
Tasteless Jokes

50 tasteless jokes and hilarious tasteless puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about tasteless that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

A hilarious read on tasteless jokes, perfect for breaking the awkward silence. Discover new, unspoken versions of classic jokes, as well as tasteless covid jokes, tasteless Easter jokes, tasteless Thanksgiving jokes, tasteless Irish jokes, Jonestown jokes and more. A must-read for anyone looking for something a little different, a little tacky and a lot of laughs.

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Funniest Tasteless Short Jokes

Short tasteless jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The tasteless humour may include short heartless jokes also.

  1. My sense of humor is a lot like COVID Tasteless, not good for large groups, and anyone who gets it is pretty sick.
  2. A tasteless joke. People who can't hear are called deaf.
    People who can't see are called blind.
    People who can't talk are called mute.
    What do you call people that can't taste food?
  3. My humor is a lot like Covid… It's tasteless, not meant for large crowds, and if you get it, you're pretty sick.
  4. And the lord said 'take this all of you and eat it, this is my body which will be given up for you" and Gordon Ramsay replied bland, dry, and tasteless."
  5. I was going to buy my friend a bottle of water for Christmas. And then I realized, that would be tasteless.
  6. I was going to make up a joke about Covid But then I realized it would be pretty tasteless.
  7. What do you call a man with no arms and no legs hanging from your living room wall? Art.
    What if he also had no tongue?
    Tasteless art.
  8. I made a very tasteless joke at an alopecia convention... ...fortunately it didn't raise any eyebrows.
  9. I'm strongly against elephant poaching. It makes the meat stringy and tasteless, roasting at a medium heat for 40 minutes per pound yields a much better result.
  10. Tasteless V D humor Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    I've got a hard on
    You know what to do

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Tasteless One Liners

Which tasteless one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with tasteless? I can suggest the ones about poor taste and pointless.

  1. I'd make a COVID joke. But it would be tasteless.
  2. This one is a little tasteless, so be forewarned. Water.
  3. I made an coronavirus joke while eating turkey. It was tasteless.
  4. I would make a joke about COVID... But it's pretty tasteless.
  5. Holocaust jokes arent funny anne frankly, I think they're tasteless.
  6. Decided against a joke about tofu It was tasteless
  7. COVID jokes aren't funny. They're just downright tasteless.
  8. I've had enough of all the COVID-19 jokes They are all tasteless
  9. I made a Corona virus joke the other day People said it was tasteless.
  10. I would tell you a Corona joke. But it's tasteless.
  11. Yo momma's so tasteless She could be served on an airplane.
  12. Warning: Tasteless joke Glass of water.
  13. A coworker made a joke about carbon monoxide poisoning… I told him it was tasteless
  14. I like making jokes about vegetarians... but never about tofu, that's just tasteless.
  15. Ok, this one is a bit tasteless. So proceed with caution. Water.

Tasteless Covid Jokes

Here is a list of funny tasteless covid jokes and even better tasteless covid puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • I served a p**... of chili to a table of anti vaxxers and jokingly told them it could double as a covid test. They thought it was a bit tasteless.
Tasteless joke, I served a p**... of chili to a table of anti vaxxers and jokingly told them it could double as a co

The Funniest Tasteless Jokes for a Bone-Shaking Laugh

What funny jokes about tasteless you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean bad taste jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make tasteless pranks.

I was at a hospital, talking to some patients.

I tried to lighten the mood with a coronavirus joke. Barely anyone reacted at first, but eventually everyone got it. However, the Chinese guy got it right off the bat. Some people have called my joke tasteless, however. It really killed the mood. But I bet the British variation of this joke will spread much quicker!

I just learned from a LPT that if you peel a banana from the bottom all those tasteless fibery strands come off with the peel. Since it works so well I asked my kids if they wanted a banana...

No strings attached

After a group of scientists invented a tasteless o**... ingestible Covid vaccine they had a meeting to decide which products would be best to put it in to get to finally get to 100% coverage in America.

Ranch dressing will get 98% and Horse dewormer paste to cover the last 2%

Tasteless Joke

Whats the hardest part about r**... a deaf girl?
Breaking her fingers so she doesn't tell anyone.

[Tasteless] Lost my great uncle in the Holocaust

d**... fell off the guard tower.

What's tasteless and usually drunk at breakfast?

Lindsay Lohan.

Why did the comedian without a tongue lose his job?

All his jokes were a bit tasteless.

People always name Jell-o by its color rather than the flavor.

I think that's a little tasteless.

Tasteless joke, People always name Jell-o by its color rather than the flavor.

jokes about tasteless