamwork.
Interviewer:So what are some of your good qualities?
Man:Well , I can asure I am hardworking, good with teamwork, diligent, and of course trustable.
Interviewer:Amazing, what about your bad qualities do you have one?
Man:I do have ,I like to lie.
My parents always told me that teamwork makes the dream work!
I mean they're divorced now but it worked for a while
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